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an economic and political system in

which a country's trade and industry are
controlled by private owners for profit,
rather than by the state.
Persaingan untuk

Hak milik
Gereja Katolik
mengharamkan amalan
riba (Terkandung dalam
Canon Law
Canon Law)

Individu digalakkan
Golongan Kapitalis
mencipta lebih banyak
dibebaskan daripada
duit dan kurangkan
kawalan paderi.
berhibur dari bekerja.
Fundamental Elements of the Spirit of Capitalism
 Spiritual capitalism not prayer
sessions on the shop floor and
guided meditations in the

the success of an enterprise is

measured by values like "integrity" and
"commitment" as much as by targets like
"efficiency" and "profitability."

based on the recognition that every

businessperson – services rendered must
benefit not just yourself and your
shareholders, but the planet and other
people as well.

The first commandment of the growing

spiritual-capitalism movement is: Taking
care of business means taking care of
Fundamental Elements of the Spirit of Capitalism
The Protestant ethic — a moral code stressing hard
work, rigorous self-discipline, and the organization of
one's life in the service of God — was made famous by
sociologist and political economist Max Weber.

Weber opposes the Marxist concept of dialectical

materialism and its view that change takes place through
"the struggle of opposites." Instead, he relates the rise of a
capitalist economy to the Puritan determination to work out
anxiety over salvation or damnation by performing good
deeds — an effort that ultimately discouraged belief in
predestination and encouraged capitalism.
Fundamental Elements of the Spirit of Capitalism
Max Weber, a German sociologist, economist, and
politician – his research is considered a founding text in
economic sociology and sociology in general.

Weber wrote that capitalism in evolved when the Protestant

(particularly Calvinist) ethic influenced large numbers of
people to engage in work in the secular world, developing
their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the
accumulation of wealth for investment. Protestant work
ethic was an important force behind the unplanned and
uncoordinated mass action that influenced the development
of capitalism.

This idea is also known as the "Protestant Ethic thesis.”

Fundamental Elements of the Spirit of Capitalism
Weber stated that Calvinist ethic and ideas
influenced the development of capitalism.

Weber relied on a great deal of statistics

from the era, which indicated the
predominance of Protestants among the
wealthy, industrial, and technical classes
relative to Catholics.

He noticed a shift of Europe's economic

center after the Reformation away from
Catholic countries such as France,
Spain and Italy, and toward Protestant
countries such as England, Scotland,
Germany and Holland.
Fundamental Elements of the Spirit of Capitalism
This theory is often viewed as a reversal
of Marx's thesis that the economic "base"
of society determines all other aspects of

Weber said that one of the universal

tendencies that Christians had historically
fought against, was the desire to profit.
After defining the spirit of capitalism,
Weber argued that there were many
reasons to look for the origins of modern
capitalism in the religious ideas of the

Many observers, such as William Petty,

Montesquieu, Henry Thomas Buckle, John
Keats, and others had commented on the
affinity between Protestantism and the
development of the commercial spirit. 10

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