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Kemudian dia menempuh suatu jalan

(yang lain lagi).

93. Hingga apabila dia telah sampai di antara

Q.S. Al Kahf (18 : 92-96)
dua buah gunung, dia mendapati di hadapan
kedua bukit itu suatu kaum yang hampir
tidak mengerti pembicaraan.

94. Mereka berkata: "Hai Dzulkarnain,

sesungguhnya Ya'juj dan Ma'juj itu orang-
orang yang membuat kerusakan di muka
bumi, maka dapatkah kami memberikan
sesuatu pembayaran kepadamu, supaya
kamu membuat dinding antara kami dan

95. Dzulkarnain berkata: "Apa yang telah

dikuasakan oleh Tuhanku kepadaku
terhadapnya adalah lebih baik, maka
tolonglah aku dengan kekuatan (manusia
dan alat-alat), agar aku membuatkan dinding
antara kamu dan mereka,

96. berilah aku potongan-potongan besi".

Hingga apabila besi itu telah sama rata
dengan kedua (puncak) gunung itu,
berkatalah Dzulkarnain: "Tiuplah (api itu)".
Hingga apabila besi itu sudah menjadi
(merah seperti) api, diapun berkata: "Berilah
aku tembaga (yang mendidih) agar aku
kutuangkan ke atas besi panas itu".

Formal Informal

Would you like some help? Can I help you?

May I help you ?

Need any help?

May I offer my assistance ?

Do you need a hand?

Could I help you ?
Can I give you a hand?

What can I do for you ?

Do you need any help?

What shall I do for you ?

Can I do anything to help?

I’ll be glad to help ? Do you need any help?

Formal Responding
• I’d like to help you.
• I’d be happy to help you.
• Sure. what can I do for you?
• Sure. I would be glad to help you

Informal Responding
• I will do it for you.
• Let me help you.
• Yes, I can help you
• Yes, no problem.
• Yes. How can I help you?
Offering Help Responding Help
 How kind of you! Thank you very much.  You are so kind! Thanks
 That’s very good of you!  Thanks a lot
 That’s terribly kind,. Thank you very much.  Thank you
 Yes, please do.
 What a good idea!
 Yes, please.
 Thanks. That would be excellent.
 Yes.
Offering Help Responding Help
 No, you don’t need to.  I am sorry, I can’t help you now
 Don’t bother yourself, thanks.  Sorry, I am busy right now
 No, thank you.  I wish I could help you but I have to do
 That’s very kind, but I can manage some important tasks.
 That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think
it’s necessary.
Jacob : What are you doing, Bal?
Iqbal : I’m replying e-mail from client and writing 10
articles about English expression.
Jacob : Wow, you are so busy, right
Iqbal :Yeah. I’m so stressful.
Jacob : Can I give you a hand?
Iqbal : Really? You must be kidding me.
Jacob : I’m so serious, Bal. How?
Iqbal :Thank you so much, Jacob. I appreciate your help.
Jacob : most welcome, Iqbal.
Afiqa : Can you help me plan the office party?
Naisha : Sure, What do you need the most help with, the food or
Afiqa : I need help with food.
Naisha : OK, well, let's coordinate our efforts. Should this party be formal or
Afiqa : I think it should be casual.
Naisha : I agree. Next, we have to decide on food. We have a choice of Chinese
or Continental Cuisine. Which one should we have?
Afiqa : I would prefer Chinese food for this party.
Naisha : Perfect choice. For music, should we have a live band or a DJ?
Afiqa : I think we should hire a live band.
Naisha : Well, I will work on my part and get back to you with my progress on

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