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Parts Of The Various Functional Area Plans

The Engineer manager may be familiar with engineering plans,

knowing the details from the beginning to end, However, the present
possibility of moving from one management level to the next and
from one functional area to another presses the engineer manager to
be familiar as well with other functional area plans.
The Contents of the Marketing Plan
William Cohen maintains that the following must be included in the marketing plan.
1. The Executive Summary- which represents an overall view of the marketing project and it’s potential.
2. Table of Contents
3. Situational Analysis and Target Market
4. Marketing Objectives and Goals
5. Marketing Strategies
5.1 Commitment to the process
5.2 Implementation of the marketing strategy
5.3 Team Accountability
5.4 Celebrating Success
6. Marketing Tactics
7. Schedules and Budgets
8. Financial Data and Control
The Contents of the Production Plan

1. The amount of capacity the company must have

2. How many employees are required
3. How much material must be purchased

Production Management’s responsibilities are summarized by the Five M’s.

1. Men
2. Machines
3. Methods
4. Materials
5. Money
The Contents of the Financial Plan

1. An analysis of the firm’s current financial condition as indicated by an analysis of

the most recent statements
2. A sales forecast.
3. The Capital Budget
4. The Cash Budget
5. A set of pro forma (or projected) financial statements.
5.1 Balance sheets
5.2 Income Statements
5.3 Statements of cash flow
6. The External Financing Plan
The Contents of the Human Resources Plan

1. Personnel requirements of the company

2. Plans for recruitment and selection
3. Training plan
4. Retirement plan
The Contents of the Strategic Plan

1. Company or corporate mission

2. Objective or goals
3. Strategies
Making Planning Effective

Planning is done so that some desired results may be achieved. At times, however,
failure in planning occurs.

Planning may be successful if the following are observed:

1. Recognize the Planning barriers
2. Use of aids to planning
The Planning Barriers
According to Plunkett and Attner, are as follows:

1. manager’s inability to plan

2. Improper planning process
3. Lack of commitment to the planning process
4. Improper information
5. Focusing on the present at the expense of the future
6. Too much reliance on the planning department
7. Concentrating on only the controllable variables
Aids to Planning

1. Gather as much information as possible

2. Develop multiple sources of information
3. Involve others in the planning process

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