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Effects of Violence in

the Lives of Children

Daniel Hertzberg & Anna Ryder

- Exposure to Domestic Violence can include:

- Hearing a threat, even when physical violence does not occur
- Hearing or seeing a physical altercation or assault
- Handling the aftermath → calling the police, going to a hospital, handling any fallout, etc.
- Being aware of the tension in the home contributes to the effects on children

- Domestic Violence can be included under the umbrella of Intimate Partner Violence
- Also includes dating violence, sexual violence, and partner abuse
- All of these can be traumatizing to witnessing children

- Chronic violence
- Repeated, consistently perpetuated violence over time
- Poses even higher risks for witnessing children
- 3-4 million children between the ages of 3-17 are at risk for exposure to domestic violence
- Children who witness Domestic Violence are at an increased risk for being abused themselves

- 95% of domestic violence cases involve women victims with male partners

- Rural-Urban-Suburban Divide
- Rural → More likely to stay in the relationship, less likely to disclose or seek help, and more likely that drugs
and/or alcohol play a large part in the abuse
- Urban → More likely to report via police instead of a lawyer, more resources are available, higher rates of
partner homicide occur in disadvantaged counties.
- Suburban → Veil of Silence; elevated social status, education levels, and income contribute to higher rates of
self-blame, shame, and a lack of familial support.
- Systems Warfare: utilizing legal and financial systems for further mainpulation
Instilling Fear
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence - Effects
Many children demonstrate increased depression,
anxiety, self-harm, a deficient ability to learn, poor
concentration, and a generalized irritability.

Case 1
● Zoning / numbing out
● Blaming themselves
● Brain development
Adverse Effects on Brain Development
Child-Witnessed Domestic Violence

● Midbrain

● Limbic System

● Cortex / Prefrontal Cortex

● Corpus Callosum

● Cerebellum
Attachment & Behavior Issues
Longitudinal Study on the Effects of Child Abuse
and Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence
Waves of study
1. 457 children=average age 4
2. Four years later=average age 8
3. Ten years after adolescents=average age 18
*416 were reevaluated in adolescence

Four groups
A. No-violence exposure group.
B. Domestic violence exposure only group
C. Child abuse only group
D. Exposure to domestic violence and child abuse group “double whammy phenomenon”
Attachment & Negative Behavior Results
● Overall were less attached to parents in adolescence than
those who were not exposed, contributing to negative
behavior in adolescence.

For the domestic violence only group (compared to no exposure)

● Odds of felony assault were 1.8 times greater
● 2.58 times greater for minor assault
● 1.84 times greater for delinquency (theft, disorderly conduct…)
● 3.20 times greater for status offenses (running away from
home, drinking alcohol, getting suspended…)
Negative Coping Mechanisms
You become what you are exposed to!

● These behaviors are formed as the child absorbs the stress and anxiety.

What helps?
● Seeing how to deal with stress in productive/ effective ways-Learning from you
● Talking about feelings
● Always can create new neurons by seeing good relationships

*I see how my baby and her behavior is affected by

what she is exposed to.
Long-term Effects - ACEs Study

- ACEs History
- Conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC in California from 1995-1997 with over 17,000 participants
- Physical exams were given along with a confidential 10-Question survey

- Adverse Childhood Experiences

- Within the first 18 years of life
- Abuse → physical, emotional, and sexual
- Household challenges → Mother treated violently, household substance abuse, mental illness in the household,
parental separation or divorce, and criminal household member
- Neglect → emotional or physical
- Many states have adapted to the BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System)
- Adapted from the original ACEs Study
ACEs - National Information
- Major Findings:
- Of the original 17,737 participants:
- 36.1% had a score of 0
- 26% had a score of 1
- 15.9% had a score of 2
- 9.5% had a score of 3
- 12.5% had a score of 4 or more
- As the number of ACEs increases so does the risk
- Alcohol abuse/alcoholism
- Depression
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Liver Disease
- Risk of Intimate Partner Violence
- Smoking
- Asthma
- Autoimmune Disease
- Frequent Headaches
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Stroke
ACEs - Pennsylvania Information

- 33 states, plus D.C. has completed a study since 2009

- Adapted the BRFSS ACEs model

- Pennsylvania Information Poster

- Highlights:
- Used the BRSFF format in 2010 to survey the whole state
- 53% of PA Adults had experienced at least 1 ACE
- Black people were more likely to experience an ACE than white people
- Out of work or unable to work adults were more likely to have experienced at least 1 ACE than working
PA adults
What can we do?

- Further education toward Trauma-Focused Therapies, and creating trauma-sensitive environments in

- Pittsburgh resources:
- Crisis Center North - Hotline: 412-364-5556
- Women Against Abusive Relations (WAAR) - 412-818-3225
- Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh - 412-687-8005
- Bethlehem Haven - 412-471-0155
- Network of Hope - 412-321-7100
- Center for Victims - 866-644-2882
- Western PA Referral Sources
- Know your resources, recognize the signs, and provide compassion
Play Therapy
Plato (429–347 B.C.) who observed, "you can discover more about
a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation"

Domestic Violence
Shelter Research
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, April 01). Violence Prevention. Retrieved December 04, 2017, from

Children and Domestic Violence. (2010, May 24). Retrieved December 04, 2017, from

Domestic Violence Roundtable. (n.d.). Domestic Violence in the Suburbs. Retrieved December 04, 2017, from

Domestic Violence Roundtable. (n.d.). The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children. Retrieved December 04, 2017, from

Edwards, K. M. (2014). Intimate Partner Violence and the Rural–Urban–Suburban Divide. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,16(3), 359-373. doi:10.1177/1524838014557289

Kot, S., Landreth, G. L., & Giordano, M. (1998). Intensive child-centered play therapy with child witnesses of domestic violence. International Journal Of Play Therapy, 7(2), 17-
36. doi:10.1037/h0089421

Prewitt, E. (2014, October 6). State ACE survey reports. Retrieved December 04, 2017, from

Sousa, C., Herrenkohl, T. I., Moylan, C. A., Tajima, E. A., Klika, J. B., Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). Longitudinal Study on the Effects of Child Abuse and Children’s
Exposure to Domestic Violence, Parent-Child Attachments, and Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(1), 111-136.

Tsavoussis, A., Stawicki, S. P., Stoicea, N., & Papadimos, T. J. (2014). Child-Witnessed Domestic Violence and its Adverse Effects on Brain Development: A Call for Societal
Self-Examination and Awareness. Frontiers in Public Health, 2. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2014.00178

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