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Tuesday 20th June 2017

Learning Objectives:

1.Present information in non-

linear form – tables and
2.Expand notes and outlines
3.Write an email
Success Criteria
I will be able to:
1.Present information from a table
into graphic organizer (i-Think Maps
/ Fishbone).
2.Expand notes and outlines.
3.Write an email to a friend.
Complete the table with the
information from the text.
Reduce Sweet Eat Breakfast Healthy Choose
Drink Intake Daily Cooking Healthier
Method Food
Presenting information from the table in
graphic organizer (i-Think Maps / Fishbone)
Study the question

 Use the notes from the i-Think maps/fishbone to complete the task
Your friend wants to start practising good eating habits.
He/She asks you to give him/her some tips . In 50 words, write an
email to your friend.

In your email :

 List the options he/she should do

 Expand the notes and outlines given
 You may use the information in the leaflet
 Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.
The Format of An Email
Recipient email
Your email

Body / contents

Complete the framework
Write the email

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