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Mesin sinkron
Ir. Hery Purnomo, MT

Genertor Sinkron
Karakteristik Generator Sinkron :
Sebuah kurva yang merupakan hubungan dua besaran elektrik
dan menyatakan sifat dari generator sinkron tersebut

1.Karakteristik Tanpa Beban

2.Karakteristik Hubung Singkat
3.Karakteristik Beban
4.Karakteristik Luar
1. Karakteristik Tanpa beban :

Inti besi jenuh

2. Karakteristik Hubung Singkat :

3. Karakteristik beban :

4. Karakteristik Luar :
Menentukan besar parameter mesin sinkron
(kutub silindris)

• Reaktansi sinkron Xs
• Tahanan belitan jangkar Ra

Parameter mesin sinkron, didapat dari pengujian :

• Test tanpa beban

• Test hubung singkat
• Test DC
Test Tanpa Beban
▪ Generator diputar sampai mencapai putaran nominal
▪ Terminal belitan jangkar keadaan tanpa beban , arus penguatan
(arus belitan medan) diatur mulai nol
▪ Arus penguatan dinaikkan step demi step, tegangan terminal jangkar
diukur dengan voltmeter setiap perubahan arus penguat
▪ Dari hasil pengukuran dapat digambarkan karakteristik tanpa beban

If (A) Vt (V)

Test Hubung Singkat
▪ Generator sinkron diputar sampai putaran nominal
▪ Belitan jangkar dihubung singkat
▪ Atur arus penguatan medan secara step demi step, mulai nol,
setiap perubahan catat pengukuran arus penguatan medan dan
arus belitan jangkar
▪ Dari hasil pengukuran gambarkan karakteristik hubung singkat.
If Isc
If (A) Isc (A)

Test DC
1. Tujuan dati test DC adalah untuk menentukan Ra. Sumber
tegangan DC dihubungkan dengan terminal jangkar
2. Sumber tegangan DC diatur sampai arus jangkar mendekati nilai
nominalnya, ukur dengan voltmeter (VDC) dan ampermeter (IDC)

▪ diperoleh

▪ Belitan jangkar hubungan Y, maka tahanan belitan jangkar

per fasa :

▪ Belitan jangkar hubungan Δ, maka tahanan belitan jangkar

per fasa :
Menentukan Reaktansi sinkron (Xs)

Dengan menggabungkan karakteristik tanpa beban

dan karakteristik hubung singkat

Ef or Vt (V) Air-gap line

Isc (A)
Vrated SCC

Ra didapat dari test DC

Jika : Xs,unsat >> Ra,
Isc, A

If (A)
Xs keadaan jenuh (saturation)

pada V = Vrated,
Air-gap line
Ef or Vt (V)

Isc (A)

Vrated SCC


Isc, A

If (A)
Short-circuit Ratio (SCR)
Perbandingan Hubung Singkat (PHS)
Another parameter used to describe synchronous generators is the
short-circuit ratio (SCR). The SCR of a generator defined as the ratio
of the field current required for the rated voltage at open circuit to the
field current required for the rated armature current at short circuit.
SCR is just the reciprocal of the per unit value of the saturated
synchronous reactance calculated by

Ef or Vt (V) Air-gap line

Isc (A)


If (A)
If_V If_Isc rated
Ef or Vt (V) Air-gap line
Isc (A)



If (A)
If_V rated If_Isc rated
Standar SCR
1. Mesin sinkron kutub silindris
SCR = 0,50 s/d 1

2. Mesin sinkron kutub tonjol

SCR = 1 s/d 1,4

SCR menentukan keadaan phisik mesin sinkron

SCR >> , berarti Xs kecil :

• permeabilitas magnet (μ) inti besi kecil

• celah udara antara stator dan rotor besar
• tingkat kejenuhan inti besi besar
Contoh :
Generator sinkron 3 fasa, daya 1000 kVA,
hubungan Y, tegangan 2000 V, frekuensi 50 Hz.
Data hasil pengujian tanpa beban dan hubung
singkat sbb:
If (A) 10 20 25 30 40 50

Voc (V) 800 1500 1760 2000 2350 2600

Isc (A) - 200 250 300 - -

Tahanan belitan jangkar tiap fasa 0,20 ohm

Hitung reaktansi sinkron dan impedansi sinkron

Solusi : VL = 2000 V
Tegangan tiap fasa dan arus tiap fasa :
If (A) 10 20 25 30 40 50
Voc (V) 800 1500 1760 2000 2350 2600
Voc (V)/fasa 462 866 1016 1155 1357 1501
Isc (A)/fasa - 200 250 300 - -

Impedansi sinkron tak jenuh (unsaturated)

Impedansi sinkron jenuh (saturated)

A 200 kVA, 480-V, 60-Hz, 4-pole, Y-Connected synchronous
generator with a rated field current of 5 A was tested and the
following data was taken.
a) from OC test – terminal voltage = 540 V at rated field
b) from SC test – line current = 300A at rated field current
c) from Dc test – DC voltage of 10 V applied to two
terminals, a current of 25 A was measured.
1. Calculate the speed of rotation in r/min
2. Calculate the generated emf and saturated equivalent
circuit parameters (armature resistance and synchronous
Solution :
fe = electrical frequency = Pnm/120
fe = 60Hz
P = number of poles = 4
j1.02 0.2
nm = mechanical speed of rotation in r/min.
So, speed of rotation nm = 120 fe / P Ia
= (120 x 60)/4 = 1800 r/min Ef Vt
2. In open-circuit test, Ia = 0 and Ef =Vt
Ef = 540/1.732
= 311.8 V (as the machine is Y-connected)
In short-circuit test, terminals are shorted, Vt = 0
Ef = IaZs or Zs = Ef /Ia =311.8/300=1.04 ohm
From the DC test, Ra=VDC/(2IDC)
= 10/(2X25) = 0.2 ohm

Synchronous reactance
A 480-V, 60-Hz, Y-Connected synchronous generator, having
the synchronous reactance of 1.04 ohm and negligible
armature resistance, is operating alone. The terminal voltage
at rated field current at open circuit condition is 480V.

1. Calculate the voltage regulation

1. If load current is 100A at 0.8 PF lagging
2. If load current is 100A at 0.8 PF leading
3. If load current is 100A at unity PF
2. Calculate the real and reactive power delivered in each
1. State and explain whether the voltage regulation will
improve or not if the load current is decreased to 50 A from
100 A at 0.8 PF lagging.
A 480 V, 60 Hz, Y-connected, four pole synchronous generator has the OCC
shown below. This generator has a synchronous reactance of 0.1 ohm and
armature resistance of 0.015 ohm. At full load, the machine supplies 1200 A
and 0.8 pf lagging. Under full-load conditions, the friction and windage
losses are 40 kW, and the core losses are 30 kW. Ignore field circuit losses.
a) What is the speed of rotation of the generator?
b) How much field current must be supplied to the generator to make the
terminal voltage 480 V at no load?
c) If the generator is now connected to a load and the load draws 1200 A at 0.8
pf lagging, how much field current will be required to keep the terminal
voltage equal to 480 V?
d) How much power is the generator now supplying? How much power is
supplied to the generator by the prime-mover?
What is the machine’s overall efficiency?
e) If the generator’s load were suddenly disconnected
from the line, what would happen to its terminal voltage?
A 100-MVA, 12.5-kV, 0.85 power lagging, 50 Hz, two-
pole, Y-connected, synchronous generator has a pu
synchronous reactance of 1.1 and pu armature resistance
of 0.012.
a) What are its synchronous reactance and armature
resistance in ohms?
b) What is the magnitude of the internal voltage Ef at the
rated conditions? What is its load angle δ at these
c) Ignoring losses in the generator, what torque must be
applied to its shaft by the prime-mover at full load?
A three-phase, Y-connected synchronous generator is
rated 120 MVA, 13.2 kV, 0.8 power lagging, and 60 Hz.
Its synchronous reactance is 0.9 ohm and its armature
resistance may be ignored.

a) What is its voltage regulation at rated load?

b) What would the voltage and apparent power rating of this
generator be if it were operated at 50 Hz with the same
armature and field losses as it had at 60 Hz?
c) What would the voltage regulation of the generator be at
50 Hz?
Sistem Penguatan(eksitasi)
Generator Sinkron

1. Generator Sinkron 1 Fasa

1. Generator Sinkron 3 Fasa

• Tanpa sumber DC (aki/baterai), dng tegangan

• Dengan sumber DC (aki)
Sistem Penguatan (excitasi)
Generator Sinkron 1 fasa
Sistem Penguatan (excitasi)
Generator Sinkron 3 fasa
Sistem Penguatan (excitasi)
Generator Sinkron 3 fasa



Start awal arus penguatan dengan

sumber tegangan aki
Generator Sinkron Tanpa Sikat
(brushless exciter)
Rotor brushless exciter
brushless generator
Standar Tegangan
Generator Sinkron 3 Fasa
Daya Tegangan Keluaran
< 3 MVA 220, 380 V
3 MVA 3,30 kV
5 – 10 MVA 6,60 kV
10 - 50 MVA 11 kV
50 – 100 MVA 13,20 kV
> 100 MVA 16,50 kV

Tegangan penguat medan (DC)

(110 – 220 - 400 V)
Kapasitas daya dc = 2 % x daya output
Perubahan beban listrik
pada generator Sinkron

Perubahan Tegangan
out put (V)
beban listrik

Frekuensi (f)
Arus beban berubah, maka
tegangan output juga berubah


V = ....??
Tegangan output :
Arus beban berubah, maka
frekuensi juga berubah

Perubahan Frekuensi :

Mengapa putaran (n) berubah ?

Karena adanya Torsi lawan

generator sinkron
Perubahan beban terhadap perubahan
putaran (n)


Tp - Torsi mesin penggerak mekanik (diesel)

Tg - Torsi lawan generator sinkron
J - Momen inersia
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