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Tumbuh Kembang Janin

Divisi Fetomaternal
Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi FK.Unand
Syarat ?

Kapan ?

Bagaimana ?

Dimana ?
Ada sperma & sel telur yang matang
Sekitar ovulasi
Pertemuan dan persenyawaan ovum &
Di ampula
A. Two-cell stage
B. Three-cell stage
C. Four-cell stage
D. Five-cell stage
E. Six-cell stage
F. Eight-cell stage
5 hari setelah fertilisasi
Pembentukan Ruang Amnion & Kuning Telur

Morula (32 sel)


 trofoblast
 bintik benih
Nodus embryonale :
 ruang amnion
 ruang kuning telur

 Ectoderm
kulit, rambut, kuku, gigi, saraf
 Entoderm
usus, hati, saluran nafas, kandung kencing
 Mesoderm
otot, tulang, jaringan ikat, jantung & pembuluh darah
Drawing of section implanted blastocysts. A. 10 days. B. 12 days after fertilization.
The stage of development is characterized by the intercommunication of the lacunae
filled with maternal blood. Note in B that large cavities have appeared in the
extraembryonic endodermal cells have begun to form on the inside of the primary
yolk sac. (From Moore, 1988)
Bintik Benih

Ectoderm Discus
mesoderm embryonale (D.e)

D.e menonjol ke Ruang Amnion
Hubungan D.e dengan Trofoblast

Tangkai penghubung
(Tali Pusat)
Decidua :
 Str. Compactum
 Str. Spongiosum
 Str. Basale
Decidua :
 basalis
 capsularis
 vera
Trofoblast Khorion TROFOBLAST

1. Lapisan Langhans
2. Lapisan luar
(syncytium/syncytio trophoblast)

chorion laeve
chorion frondosum
(chorionic villi)
Chorion frondosum
 pembuluh darah ibu
 decidua (Haftzote)

Membran plasenta :  Amnion

 Khorion

16 minggu :  sel Langhans hilang

 terbentuk lapisan Nitabuchl
These twin boys are at 9 weeks gestational age in development.
Each twin has an amnionic cavity.
The amnions will eventually fuse to form a diamnionic
dividing membrane.
 Berbentuk cakram
Ø 15-20 cm, tebal 2-3 cm
+ 500 gram
 2 bagian (bagian ibu dan bagian anak)
 16 - 20 kotiledon
 2 arteri umbilikales
1 vena umbilikalis
Skematik aliran darah dalam plasenta manusia
The umbilical cord inserts into the fetal surface of the
Note the vessels radiating out from the cord over the fetal
surface in this normal term placenta.
The maternal surface of a normal term placenta is seen
Note that the cotyledons that form the placenta are
reddish brown and indistinct.
I. Pertukaran Zat
1. Pasif :  filtrasi
 difusi
 diapedese

2. Aktif :  enzim
 pinositosis
II. Kelenjar Endokrin
1. Steroid Hormon
(Estrogen dan Progesteron)
2. Protein Hormon
3. Releasing Hormon
III. Sebagai barier (TSHRF, FSHRH, CHR)
 mekanis 4. Enzim : HSAPase
 kimiawi Oksitosinose
“Pregnancy spesific Protein”
1. Pertumbuhan janin
2. Amnioskopi / amniosentesis
3. Estrogen / pregnandiol urin
4. Oksitosinase serum
5. HPL
6. OCT
7. USG
8. Profil biofisik
 Antara pusat janin - permukaan fetal plasenta
 30-100 cm; Ø 1-1,5 cm
 diliputi amnion
 2 arteri umbilicales
1 vena umbilicalis

 Wharton’s jelly
 insersi
sentral / parasentral / lateral / marginalis
Here is a normal three vessel umbilical cord. Note that there are
two arteries toward the right and a single vein at the left.
Most of the cord consists of a loose mesenchyme with intercellular
ground substance (Wharton's jelly).
This is a true knot of the umbilical cord. Such knots are
more likely with abnormally long umbilical cords that are
seen with increased fetal movement.
Such a knot could constrict the blood vessels and lead to
fetal demise.
Seen here is a "velamentous" insertion of the umbilical cord in which
the major umbilical vessels break up in the fetal membranes before
reaching the placental disk.
Such a condition is of no major consequence in utero, but could lead to
a greater chance for cord trauma with bleeding during delivery.
Dividing membranes are see at the left in this twin placenta.
The amniotic cavity has been opened here to reveal the normal fetal
surface of the placenta at the upper right.
The umbilical cord inserts centrally into the placental disk.
The abnormal finding here is a "nuchal cord" in which one or more
loops of umbilical cord are wrapped around the baby's neck.
The relationship of the placenta to
the amniotic cavity and fetus is
shown here in the case of a term
infant whose mother died in an
The placental disk is at the left, with
the maternal surface that would be
attached to the uterus at the
decidual plate.
The baby is seen inside the amniotic
The amniotic fluid in this cavity
allows for fetal movement and
protects the baby.
The fetus at the left is macerated from prolonged demise in
The cause of the demise in this case is the marked twisting, or
torsion, of the umbilical cord.
A macerated placenta is present at the right.
 Berisi cairan amnion
 Banyaknya ~ umur kehamilan
vernix caseosa

 Oligohidramnion < 500 cc

 Polihidramnion > 2000 cc
1. Pergerakan anak
2. Barier fisik
3. Pertahanan suhu
4. Membuka serviks (persalinan)

Asalnya :  kencing janin

 transudat dari ibu
 sekret epitel amnion
 campuran
Lama hamil = 280 hari
266 hari dari ovulasi
Taksiran Persalinan = NAEGELE
(siklus 28 hari)

Haid terakhir : Hari +7

Bulan -3
Tahun +1
Abortus : < 500 gr
< 22 minggu

Partus Imaturus : 500 - 1000 gr

22 - 28 minggu
Partus Prematurus : 1000 - 2500 gr
28 - 37 minggu

Partus Maturus : > 2500 gr

37 - 42 minggu
Partus Serotinus : > 42 minggu
1 bulan = 1 cm
2 bulan = 4 cm = 1 gr
3 bulan = 9 cm = 14,2 gr
4 bulan = 16 cm = 108 gr
5 bulan = 25 cm = 316 gr
6 bulan = 30 cm = 630 gr
7 bulan = 35 cm = 1045 gr
8 bulan = 40 cm = 1680 gr
9 bulan = 45 cm = 2478 gr
10 bulan = 50 cm = 3400 gr
7th day
Implantation is beginning.
150u (0.15mm)
Trophoblast cells proliferate and
begin to invade the uterine
epithelium. Invasion is effected
through digestion of the uterine
cells by secretions of the
trophoblast cells. Upon contact
with the endometrium the
cytotrophoblast forms the
syncytiotrophoblast and HCG
(human chorionic gonadotropin)
production begins.
8th day

Syncytiotrophoblast cells
further invade the
Endometrium by secreting
hydrolytic enzymes.
10th day

Implantation continues. The

synctiotrophoblast nearly
completely surrounds the
cytotrophoblast cells of the
blastocyst. The primary yolk
sac is (probably) formed as the
hypoblast cells move around
the blastocyst cavity.
2nd week Gastrulation begins when the
primitive pit forms, though it can
not be seen in this picture.
Gastrulation is the process by
which the third germ layer, the
intraembryonic mesoderm, is
formed. It involves ingression and
migration of cells from the
epiblast through the primitive pit
and primitive streak. This results
in a trilaminar embryo with the
three basic germ layers; ectoderm,
mesoderm, and endoderm.
A very significant week for the embryo. It
4th week has changed from a flat trilaminar disc into
a tubular embryo and has now acquired a
three-dimensional form. The embryo and
amnion have grown vigorously, but the yolk
sac has not. The lateral edges fold under and
become the ventral surface of the embryo.
Neurulation is almost completed and the
anterior (rostal) and posterior (caudal)
neuropores are closing. Sometimes are still
forming. Two pairs of branchial
(pharyngeal) arches have formed (beginning
about day 22).
Upper limb buds appear around day 25. The
primordia of the eye and ear are present.
The heart bulge is present.
5th week The size of the embryo is now
(approximately) 3.5 - 4.0 mm. Cranial
and caudal neuropores have recently
closed, and the buccal (oropharyngeal)
membrane is opening. Upper (anterior)
and lower (posterior) limb buds are
present. Lower limb bud appears
around day 28. Somite formation is
ending at their final number of 38-44
pairs. The last half of the embryonic
period (from 4 to 8 weeks) is the time
when most of the organs are formed
(organogenesis) and teratogens have
their most damaging effects on the
7th week
The size of the embryo is now
(approximately) 30mmCRL
(Crown-Rump Length). The
embryo trunk is elongating and
the cervical region is
straightening, raising the head.
Genital ridges are ambisexual
8th week The size of the embryo is now (approximately)
35-40mmCRL (Crown-Rump Length). This
35mmCR marks the end of the Embryonic Period and
L the beginning of the Fetal Period. The first
eight weeks is a time of embryogenesis, when
major organ development begins. The
beginnings of all essential structures are now
present. The eyelids meet and “close” in this
week. The head is large, most erect, and more
rounded. External genitalia still not
distinguishable as male or female. If male
hormones are present, the ambisexual gonad
will now begin to differentiate into a testis. The
intestines are in the proximal part of the
umbilical cord. The ears are still very lowset.
Teratogens have their most damaging effects
during the Embryonic Period.
15th week

The head is now erect and the

eyes face anteriorly. The ears are
still lowset, but very close to
their definitive position. The
lower limbs are now well
developed. Early toenail
20th week

Head and body hair (lanugo) are

visible. External ears stand out from
the head. At this point the mother
has felt movements of the fetus.
30th week
The fetus has now been viable
since 20-22 weeks, i.e., survival is
possible in the outside world
without extraordinary measures.
Fingernails, toenails, and eyelashes
are present. The fetus may now
have a good head of hair. The body
is filling out. Testes are
descending. The eyelids have
parted and the eyes are open.
11 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 38
Fetus : + 2 cm
Fetus : + 7 cm
Fetus : + 18-27 cm
Berat : + 300 grm
Fetus : + 25 - 38 cm
Berat : + 1000 grm
> 37 minggu

Berat : + 3000 grm

1. Faktor Ibu :  tinggi badan
 gizi
 tempat tinggal
 kehamilan ganda
 kelainan uterus

2. Faktor Anak :  jenis kelamin

 kelainan genetis
 infeksi intrauterin
 kelainan congenital

3. Faktor Plasenta :  insufisiensi plasenta

Berat plasenta/Berat Bayi menurun
sampai dengan 36 mg

28 mg = 0.25
38 mg = 0.15
Bagian terpenting dalam persalinan terdiri dari :

a. Bagian muka :  tulang hidung

 tulang pipi
 rahang atas
 rahang bawah

b. Bagian tengkorak :  tulang dahi

 tulang ubun-ubun
 tulang pelipis
 tulang belakang kepala
Kepala Janin pada saat aterm
yang memperlihatkan
bermacam-macam ubun-
ubun, sutura, dan diameter
Sutura :  sagitalis
 coronaria
 lambdoidea
 frontalis

Ubun-ubun besar :
Pertemuan 4 sutura :  sagitalis
 coronaria
 frontalis

Ubun-ubun kecil :
Pertemuan 3 sutura :  sagitalis
 lambdoidea
A. Muka Belakang
1. D. Suboccipito-bregmatica : 9,5 cm
foramen magnum - UUB
2. D. Suboccipto frontalis : 11 cm
foramen magnum - pangkal hidung
3. D. Fronto-occipitalis : 12 cm
pangkal hidung - belakang kepala

4. D. Mento-occipitalis : 13,5 cm
dagu - belakang kepala
5. D. Submento - bregmatica : 9,5 cm
bawah dagu - UUB
1. Diameter suboksipotobregmatikus
2. Diameter suboksipitofrontalis
3. Diameter oksipitofrontalis
4. Diameter oksipitomentalis
5. Diameter submentobregmatikus

Diameter Kepala Janin

pada cukup bulan
B. Ukuran melintang
1. D. Biparietalis ( 9 cm )
2. D. Bitemporalis ( 8 cm )

C. Ukuran lingkaran
1. C. Suboccipito - bregmatica : 32 cm
( lingkaran kecil )
2. C. Fronto - occipitalis : 34 cm
( lingkaran besar )
Diameter biparietalis dan Kepala dengan beberapa
Diameter bitemporalis sirkumferensia
 2 arteri
 1 vena
 “darah campuran”
 isi vena cava inferior lebih bersih dari aorta

Setelah lahir :
 Ductus Botali menutup  lig. Arteriosum
 Foramen ovale menutup
 Duct. Venosus aranti  lig teres hepatis
 Aa umbilicales  lig vesico umbilicale laterale
system of fetus
 HB janin ‡ Hb dewasa
 Dibuat terutama di hepar
 Transport O2 lebih mudah
 Menjadi Hb biasa 4 bulan

O2 darah janin lebih rendah

 Peredaran darah lebih cepat

 Kadar Hb lebih tinggi
 eritrosit lebih banyak
 Uterus membesar
 hiperplasi, hipertrofi otot
 pertumbuhan aktif (estrogen)
 pertumbuhan pasif : segmen bawah rahim
lingkaran retraksi

 Tanda Piskacek
 Kontraksi Braxton Hicks
 Perubahan serviks
Pembentukan segmen bawah rahim dari isthmus uteri.
Pada dystocia lingkaran retraksi sangat tinggi
6 12 16 20 24

28 32 36 40

Pembentukan rahim dan perubahan sikap tubuh ibu

selama kehamilan
 Elastisitas bertambah
 Tanda Chadwick
 Keasaman bertambah

Corpus luteum graviditatum
 Striae gravidarum
 lividae
 albicans O.K. hiperfungsi gl. suprarenalis
hiperpigmentasi :  linea nigra
 chloasma
 Membesar, nyeri
( hipertrofi alveoli )
 Colostrum
 Hiperpigmentasi
7. Berat Badan
 Triwulan 1 : 1 kg
 Triwulan 2 : 5 kg
 Triwulan 3 : 5,5 kg
 Janin : 3 kg
 Plasenta : 0,5 kg
 Air ketuban : 1 kg
 Rahim : 1 kg
 Lemak : 0,5 kg
 Protein : 2 kg Kebutuhan Fe, Ca
 Air : 1,5 kg dan P bertambah
 Volume darah bertambah
 Eritrosit bertambah
 Hydremi
 Batas fisiologis : Hb : 11 gr%
Eri : 3,8 juta/mm3
Leuco : 12000/mm3
9. Lain-lain
 beban jantung bertambah
 kerja paru-paru bertambah
 sekresi HCl & gerakan lambung berkurang
 kerja ginjal bertambah
 ureter melebar
 polakisuri
 perubahan mental

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