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Seizures are a temporary and sudden change
of behavior that is the result of abnormal
electrical activity in the brain.
If disruption of electrical activity is limited to
certain areas of the brain, it can cause seizures
that are partial, but if disruption of electrical
activity occurs in all areas of the brain it can
cause convulsions that are general
Idiopathic or arising from unknown cause Cerebral Infection
Cryptogenic or arising from an a. Bacterial or viral meningitis.
alleged cause the unknown or b. Encephalitis
unclear c. Brain abscess
Symptoms or arising from known Atypical febrile seizures
brain abnormalities
Cerebral trauma with loss of Genetic factors, such as abnormal
consciousness. In general, there is no chromosomes
risk if the loss of consciousness is less Cerebral blood vessel disorders, such
than 30 minutes. as:
Space Occupaying lesions haemorrhagic and thrombosis
a. Brain tumor Hypoxic acidosis
b. Malformation of the venous artery Family history
c. Subdural hematoma
d. Neurofibromatosis
The basis of epileptic seizures is impaired
function of brain neurons and transmission of
synapses. There are two types of
neurotransmitters, namely excitatory
neurotransmitters that facilitate the
depolarization of electrical charges and inhibitory
neurotransmitters (inhibitively to the distribution
of nerve electrical activity in the synapse) that
leads to hyperpolarization so that the neuron
cells are more stable and not easily discharge
neurotransmitter-neurotransmitter excitation:
nglutamate, aspartate, norepinephrine and
neurotransmitter inhibition: gamma amino
butyric acid (GABA) and glycine.
Old age: auscultate in the neck area to detect
vascular disease
Skin examination: neurokutaneus syndrome
Tongue bite marks when seizure
Ginggival hyperplasia due to phenytoin
Neurological examination: Mental status, Gait,
coordination, cranial nerve, motor and sensory
function, tendon reflexes.
Signs of neurological deficits
Anti-epileptic drugs (AED) therapy, the main
treatment for most patients, has four
objectives: to eliminate seizures or reduce
their frequency to the maximum possible
level, to avoid side effects associated with
long-term treatment, and to assist patients in
maintaining or restoring their psychosocial
activities, and in maintaining the stability of
their daily lives.

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