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Advocacy Project

Cost of Education

 Higher prices mean fewer families can gain the education and training
they need to grow and prosper.
 Rising costs have deterred students from remaining in college and
completing their degrees.
What will solve the problem?

 Lowering College Tuition – this

will reduce the stress that high
tuition payments brings on.
How has the Cost of education affect

 Students are being put in Debt and have to work to get out of hole right
when they get of out college
 Many students are forced to get jobs, on-campus, and off in order to pay
monthly installments of tuition. – because many of them are having to work
it causes them to struggle academically and their schoolwork suffers from
Representative Ken Goodman
2017-2018 Session
Democrat - District 66
 Represents- Hoke, Montgomery, Richmond, Robeson, Scotland
- Address
N.C. House of Representatives
300 N Salisbury Street, Room 542
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Contact Info.
 Phone: 919-733-5823
 Email:

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