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Artificial feeding for the fish must be

done properly and carefully so the fish

growth can take place normally. It is
expected there will be no waste. the use
of artificial fish feed is influenced by
elements of the way of administration,
frequency of administration, the amount
of feed per day, the water temperature
and environmental conditions
place and time (fixed). Points of
feeding should be set near the
door expenditure of water so that
the fish are accustomed to waiting
for food in the area at that time
has been determined, in addition
to the remnants of feed that is not
consumed by the fish do not
spread then rot in the entire pool.
Artificial fish feed given gradually
bit by bit in accordance eating
habits. When approximately one-
third of the number of fish that
For small seed still feed given to there was no longer wanted to eat
menyerakkannya evenly across food that is thrown then
the surface of the water when the administration terminated
fish food liquid feeding it should be immediately, if it is given regularly
done with a sprayer (sprayer). And feed the fish you will be much
if the fish feed in the form of flour healthier and ready to be
and crumbs can be given by way harvested.
of sown by hand at the same
1. How to provide food in the form of floating pellets
must be done by spreading the pellets into three
parts for the sake of convenience let's say three
parts of the pond is far right, middle and left end of
the first step is to spread the pellets moderation on
the far right side of the pool after the pellets
discharged scatter again to taste on the side of the
middle of the pond after it spread again on the left
end of the pool and do the process until the full fish
seen some grain pellets remaining on the surface of
the pool when the stocked until exhausted.
Methods of feeding like this is done so that the fish
more active so that helps the growth of fish other
than that in this manner the perpetrators of fish
farming can also control the level of responsiveness
of fish.
fish like to chase
moving so feared
feed pellets are
already drowning
will not be eaten if
at the point of
feeding fish pellets
2. To give different sink responses
ways pellets sink already visible
sinking pellets are decline feeding
not distributed but should be
only dispersed at discontinued and
one point as the did again and
name implies nature repeat the process
sinking pellets will at each feeding
sink when stocked pellets sink.
so tebarkanlah a
little because these
3. In the segment seeding natural food such as silk
worm given by broadcasting in the corner at the
side and at the middle of silk worms that have been
cleaned / rinsed and then taken the tip of a hand
and then placed at different points of this technique
is very effective for fish larvae numbering in the
thousands are scattered around the pool would
mean getting food. While the segment enlargement
supplemental feeding as chicken tiren should be
hung this is done in order to minimize residual bones
scattered on the bottom of the pool in this way the
bones were left in the rope can be discarded and
the remaining bones were scattered can be very
dangerous for the perpetrators of the fish of the at
harvest or drain the pool because it could be
trampled and injured leg or may tear the tarp for the
pool tarp.
Probiotics are living microorganisms that are
beneficial to living beings due to microorganisms contained
in probiotic capable of helping digestion of food in the
body of the fish so that foods containing probiotics will be
able to be digested and absorbed properly. Besides
probiotics able to enhance immunity against disease. In
Aquaculture probiotics given as a mixture of food and there
is sprinkled on pool maintenance. For Probiotics mixed feed
can be mixed with feed factory (pellets) and natural feed
from plants such as leaves and others.
Probiotics will be the mainstay of the fish
farmers in the future because the benefits are
big on fish so significant growth with profits.
Probiotics like castle defense and should be
given early so the seeds going in the pool three
days before the pool water must be poured
probiotics Nature or SPF prior to the condition of
the water quickly matured and grown a lot of
plankton. Furthermore, administration of
probiotics for the maintenance of adequate
water once every two weeks or when the water
conditions deteriorate.
Frequency of Feeding Fish

Frequency of feeding for seed and seed

must be repeated frequently which is
approximately 6 times a day. For large
fish, which feed has been shaped pellets
should be given as much as four times a
day interval between feeding the first
reply from the next approximately 2 hours
and should be done in the morning and
late afternoon, when the feed is only as
an additional course is 2 times a day.
For seed or seed relative fish require more
daily ration of around 7% by weight. As for who
are older than 120 days can be given a daily
ration of pellets and the amount ranges
between 1-4% of their body weight.
Environmental conditions such as water

temperature and oxygen levels influence on

feeding, water temperature is too low or too high

can result appetite of fish will be disrupted so that

the feed given much inedible similarly if the

oxygen levels in the water are declining, will

impact on the state fish. If the environment is not

good or polluted the fish growth will be stunted

and may also have a very high mortality due to

unfavorable environmental conditions then the

environment is very influential on pisciculture both

internally and externally.

bounds start too early or
rather before nine o'clock
in the morning, it is
associated with pollution. If
before nine o'clock in the
morning the pool water
surface is still contaminated
by substances that harm
are in it, so if feeding
catfish too early then the
feed will be mixed with
The procedure for these substances can be
feeding catfish The first is to toxic and harmful to the
know the time of feeding, health of catfish. Diseases
this is a very important, but that can be caused dr
must set the time of habit of giving feed that is
feeding catfish in too early adl gill
accordance with the inflammation, which
schedule that has been caused by a parasite.
determined, both who use
three times a day or five up
with six times a day ( every
3 hours). Feeding catfish
Preparation of feeding to which the form of pellets,
preferably catfish farmers should familiarize membibis (wet
pellets with water, preferably warm water) feed pellets that
will be issued unless peletnya types of drowning. With
membibis, catfish who have greed they will be ill will eat
pellets excessively. If the administration of pellets dlm dry
conditions, the catfish will continue to eat greedily and
excessive pellet when the pellet will expand in the belly of the
fish, these conditions will be bad health pd catfish retrievable
even lead to death.For the procedure of feeding catfish dr
additional food preparation adl with how to clean the feed
intimately, for instance Prev granting of silk worms, the worms
are washed before they will be deployed to the pool. If using
chicken tiren enlargement at the moment, then the chicken
should be boiled only, not burned, as if boiled as a whole will
be more mature and safe for consumption by catfish.
How to give jg catfish feed should be noted that appropriate.

• How to provide food catfish's mouth-

shaped pellets floating should be done with a
way to spread the pellets into three parts, for
example, an end of the right, center and left
end, the first step adl spread pellets to taste at
the right end of the pool, after the pellets
discharged, spread again to taste pd the middle
of the pond, after the expiration spread again
pd left end side of the pool, do the process until
satisfied catfish. Catfish are already full grain
pellets will look their reply left at the moment
stocked pond surface. Methods of feeding like
this is done so that the fish more active.
• For pellets sink ways to give it a different,
pellets sink morbidly deployed, but only
scattered pd one point, but spread it out a
little, because catfish including fishermen
who like to chase the feed-moving, so
feared pellets which already sunk morbidly
eaten catfish, if pd point feeding fish pellets
sink responses already visible decline,
feeding should be discontinued.
• In stage hatchery, natural food such as
silk worms awarded with how spread out on
the corner, on the side and in the middle of the
pond, silk worms which have been cleaned
and taken the tip of the hand and then placed
pd point that is different, this technique is very
effective because the larvae of catfish's mouth
average number in the thousands will get food.
While pd stage of enlargement, the provision
of additional food like chicken tiren should be
hanged, this is done for the rest of the bones
that were scattered pd bottom of the pool is
not too much and retrievable immediately
discarded, the rest of the bone that scattering
can be very dangerous for breeders of catfish
at the moment of harvest or draining the pool,
because it could be trampled and injured leg.
 La Jabu
 Rosalina
 Lestia Wati

Contact Person : 082293772538

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