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Using Connection Circles in the

Can Restorative Justice address the off-task
behavior in my 9nth Honors Class?
Connection Circle Ground Rules
A. Please listen and speak with respect.
B. No “crosstalk” of any kind, verbal or nonverbal, though I may need to
speak to move the process along.
C. Only tell your truth and use school-appropriate language.
D. Respect everyone’s privacy - only tell your story and what we discuss in
the circle stays in the circle.
E. Speak only when you have the talking piece and share the time fairly.
F. The only unacceptable answer is, “I don’t know.” You may pass and we
will come back to you.
G. If ground rules are not being followed, I will call ground rules and say the
rule that needs to be followed.
Connection Circle Warm Up
Who do you consider a hero and why?
Connection Circle
Round 1: What are you noticing about off-task behavior and talking during
class time?
Round 2: How does being off-task and talking affect our learning community?
Round 3: What can be done to improve the situation?
Round 4: What will you personally do?
Anecdotal Results
● Through the connection circle, students agreed to reduce off task behaviors in
return for 2 brain breaks of 2 minutes each
● Several students have come to talk to me privately and asked to move seats.
● Students seem more willing to ask others to be quiet so that they can focus
● Students have reminded each other (sarcastically or not) about the
agreements we made during our connection circle

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