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What is Lipids???

Organic compounds that contain the elements carbon,

hydrogen and oxygen

Percentage of oxygen in lipids is lower than that in


Some lipids contain the element phosphorus and nitrogen

What is the 4 types of Lipids????

1. Fats and Oils

Are triglycerides

What is triglyceride/triglycerides???

 Is an ester that is formed through the condensation of

one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty
 Can also be broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by
hydrolysis reactions
ii. Each molecule of fat or oil consists of one molecule of
glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids
iii. Each molecule of fatty acid consists of a long hydrocarbon
chain with a different number of carbon atoms
iv. Fatty acids are either saturated and unsaturated
v. Saturated fatty acids = saturated fats
unsaturated fatty acids = unsaturated fats
vi. Saturated fats are solids at room temperature
vii. Unsaturated fats which are usually liquid at room
temperature are called oils
condensation and hydrolysis of triglycerides

2. Phospholipids

 Main components in the plasma membrane

 Control the permeability of plasma membranes

3. Waxes
 Long-chain molecules which are waterproof
 Found on the epidermis cuticle leaves, fruits and seeds
 Sebum secreted by the oil glands also contains wax which causes
the skin to be soft

4. Steroids
Complex organic compounds
Examples of steroids include cholestrol and sex hormones such as
testosterone, estrogen and progesterone
Saturated Fatty Differences Unsaturated Fatty
Acids Acids
Single bond Bonds between carbon Double bonds

Unable because has reached Ester bond with hydrogen Can because carbon chain
the maximum number of atom are not bonded to the
hydrogen atoms maximum number of
hydrogen atoms

Solid At room temperature Liquid

High Level of cholestrol Low

Animal fats and butter Examples Plant oils such as corn oil

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