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UK newspapers

Sales figures (November 2017)


Daily Mail and General

News UK

Guardian Media Group

Telegraph Media Group

Trinity Mirror

Richard Desmond

News UK

Richard Desmond

Trinity Mirror
Newspaper Political Bias UK
Newspaper bias and opinion
“largely run by a very small group of very right-wing media moguls who defend the
status quo of which they are part. If you are on the left and want to change society,
the media will always come and get you.” - Owen Jones
Has some truth
Newspaper bias
“A long-held complaint from many of Britain’s left-wingers is the right wing bias of much of the UK’s
national press” – originally published in a right wing news paper ‘ The Times’
Of the eight national newspapers we asked about, five were seen to be predominantly right-wing,
whilst two were seen as predominantly left-wing. The Independent, although no longer a physical
presence in Britain’s newsstands, was seen as a broadly centrist publication.
In news that will surprise very few, the Daily Mail is seen as Britain’s most right-wing newspaper.
Britain’s most read newspaper is described by 44% of Brits as “very right-wing”, far ahead of any other
paper. In total, 81% considered the paper to be right-wing to one degree or another.
Left-wingers tended to see right-wing papers as more right-wing than right-wingers did (and vice
Personal ideology has relatively little impact on perception of newspapers’ ideology
People will go into stores and by the paper the want. So if they were right wing they would by papers
like the times and if left would by the Guadian
Spotting newspaper bias
At one time or another we all complain about ‘bias in the news’. The fact is despite the journalistic ideal of objectification
every news story is influenced by the attitudes and background of its interviewers, writers and newspapers
Not all bias is deliberate

Bias through selection and omission ( using bits of the story that support your view)
Placement ( first pages are always used for the most significant stories)
Headline (‘BREXIT disaster’ , ‘thank god for BREXIT’)
Photos, captions and camera angles ( the picture you use influences the opinion you are trying to put out)
Names and titles (ex-con , the way you call someone)
Crowd and counts ( make the disaster worse)
Source control ( where you get your information from)
Word choice and tone ( using words create a positive or negative impact)
You cant tell where
The riots are the ‘ANARCHY’ is
only in London. taking place since
They still have there is no name or
control places in the
background we can
tell what it is
Stuart hall
Writers and creators make the media
Encoding their form of media to present a certain view or ideology
The viewer or reader decode the media
They take on that particular idea subconsciously

Moment of encoding, when the ‘institutional practices and organisational conditions and
practices of production’ take place
Moment of text: ‘the symbolic construction, arrangement, and perhaps performance. The
form and content of what is published or broadcast’
Moment of decoding: ‘the moment of reception or conception’

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