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Knights of the
Altar Seminar
November 18, 2017
9:00-9:25……………………………………... Parts of the Mass
9:25-10:00……………………………………. Rules, Roles, Duties &
(Proper Gestures, grooming, behavior, positions etc.)
10:00-10:30………………………………..… The Sacred Vessels and
10:30-10:55………………………………….. Liturgical Celebration &
their Colors
10:55-12:00………………………………….. Execution
The Parts of the Mass
I. Introductory Rites
Entrance Song
Penitential Act
Kyrie Eleison
The Gloria
II. The Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
The Homily
The Creed
The Prayers of the Faithful
III. The Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Preparation of the Altar & Gifts
Prayer over the Gifts
The Eucharistic Prayer
Preface Dialogue
Memorial Acclamation
Doxology and Great Amen
IV. The Communion Rite
The Lord’s Prayer
Sign of Peace
Breaking of the Bread
Period of Silence
Prayer after Communion
V. The Concluding Rites
Final Blessing
Recessional & Closing Song of Praise
What is an Altar Server?
In general, an altar server is a lay assistant who
renders supportive functions during liturgical services
in Church. In particular, an altar server is a lay
person, a man or woman, a boy or girl, who has
been deputed (authorized) to assist the priest during
the Mass and other liturgical ceremonies.
Roles of Altar Servers
Altar Server fulfill a very important ministry in
liturgy. Their service adds to the orderly and
prayerful o the assembly. The primary role of the
altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration
of the liturgy of the Mass. This is done through
specific actions and by setting an example to the
congregation of active participation in the liturgy
(hymns, responses, etc.), by looking alert and sitting
or standing at the appropriate times.
Functions of Altar Servers
In general functions of the Altar Servers: Carry the
cross, processional candles, hold the book for the
priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the
censer and incense , present the bread wine, and
water to the priest during the preparation of the
gifts, or assist him when he receives the gifts from the
people, wash the hands of the priest, and assist the
priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.
Duties of Altar Servers
Altar Server must attend the Mass that they been
scheduled. They must report 15 minutes before the Mass.
When a server cannot be present he or she must
arrange for a replacement. Altar Servers are on duty
from the time they enter the sanctuary at the start of
Mass until they finish clean-up after the end of Mass.
During the Mass their duty station is the sanctuary and a
server may not leave the sanctuary except as directed
by a priest, deacon or due to bodily necessity.
1. How do you hold your hands?
2. How do you take a seat?
3. How do you take a bow?
- Head bow
- Profound bow
4. When and how many times do we strike our chest?
- During Confiteor (after the words “I have sinned
through my own fault) and the Agnus Dei.
- Only ONCE.
5. Walking should be graceful and smooth.
6. When ministers are walking together, they
should seem to move in UNISON.
7. Servers should turn toward each other—not
away from one another.
8. When you kneel, your body should be upright
and your hands should be in front of your
chest, well above your waist.
8. Always stand up straight with both feet firmly
on the floor six to eight inches apart. This will
give you balance and comfort at the same time.
9. During Mass always look towards the place
where the action is happening: the celebrant’s
chair, the ambo or the altar. When a reader is
reading the scriptures, you should be looking
at the reader.
10.Keep your attention on the presider in case he
is in need of your assistance.
1. Clean Cut (for boys)
2. For Girls, tie your hair properly (bun/puto
3. Proper Nail cut
4. Servers should not wear rings, earrings, or
bracelets (including the rubber or string type).
5. Light make up (girls)
6. Wear a white plane shirt and slacks.
7. Always wear black shoes.
8. Do not wear a cross necklace which can
be seen outside.
9. Servers must wash hands and clean
fingernails before mass.
10. As an important reminder, do not eat
too much prior to the holy mass.
1. Minimize your voice inside the sacristy.
2. BE SILENT while the mass is ongoing!—
except when making the proper responses,
you will be silent at all times. You do not
want to distract the Priest or congregation
by whispering to the other Altar Servers.
3. Always obey and show respect to your leader
and moderator.
4. Pay respect to the priest.

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