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Basic task :
Production Engineer must have accurate knowledge about the well, before taking
decisions, the basic task are :

• Selection of the right type of artificial lifting

• Detailed design of production equipment
• Estimation of future well performance
Aliran Laminer

k dp
Darcy’s Law v
μ dL
v : kecepatan aliran, cm/sec
μ : viscositas fluida yang mengalir, cp
dp/dl : gradient tekanan, atm/cm
K : permeabilitas media berpori, darcy
Hukum Darcy
Aliran Laminer
k dp
μ dL
v :kecepatan aliran, cm/sec
μ :viscositas fluida yang mengalir, cp
dp/dl :gradient tekanan, atm/cm
k :permeabilitas media berpori, darcy
Sucker Rod Pump/ Beam Pump
Special purpose pump
API Basic Pump designation
Pump designation
Pump designation
Pump designation
Pump identification
Pump Displacement
Pump Displacement

Pump Displacement – actual production rate

Don’t forget the shrinkage factor)

Determining Pump Plunger Sizes
Determining Pump Plunger Sizes
Determining Pump Plunger Sizes
Determining Pump Plunger Sizes
Determining Pump Plunger Sizes
This article will give you a summary of all what you need to know about sucker rod
pumping system:
1. Calculate the expected production rate,
2. Understand downhole pump operation,
3. Understand the concept of Fluid Load (Fo) and Pump Intake & Discharge
Pressures (PIP/PDP),
4. How to avoid Gas Interference and how to design a downhole gas separator?
5. The concept of dynamometer cards and how to interpret pump card shapes?
6. Understand the causes of incomplete pump fillage,
7. SRP equipment – design considerations,
8. SRP Optimization (during design phase, while pulling the well and during
operations & monitoring),
9. Fluid level & Dyno surveys,
10. Concepts of Gas interference (or “Gas Pound”) & Fluid Pound,
11. Rod, Tubing and Casing Specifications,
12. API Nomenclature of Pumping Unit and Pump.
Pump designation

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