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Modelos Heterogéneos

One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial

For very rapid reactions
with an important heat
effect it may be necessary
to distinguish between
conditions in the fluid and
on the catalyst surface
One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial
For very rapid reactions
with an important heat
effect it may be
necessary to distinguish
between conditions in
the fluid and on the
Término de convección catalyst surface
(flujo tapón)
One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial
For very rapid reactions
with an important heat
effect it may be
necessary to distinguish
between conditions in
the fluid and on the
Término (fuente/source)de catalyst surface
intercambio entre las fases
sólida y fluida.
One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial
For very rapid reactions
with an important heat
effect it may be
necessary to distinguish
between conditions in
the fluid and on the
catalyst surface
One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial
For very rapid reactions
with an important heat
effect it may be
necessary to distinguish
between conditions in
the fluid and on the
catalyst surface
One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial
and Intraparticle Gradients When the resistance
to mass and heat
transfer inside the
catalyst particle is
important the rate of
reaction is not
uniform throughout
the particle
One-Dimensional Model Accounting for Interfacial
and Intra-particle Gradients
Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Models

In order to account for

heat transfer
through the solid
Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Models

In order to account for

heat transfer
through the solid
Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Models

In order to account for

heat transfer
through the solid
Note that the distinction between
solid and fluid also appears in the
boundary conditions for heat transfer
at the wall.

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