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 Superconductivity is the phenomenon in which a material losses all its electrical
resistance and allowing electric current to flow without dissipation or loss of energy.

 The atoms in materials vibrate due to thermal energy contained in the materials: the
higher the temperature, the more the atoms vibrate and vice versa.

 In 1911, the Dutch physicist Beike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity in

mercury at a temperature of approximately 4K. This led to the discovery of ceramic oxides
that super conduct at even higher temperatures.

 These "high-temperature" superconductors are all the more noteworthy because

ceramics are usually extremely good insulators.
 Ultra conductors are patented polymers being developed for commercial applications by
room temperature superconductors inc (roots).
 The materials exhibit a characteristic set of properties including conductivity and current
carrying capacity equivalent to superconductors, but without the need for cryogenic
 The ultra conductor properties appear in thin (5 - 100 micron) films of certain dielectric
polymers following an induced, non-reversible transition at zero field and at ambient
temperatures >> 300 k. This transition resembles A formal insulator to conductor (i-c)
 The base polymers used are certain viscous polar elastomers, obtained by polymerization
in the laboratory or as purchased from industrial suppliers.
• Very less resistivity
• Thin films of approx (1-100microns).
• Fabricated from polymers such as:
Silicon based plastics.
• Very high electrical conductivity(> 1011 s/cm -1)
• Highly efficient and lightweight.

 The characterization of ultra conductors includes

1. Magnetic characterization
2. Electrical characterization
3. Thermal characterization
4. Chemical and morphologic characterization
Processing Of Ultra Conductors From Dielectric Polymers:
Candidate polymers:
Polymers which successfully respond to the ultra conductor process must meet certain
physical criteria. Specific chemical formula is not important, provided those criteria are met .
•Polymers with very low crystalline or glass phase
•Polymers with polar groups
Process steps
Fabrication of ultra conductors using polymers:
Conductive polymers are prepared by many methods. Most conductive polymers are prepared by
oxidative coupling of monocyclic precursors. Such reactions entail dehydrogenation
N H–[X]–H → h–[x]n–h + 2(n–1) H+ + 2(n–1) e−
Ultra conducting polymer (olefin)
Energy band of ultra conductors:

• The band gap which is the difference between the lowest conduction band edge and
highest valence band edge doesn’t effect the nature of electrons.

• The energy gap occurs not due to interaction between electrons and the periodic lattice as
usually occurs in semiconductors/insulators. But, it occurs due mainly to the electron-
electron interaction with opposite spins which is generally observed at low temperatures.
Of course virtual phonons contribute for formation of cooper pairs.

• The energy gap is the energy required to break a cooper pair and form normal electrons.
The energy band diagram of ultra conductor is

Conduction band

Fermi level (overlapped)

Valence band

Energy band diagram of superconductor

carrier concentration (vs) temperature

•Ultra conductor technology provides loss-less wires and cables and
improves the reliability and efficiency of the system
• Improving wide-band telecommunication
• Aiding medical diagnosis
• Ultra conducting materials conducts only when kept below a given
temperature called the transition temperature. Keeping them below that
temperature involves a lot of expensive technology.
Thus, ultra conductors still do not show up in most everyday electronics.

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