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Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.

Informasi Umum Perkuliahan

1. Mata Kuliah : Sistem Fluida

2. Kode/Kredit : MEE31019/2 sks
3. Jurusan/Semester : T. Mesin/5
4. Program/Periode : S1/2001-2002
5. Hari/Waktu : Rabu/8.00-9.50
6. Dosen : Dr. Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
7. Evaluasi : Kehadiran 10 %
Tugas 25 %
UTS 30 %
UAS 35 %

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Informasi Umum Perkuliahan

8. Penilaian : A = 100 – 80
B = 79 – 65
C = 64 – 55
D = 54 – 25
E = 24 – 0
9. Referensi :
- Shepherd, D.G., Principles of Turbomachinery
- Dixon, S.L., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of
- Esposito, A., Fluid Power with Application, 5th Edition
- Mobley, R.K., Fluid Power Dynamics
- Giles, R.V., Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, 2nd Edition
- Banga, T.R and Sharma, S.C., Hydraulic Machines

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

• Tujuan Pembelajaran
• Pengantar Perkuliahan
• Satuan Acara
• Overview Materi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Dasar Mekanika Fluida pada

Sistem Fluida
•Sifat-sifat Fluida
•Statika Fluida
•Kinematika Fluida
•Dinamika Fluida
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Dasar-dasar Sistem Fluida

•Definisi Mesin Fluida
•Perubahan Energi Fluida
Tak Mampu Mampat
•Perubahan Energi Fluida
Mampu Mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Analisis Dimensional dan

Keserupaan Hidrolik
•Penggunaan Dimensi
•Metode Power Product
•Metode pi-Buckingham
•Kesebangunan Hidrolik
•Putaran Spesifik
•Aspek-aspek Terapan
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Perpindahan Energi Antara

Fluida dengan Rotor-1
•Pendekatan Langrangian
dan Eulerian
Transfer Energy
•Impuls dan Reaksi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Perpindahan Energi Antara

Fluida dengan Rotor-2
•Analisis Mesin Turbo
dengan Aliran: Radial,
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Mesin-mesin Fluida - 1
•Dasar-dasar Umum

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Mesin-mesin Fluida - 2
•Diagram Kerja
•Pemilihan Mesin-mesin

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Kavitasi dan Water Hammer

•Fenomena Kavitasi
•Teori dan Perhitungan
•Fenomena Water Hammer

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Hidrolika Aliran Dalam

Sistem Pipa - 1
• Kekentalan Fluida
•Pertambahan dan
Hilangnya Energi
• Aliran Laminar & Turbulen
•Bilangan Reynolds
• Friction Losses

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Hidrolika Aliran Dalam

Sistem Pipa - 2
• Panjang Ekivalen
•Minor Losses pada Katup
dan Fitting
• Rangkaian Hidrolika
•Pengukuran Aliran
• Pengukuran Tekanan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan

Dasar Sistem Pneumatik

• Hukum-hukum Dasar
• Losses Tekanan Udara
•Katup Kontrol
• Dasar Rangkaian

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Hidrostatika dan Hidrodinamika
Statika Fluida
Kinematika Fluida
Dinamika Fluida

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Fluida :
• tidak mampu menahan gaya geser
pada lapisan-lapisannya
• deformasi sebanding dengan tegangan

Relasi Deformasi dengan Perubahan

Tegangan Geser Densitas/Kerapatan

Fluida Newtonian Fluida Mampu- mampat

Fluida Non-Newtonian Fluida Tak Mampu-mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Fluida Newtonian
Deformasi berbanding lurus dengan tegangan geser

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Fluida Non-Newtonian
Deformasi tidak berbanding lurus dengan
tegangan geser

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Fluida Mampu Mampat (Compressible)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Fluida Tak Mampu Mampat (Incompressible)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Densitas/Kerapatan/Massa Jenis, r
Massa Fluida Persatuan Volume
Dimensi : ML-3
Satuan : kg/m3 (SI), slugs/ft3 (BG)

Volume Jenis:


Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Berat Spesifik (Specifiic Weight), g
Berat Fluida Persatuan Volume
Dimensi : FL-3
Satuan : N/m3 (SI), lb/ft3 (BG)

g  rg

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Gravitasi Spesifik (Specifiic Gravity), s.g
Perbandingan (rasio) kerapatan/density suatu
fluida terhadap kerapatan fluida acuan

Fluida acuan cairan adalah air

Fluida acuan gas dan uap adalah udara

rliquid g liquid
s.g   (liquid/cair)
r water g water
r gas / vapor g gas / vapor
s.g   (gas/gas)
r air g air
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Sifat-sifat Fluida
Modulus Bulk Elastisitas Fluida, Ev
Sifat yang biasa digunakan untuk menentukan
Kemampumampatan (compressibility) suatu fluida
Dimensi : FL-2
Satuan : N/m2 (SI), lb/in.2 (BG)
dp dp
Ev   
dV / V d r / r
Ev besar -> fluida incompresible (tak mampu mampat)
Nilai dari modulus bulk gas tergantung pada jenis
Proses yang berlangsung

Isotermal : Ev = p
Isentropik : Ev = kp

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Kecepatan Akustik, c
Kecepatan bunyi di dalam fluida

dp Ev
c 
dr r

Untuk gas ideal dengan proses isentropik

c  kRT

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
- Resistensi fluida terhadap tegangan geser
- kontrol terhadap transfer momentum antar lapisan

- Kohesi molekuler
- Perpindahan molekul
antar lapisan

Pengaruh peningkatan
- cairan : viskositas
- gas : viskositas

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Viskositas Dinamik (Absolut), m
Rasio tegangan geser terhadap laju deformasi
Dimensi : FTL-2
Satuan : N.s/m2 (SI), lb.s/ft2 (BG)

Pengaruh Temperatur: CT 3/ 2
Gas : Persamaan Sutherland m
T S

Cair: Persamaan Andrade m  De B / T

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Viskositas Kinematik, n
Rasio viskositas dinamik dengan kerapatan fluida
Dimensi : L2T-1
Satuan : m2/s (SI), ft2/s (BG)


Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Tegangan Permukaan, s
Intensitas gaya tarik molekul persatuan panjang
sepanjang garis permukaan
Dimensi : FL-1
Satuan : N/m (SI), lb/ft (BG)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Fluida
Tekanan Uap, pv
Tekanan pada mana cairan dan uap fluida berada
dalam kesetimbangan pada temperatur tertentu

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hidrostatika dan Hidrodinamika
 Energi dipindahkan melalui fluida tertutup (dibatasi
batas padat) oleh tekanan yang dibangkitkan dari
pengenaan suatu gaya pada fluida tersebut
 Kebanyakan sistem hidrolik adalah sistem hidro-
statik, dengan energi tekanan bersumber utama
dari gaya tekan. Gerakan fluida diperlukan, tetapi
tidak sebagai penghasil gaya

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hidrostatika dan Hidrodinamika
 Energi kinetik aliran fluida dikonversikan menjadi
energi mekanik (biasanya rotasional) dan diguna-
kan untuk menghasilkan kerja
 Dalam sistem hidrodinamik energi ditransmisikan
oleh gerakan fluida itu sendiri
 Kincir air, turbin dll. merupakan contoh aplikasi
sistem hidrodinamik

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Statika Fluida
Statika Fluida
• Fluida dalam keadaan diam

p  g kˆ  0
• Fluida bergerak sedemikian rupa tidak ada gerakan
relatif antara partikel fluida yang berdekatan

p  g kˆ  r a
• Tidak ada tegangan geser dalam fluid
• Gaya yang terbentuk pada permukaan partikel
akibat tekanan
• Kajian terhadap tekanan dan variasinya dalam
fluida dan pengaruh tekanan pada permukaan
yang tenggelam

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Statika Fluida
Fluida Tak Mampu-mampat
Dalam keadaan diam

p  g kˆ  0  g p1  g h  p2
Hukum Pascal
Tekanan yang dikenakan pada sistem tertutup akan
diteruskan ke segala arah

F1 F2
p1  p2  
A1 A2
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Statika Fluida
Pengukuran Tekanan
Tekanan Mutlak (Absolute Pressure)
Tekanan aktual pada suatu posisi tertentu, dan diukur
relative terhadap keadaan hampa udara sempurna
(absolute vacuum)
Keadaan hampa udara sempurna memiliki tekanan
mutlak nol (absolute vacuum = zero absolute pressure)

Tekanan Pengukuran
Alat pengukur tekanan dikalibrasi pada tekanan atmosfir,
jadi skala bacaannya menyatakan berbedaan antara
tekanan mutlak dengan tekanan udara setempat (Tekanan
Gage= Pgage)
Tekanan di bawah tekanan atmosfir disebut tekanan vakum
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Statika Fluida
Hubungan Antar Tekanan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Statika Fluida
Manometer  Perbedaan tekanan kecil sampai sedang
diukur dengan sebuah manometer.
 Perbedaan ketinggian kolom fluida
sebesar h menunjukkan perbedaan
tekanan sebesar:

Pgas – Patm =

 dimana r adalah massa jenis fluida dan

g adalah percepatan gravitasi lokal
 Tekanan atmosfir diukur dengan sebuah barometer dan
ditentukan sebagai :

dimana h adalah tinggi kolom cairan di atas permukaan bebas

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Statika Fluida
Aspek-aspek lainnya
• Gaya Hidrostatik pada permukaan datar
dan lengkung
• Gaya apung (Buoyancy), Floatation, Stabilitas
• Hukum Archimedes
• Variasi tekanan pada fluida dengan gerakan benda
kaku (rigid body)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kinematika Fluida
Medan Kecepatan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kinematika Fluida
Dimensi Aliran

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kinematika Fluida
Aliran Mantap dan Tak Mantap
(Steady State Flow and Unsteady State Flow)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kinematika Fluida
Garis-garis Arus Aliran
Streamlines, streaklines, pathlines, timelines

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kinematika Fluida
Teorema Transport Reynolds

DBsys 
  r b dV   r bV  nˆ dA
Dt t cv cs

B = sembarang parameter fluida

b = sembarang parameter fluida persatuan massa

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Hukum Kedua Newton Sepanjang Streamline

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Hukum Kedua Newton Normal terhadap Stremline

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Governing Equation

p rV 2  g z  constant along streamline Bernoulli

p  r  dn  g z  constant across streamline

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Tekanan Statik, Stagnasi, Dinamik, Total

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Tekanan Statik, Stagnasi, Dinamik, Total

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Penerapan Persamaan Bernoulli
Free Jet

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Penerapan Persamaan Bernoulli

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Dinamika Fluida
Keterbatasan Penerapan Persamaan Bernoulli

• Pengaruh-pengaruh Kompresibilitas
• Pengaruh-pengaruh unsteadiness
• Pengaruh Rotasi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Definisi Mesin Fluida
Perubahan Energi
- Fluida Tak Mampu Mampat
- Fluida Mampu Mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Definisi Mesin Fluida
Mesin Fluida

turbin air, turbin gas, kincir

Mesin Tenaga

Fluida Mengalir
Energi Fluida Energi Mekanik

Mesin Kerja

pompa, blower, kompresor, fan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Klasifikasi Mesin Fluida
Mesin Fluida

Positive Displacement Turbomachinery

- perubahan volume chamber
- efek statik

- piston
- plunger
- diafragma

- gear
- vane
- lobe
- screw

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Klasifikasi Mesin Fluida
Mesin Fluida

Positive Displacement Turbomachinery

- sekumpulan sudu, bucket, laluan aliran
- efek dinamik

Mesin Impuls
turbin: pelton,
Jonval, Banki, Girard

Mesin Reaksi
Aliran radial,

Aliran aksial

Aliran campuran

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Incompressible
- perubahan energi dalam biasanya dapat diabaikan karena pengaruh-
nya sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan kerja yang dilakukan oleh
mesin fluida
- Kesetimbangan energi (energi balance) dinyatakan sebagai:

 p1 V12   p2 V22 
m   gz1   L  m    gz2 
r 2   r 2 
m = massa mengalir perunit waktu (kg/s)
L p2
L = kerja perunit waktu atau daya (W)
p1 V2
V = kecepatan (m/s)
V1 z
z p = tekanan (Pa = N/m2)
1 z = ketinggian (m)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Incompressible

Komponen Energi:
- head tekanan
kerja yang dilakukan aliran volumetrik (m/r) terhadap tekanan (p)
- head kecepatan
kerja kinetik aliran massa fluida
- head ketinggian
kerja untuk mengatasi perbedaan potensial

Head Total:

 p V2   p V2 
Ht     z     z
 r g 2g   g 2g 
Kerja Mesin Fluida : untuk mengatasi perbedaan head total

L  mg Ht
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Compressible
- perubahan energi dalam tidak dapat diabaikan karena berkaitan
erat dengan kerja (pv) pada fluida yang mengalir
- pengaruh perbedaan ketinggian biasanya sangat kecil dan biasanya
- Kesetimbangan energi (energi balance) dinyatakan sebagai:

 V12   V22 
m  u1  p1v1    L  m  u2  p2v2   J
 2   2 
m = massa mengalir perunit waktu (kg/s)
L L = kerja perunit waktu atau daya (W)
p 2 , u2 V = kecepatan (m/s)
v2 , V2 v = volume spesifik (m3/kg)
p 1 , u1
J p = tekanan (Pa = N/m2)
v1 , V1
u= energi dalam perunit massa (J/kg)
J = perpindahan panas perunit waktu
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Compressible

Entalpi Total:

 V2 
it   u  pv  
 2 

Proses Termodinamika yang Terlibat:

- Hubungan antara p dan v untuk fluida compressible umumnya

ditentu kan oleh proses kompresinya (untuk mesin kerja/kompresor)
atau proses ekspansinya (untuk mesin tenaga/turbin)
- Terdapat 3 macam kemungkinan proses:
1. Proses Adiabatik
2. Proses Isotermik
3. Proses Politropik

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Compressible

Proses Adiabatik
- Proses berjalan tanpa adanya perpindahan panas sama sekali, tidak
ada panas yang keluar atau masuk ke dalam fluida
- proses berjalan dengan sangat cepat
- mesin fluida diisolir sedemikian rupa panas sukar berpidah
atau tertahan
Persamaan Proses:

pv k  konstan
Perbedaan Head Total:

 k 1

1 k    p1  k
H t ,ad   p2v2  1   
g  k 1    p2  
 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Compressible

Proses Isotermik
- Proses berjalan dengan perpindahan panas sedemikian rupa sehingga
suhunya tetap.
- pendinginan sempurna

Persamaan Proses:

pv  konstan

Perbedaan Head Total:

1 p2
H t ,iso  p1v1 ln
g p1

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Perubahan Energi Fluida
Fluida Compressible

Proses Politropik
- Proses berjalan dengan perpindahan panas dan perubahan temperatur
sehingga dapat dikatakan terletak antara proses adiabatik dan
- Proses yang dalam praktek mendekati keadaan sebenarnya

Persamaan Proses:

pv n  konstan
Perbedaan Head Total:

 n 1

1 n    p2 
p1v1     1
H t , pol  
g  n 1    p1  

 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Dalam proses perubahan energi tidak dapat dihindari
kehilangan energi dalam bentuk panas

Efisiensi mesin didefinisikan sebagai perbandingan

daya keluaran dengan daya masuk

Energi Energi
Fluida Mekanik

Energi Panas

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

• Analisis Dimensional
• Metode p-Buckingham
• Korelasi Data Eksperimen
• Pemodelan Dan Keserupaan
• Aspek-aspek Terapan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Analisis Dimensional
Pemecahan Masalah Mekanika Fluida
• Eksperimentasi
• Pemodelan

Analisis Dimensional
Metode yang digunakan untuk mengurangi jumlah dan
Kerumitan variabel fisik suatu persamaan dalam sebuah
analisis eksperimen

• Penghematan waktu dan biaya eksperimen

• Membantu suatu perenecanaan dalam suatu eksperimen
maupun kajian teoritis
• Membantu membuat rancangan model eksperimen

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Teori p-Buckingham
banyaknya produk tak berdimensi yang
diperlukan untuk menggantikan variabel aslinya

jika sebuah persamaan melibatkan k variabel

yang homogen dimensinya, maka dapat disederhanakan
menjadi suatu relasi yang melibatkan (k – r) produk
tak berdimensi, dimana r adalah banyaknya dimensi acuan
yang diperlukan untuk menggambarkan
variabel-variabel tersebut

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Teori p-Buckingham
u1  f (u2 , u3 ,..., uk )

1   ( 2 , 3 ,...,  k r )

M L T M/T2
L, dll.

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Penentuan Suku p

1. Daftarkan seluruh variabel yang terlibat dalam persoalan

2. Nyatakan setiap variabel dalam dimensi-dimensi dasar
3. Tentukan jumlah suku pyang diperlukan
4. Pilih sejumlah variabel berulang (repeating variables),
dimana jumlahnya sama dengan jumlah dimensi acuan
5. Bentuk sebuah suku pdengan mengalikan satu dari
variabel tidak berulang dengan produk dari variabel
berulang yang masing-masing dipangkatkan sedemikian
hingga membuat kombinasi tersebut tak berdimensi.
Ulangi langkah di atas untuk setiap variabel tak berulang
yang tersisa
6. Periksa kembali hasil suku-suku pyang diperoleh untuk
memastikan bahwa semuanya tidak berdimensi
7. Nyatakan bentuk akhirnya sebagai sebuah relasi antar
suku-suku p dan pertimbangkan arti fisiknya
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Beberapa Pertimbangan mengenai
Analisis Dimensional

panjang, sudut, dll.

Sifat Sifat Material

viskositas, kerapatan, dll.

Pengaruh-pengaruh Eksternal
segala variabel yang membuat/cenderung membuat
perubahan pada sistem (gaya, tekanan, kecepatan,
gravitasi, dll.)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Beberapa Pertimbangan mengenai
Analisis Dimensional

Jumlah suku pseminimum mungkin

variabel aslinya seminimum mungkin

Biasanya jumlah dimensi acuan yang di-

gunakan adalah tiga, tetapi ada kemung-
kinan hanya satu atau dua

Gunakan dimensi fundamental MLT atau

Jangan dicampur aduk

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Contoh Analisis Dimensional
Fluida Newtonian tak mampu mampat
yang mengalir melalui pipa silinder
horizontal, panjang, berdinding mulus

Hendak dikaji penurunan

tekanan persatuan panjang
(pl )


V, r,m

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Contoh Analisis Dimensional

1. Variabel yang terlibat

pl : penurunan tekanan persatuan panjang
D : diameter pipa
r : kerapatan fluida
m : viskositas fluida D
V : kecepatan fluida


pl  f ( D, r , m ,V ) V, r,m

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Contoh Analisis Dimensional
2. Dimensi-dimensi Dasar Variabel
Digunakan dimensi acuan FLT

pl : FL-3 D
D : L
r : FL-4T2
m : FL-2T pl
V : LT-1
V, r,m

3. Banyaknya suku p yang diperlukan

Variable (pl , D, r, m, V ) , k = 5
Dimensi acuan (F, L, T ), r = 3
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Contoh Analisis Dimensional
4. Penentuan Variabel Berulang
• Tidak menggunakan variabel terikat
• Jumlahnya sama dengan jumlah
dimensi acuan D
• Coba dipilih variabel yang
dimensinya sederhana

V, r,m

Variabel berulang 3 buah : V, D, r

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Contoh Analisis Dimensional
5. Pembentukan suku p
1  pl D aV b r c
Harus tak berdimensi : D

 FL3 )  L )  LT 1 )  FL4T 2 )  F 0 L0T 0

a b c

Sehingga : pl
Untuk F : 1 c  0
Untuk L :  3  a  b  4c  0
V, r,m
Untuk F :  b  2c  0
Diperoleh : a  1, b  2, c  1
Jadi :
p D
1  l 2
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Contoh Analisis Dimensional
5. Pembentukan suku p
 2  m D aV b r c
Harus tak berdimensi : D

 FL T )  L )  LT )  FL
2 a 1 b 4
T )
2 c
 F 0 L0T 0
Sehingga : pl
Untuk F : 1 c  0
Untuk L :  2  a  b  4c  0
V, r,m
Untuk F : 1  b  2c  0
Diperoleh : a  1, b  1, c  1
Jadi :
2 
DV r
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Contoh Analisis Dimensional
6. Pemeriksaan kembali suku-suku p

1 
pl D

 ) L)

 F 0 0 0
rV  FL T ) LT )
2 4 2 1 2

2 

 FL T ) 2

 F 0 L0T 0
DV r  L )  LT ) FL

7. Bentuk Akhir
pl D  m 
 
rV 2
 DV r  V, r,m
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Korelasi Data Eksperimen
1. Persoalan dengan satu suku p
1  C C ditentukan dari eksperimen
2. Persoalan dengan
dua suku p

1    2 )

3. Persoalan dengan
tiga suku p

1    2 , 3 )

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pemodelan dan Keserupaan
Representasi sistim fisik yang dapat digunakan untuk
memprediksi perilaku sistim tersebut terhadap aspek yang
Sistem fisik yang perilakunya akan diprediksi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pemodelan dan Keserupaan
Hukum Pemodelan (Syarat Keserupaan)
Keserupaan antara sebuah model dengan sebuah prototipe
dapat dicapai dengan menyamakan suku-suku p

1 p     2 p ,  3 p ,... np ) 1m    2m , 3m ,...nm )

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pemodelan dan Keserupaan
Skala Model
lm Vm
Skala Geometris : l  Skala Kecepatan : V 
lp Vp
rm mm
Skala Kerapatan : r  Skala Viskositas : m 
rp mp

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Aspek-aspek Terapan
Analisis Dimensional
Variabel Geometrik
Panjang, diameter, ketebalan, chord, span, dll

Variabel Kinematik
Kecepatan, laju aliran massa, laju aliran volume, percepatan,
kecepatan angular
Variabel Dinamik
Sifat Fluida
Density, spesific weight, viscosity, elasticity, surface tension
Karakteristik Performansi
Peningkatan tekanan, daya, torsi, resistensi, tegangan,
intensitas geseran, gaya angkat(lift), gaya seret (drag), dll.

Bilangan Tak Berdimensi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Aspek-aspek Terapan -
Bilangan Tak Berdimensi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Aspek-aspek Terapan
Keserupaan Hidrolik
Keserupaan Geometrik
Rasio dimensi linear di mana-mana sama
Keserupaan Kinematik
Rasio kecepatan sama, segitiga-segitiga kecepatan yang
menggambarkan kondisi aliran sebangun
Keserupaan Dinamik
Rasio berbagai gaya di mana-mana sama. Untuk aliran
fluida, garis-garis streamline dimana-mana sama

Koefisien Kapasitas Parameter yang Putaran spesifik

Koefisien Head disederhanakan
Koefisien Daya, dll

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

• Pertimbangan Energi
• Pertimbangan Momentum Angular
• Komponen Transfer Energi
• Impuls dan Reaksi
• Analisis Mesin Turbo

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pertimbangan Energi
Perpindahan Energi Antara Fluida Dengan Rotor

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pertimbangan Energi
Idealisasi Aliran yang Melalui Mesin Turbo
a. Mesin Kerja

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pertimbangan Energi
Idealisasi Aliran yang Melalui Mesin Turbo
a. Mesin Tenaga

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pertimbangan Energi
Idealisasi Aliran yang Melalui Mesin Turbo

a. Mesin Kerja
• Energi berpindah dari rotor kepada fluida
• Pertambahan Komponen Tangensial Kecepatan Absolut
Searah dengan Putaran Rotor

b. Mesin Tenaga
• Energi berpindah dari fluida kepada rotor
• Pertambahan Komponen Tangensial Kecepatan Absolut
berlawanan arah dengan Putaran Rotor

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pertimbangan Momentum Angular
Kerja - Torsi - Angular Displacement
Kerja  Torsi  Angular Displacement
a. Mesin Kerja
• Torsi poros dan perputaran rotor searah, energi ditransfer
dari poros ke rotor dan dari rotor ke fluida
b. Mesin Tenaga
• Torsi poros dan perputaran rotor berlawanan arah, energi
ditransfer dari fluida ke rotor dan dari rotor ke poros

Torsi Poros
• Diturunkan dari persamaan moment dari momentum

 r  V )r d   cs r  V )r V  nˆ dA   r  F )contents of  Tporos
t cv control volume

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pertimbangan Momentum Angular
Persamaan Moment dari Momentum - Aliran Stedi

cs r  V )r V  nˆ dA   r  F )contents of
control volume
 Tporos

Laju aliran neto dari Jumlah torsi eksternal

moment daripada (moment) yang bekerja
momentum angular pada isi volume atur
melalui permukaan atur

Persamaan Mesin Turbo Euler

Tporos  m1  rV
1  1 )  m2  r2V 2 )
V searah dengan U : positif
V berlawanan arah dengan U : negatif
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Komponen Transfer Energi
Persamaan Mesin Turbo Euler
Daya Poros

W poros  Tporos
  m1  rV
1  1 )  m2  r2V 2 )
  m1 U1V 1 )  m2 U 2V 2 )
Kerja Spesifik Poros
m1  m2  m
wporos   U1V 1 )  U 2V 2 )
Tinjauan Lain
(segitiga besar):Vx2  V 2  V2 ; (segitiga kecil): Vx2  W 2  (V  U )2
V 2 U 2 W 2
maka : UV 
V22  V12  U 22  U12  (W22  W12 )
sehingga : wporos 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI 2 Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Mesin Reaksi
• Tekanan Statik Fluida Berubah
• Derajat reaksi berkaitan pengurangan tekanan statik
(static pressure drop) melalui rotor

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Aliran Radial
• Aliran pada kondisi aktual unsteady dan tiga dimensi
• Kajian teoritis mempertimbangkan aliran satu dimensi rata rata
Contoh : pompa sentrifugal
Daya Poros

W poros  Tporos
 r Q  r2V 2  rV
1 1 )
 r Q U 2V 2  U1V 1 )
Kenaikan Head

Wporos  r Q U 2V 2  U1V 1 )

 r Qghi
maka :
hi  U 2V 2  U1V 1 )

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Aliran Radial
Bentuk Lain Kenaikan Head

hi 
1  2
2g  V2  
 U 2
2  ) 
 W1
 W2

 )  )

1 2 3
1. Peningkatan energi kinetik fluida
2. Kenaikan head yang terbentuk sepanjang sudu akibat efek
3. Diffusi aliran relatif pada laluan sudu

Kenaikan Head Ideal

1  90o  V 1  0
U 2V 2
hi  (V 2  U 2  cot  2Vr 2 )
U 22 U 2Vr 2 cot  2
hi  
g g
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Aliran Aksial
• r1 = r2
• segitiga kecepatan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Karakteristik Kinerja

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Mesin Impuls
• Tekanan statik fluida tidak berubah

V 1  V1  W1  U
V 2  W2 cos   U

Asumsi : W1  W2

V 2  V 1  (U  V1 )(1  cos  )
Tporos  mrm (U  V1 )(1  cos  )
W poros  Tporos  m rm (U  V1 )(1  cos  )
 mU (U  V1 )(1  cos  )
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Mesin Impuls
• Alternatif lain

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng


Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Konstruksi Umum
 impeller
- tersambung pada
poros berputar
- memiliki sejumlah
sudu (blade/vane)
 casing
- menyelubungi
- pengurangan
kecepatan aliran ->
kenaikan tekanan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
 Impeller Terbuka (Open type impeller)
 Impeller Tertutup (Closed or Shroude type impeller
 Single Suction
 Double Suction

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
 Volute
- luas penampang membesar searah aliran
- menghasilkan distribusi kecepatan uniform
 Diffuser
- pompa sentrifugal yang besar
- sudu pengarah diffuser mengelilingi impeller
- aliran fluida diperlambat sambil diarahkan masuk ke casing

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Prinsip Operasi


Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Pertimbangan Teoritis
Daya Poros

W poros  Tporos
 r Q  r2V 2  rV
1 1 )
 r Q U 2V 2  U1V 1 )
Kenaikan Head

Wporos  r Q U 2V 2  U1V 1 )

 r Qghi
maka :
hi  U 2V 2  U1V 1 )

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Kenaikan Head Ideal
1  90o  V 1  0
U 2V 2
hi  (V 2  U 2  cot  2Vr 2 )
U 22 U 2Vr 2 cot  2
hi   (Q  2p r2b2Vr 2 )
g g
U 22 U 2 cot  2
hi   Q
g 2p r2b2 g
Pompa Aktual
20o   2  25o
15o  1  50o

 2  90o  backward curved

 2  90o  forward curved (jarang dipakai
aliran tak stabil)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Kenaikan Head Aktual
Kerugian Hidrolik (Hydraulic Losses)
 Kerugian Gesek (Friction
- Pergesekan kulit (skin
friction) pada fluida di
laluan sudu
- Meningkat sebanding
dengan kuadrat
kapasitas (Q2)
 Kerugian lain
- separasi aliran
- aliran clearance antara
- efek tiga dimensi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Karakteristik Kinerja Pompa
Pump test arrangement Kenaikan Head Aktual
p2  p1 V22  V12
ha   z2  z1 
( z1  z2 ;V1  V2 )

z2 –
z1 p2  p1
ha 

Daya diperoleh fluida/WHP Overall efficiency, h

Pf  g Qha (WHP  Pf dalam HP)
Daya diberikan poros/BHP h
Wp  Daya poros (BHP  Wp dalam HP)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Karakteristik Kinerja Pompa
Diagram Karakteristik Efficiency:
 Kerugian Hidrolik ->
Efisiensi Hidrolik, hh
 Kerugian Mekanik ->
Efisiensi Mekanik, hm
 Kerugian Volumetrik ->
Efisiensi Volumetrik, hv

Overall efficiency, h

h  hhhmhv
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Karakteristik Kinerja Pompa
Diagram Karakteristik

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Pembentukan gelembung-gelembung (uap) cairan karena tekanan cairan
pada suatu kondisi tertentukan berkurang mencapai tekanan
- terjadi pada sisi hisap pompa
- mengurangi efisiensi pompa
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Perbedaan antara head total pada sisi hisap, di dekat sisi masuk impeler
dan head tekanan uap cairan
- untuk mengetahui potensi terjadinya kavitasi

ps Vs pv
NPSH   
g 2g g
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR)
NPSH yang harus dijaga (besarnya harus dilewati) oleh suatu instalasi
sistem pompa sehingga kavitasi tidak terjadi
- daerah bertekanan lebih rendah daripada di pipa hisap
terbentuk di impeller eye
- ditentukan secara eksperimental

Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA)

Head yang sebenarnya terjadi pada sebuah sistem aliran tertentu
- dapat ditentukan secara eksperimental, atau dihitung jika parameter
sistem diketahui

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Persamaan Energi
patm ps Vs2
 z1     hL
g g 2g
Head tersedia pada sisi masuk impeller
ps Vs2 patm
   z1   hL
g 2g g

patm pv
NPSH A   z1   hL 
g g

Untuk pengoperasian pompa yang tepat (menghindari kavitasi)


Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Karakteristik Sistem dan Pemilihan Pompa

Pemilihan pompa pada suatu aplkasi

Head aktual pompa: - menggunakan kurva sistem, yang didapat
hp  z2  z1   hL dari perusamaan sistem dan kurva kinerja
Dari kajian aliran dalam pipa, hL  Q 2 - kondisi operasi adalah perpotongan antara
hp  z2  z1  KQ 2  persamaan sistem kedua kurva
- idealnya kondisi operasi mendekati titik
efisiensi terbaik (BEP)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Susunan Pompa

Susunan Seri Susunan Paralel

- untuk menambah head - untuk menambah kapasitas
- kurva kinerja : penjumlahan head pada - kurva kinerja : penjumlahan kapasitas
kapasitas yang sama pada head yang sama
- untuk dua pompa yang sama, jika kurva - untuk dua pompa yang sama, jika kurva
sistem tetap sama, head aktual yang sistem tetap sama, kapasitas aktual yang
diperoleh tidak sama dengan dua kali diperoleh tidak sama dengan dua kali
lipatnya lipatnya
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Parameter Tak-berdimensi dan Hukum Keserupaan
Dependent Variables: Analisis Dimensional :
- kenaikan head aktual, ha  li  Q r D 2 
- daya poros, Wp suku  p    , , , 
 D D D m 
- efisiensi, h

Independent Variables: Koefisien Kenaikan Head :

- diameter karakteristik, D gha  li  Q r D 2 
- panjang karakteristik, li CH  2 2  1  , , , 
- kekasaran permukaan,   D  D D  D 3
m 
Koefisien Daya :
- laju aliran, Q
- putaran poros,  Wp  li  Q r D 2 
CP   2  , , , 
- viskositas fluida, m r D3 5
 D D  D 3
m 
- densitas fluida, r Efisiensi :
r gQha  li  Q r D 2 
h  3  , , , 
Wp  D D  D 3
m 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Parameter Tak-berdimensi dan Hukum Keserupaan
Analisis Dimensional :
 li  Q r D 2 
suku  p    , , , 
 D D D m 

Kekasaran Relatif Reynolds Number

dapat diabaikan karena untuk bilangan Reynolds yang
pengaruhnya kalah dominan tinggi (kasus aktual pada
dibandingkan dengan faktor pompa), pengaruh bilangan
geometri bentuk “pump Reynolds dapat diabaikan
Jadi :
l Q 
suku  p    i , 3 
 D  D 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Parameter Tak-berdimensi dan Hukum Keserupaan
Pompa-pompa yang serupa secara geometris (geometrically similar)
- suku geometris, li/D tidak berpengaruh

 Q  Jika dua pompa yang serupa secara

suku  p    3  geometris beroperasi dengan koefisien
 D  aliran yang sama
 CQ  koefisien aliran  Q   Q 
D 3
 
3  3 
  D 1   D 2

 gha   Q 
 2 2  1  3 
Hukum Penskalaan Pompa
 D   D 
 Wp   gha   gha 
 Q   2 2   2 2 
 3 5 
 
 2   D 3    D 1   D  2
 r D   Wp   Wp 
 3 5 
 Q 
h  3  r   r 3 D5 
3   D 1  2
  D  h1  h2
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Hukum Penskalaan Pompa

h  CQCH C

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Hukum Khusus Penskalaan Pompa
(Pump affinity law)
- pengaruh karakteristik pompa karena perubahan putaran operasi, 
pada suatu pompa tertentu, dengan koefisien aliran yang sama
Q  ha1 12 Wp1 13
D1  D2 ; 1  2  1  1 ;  2 ;  3
Q2 2 ha 2 2 Wp 2 2

- pengaruh karakteristik pompa karena perubahan diameter impeller, D
pada suatu putaran operasi tertentu, dengan koefisien aliran yang sama

Q1 D13 ha1 D12 Wp1 D15

D1  D2 ; 1  2   3 ;  2 ;  5
Q2 D2 ha 2 D2 Wp 2 D2

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Pengaruh Perubahan Diameter pada Efisiensi
Pengaruh viskositas dan kekasaran permukaan mulai timbul
dan menjadi tidak bisa diabaikan jika ukuran pompa dibuat
semakin kecil. Pengaruh tersebut akan berakibat pada
efisiensi pompa, yang terutama disebabkan oleh clearance
dan ukuran sudu yang lebih kecil

- pendekatan empiris untuk mengestimasi pengaruh ukuran

yang mengecil terhadap efisiensi:
1/ 5
1  h2  D1 
 
1  h1  D2 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Pompa Sentrifugal
Kecepatan Spesifik

1/ 2 US customary unit
 Q 
 3   (rpm) Q( gpm)
  D   Q N sd 
Ns    ha ( ft ) )
3/ 4

 a)
3/ 4 3/ 4
 gh a  gh
 2 2
 D  N sd  2733N s

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Sentrifugal
Kecepatan Spesifik Hisap
 Q  (rpm) Q( gpm) N sd  2733N s
Ss  S sd 
 g ( NPSH R ) )  NPSH R ( ft ) )
3/ 4 3/ 4

Catatan Mengenai Kecepatan Spesifik

 Nilai kecepatan spesifik sebuah pompa biasanya
didefinisikan pada koefisien aliran pada efisiensi
 Pompa dengan kecepatan spesifik rendah memiliki
karakteristik kapasitas rendah dan head tinggi
 Pompa dengan kecepatan spesifik tinggi memiliki
karakteristik kapasitas tinggi dan head rendah

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Aksial dan Campuran

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Pompa Aksial dan Campuran

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

 Kegunaan
- Memindahkan fluida gas (udara, gas, uap)
 Karakteristik operasi
- Kecepatan putar relatif rendah
- Mampu memindahkan fluida gas dalam volume yang besar
- Perubahan kerapatan fluida gas melalui fan tidak melebihi
7 % (misalnya untuk udara hanya mengakibatkan perubahan
tekanan 6,9 kPa), sehingga dalam analisisnya kerapatan
fluida dapat dianggap konstan, dan alirannya tak mampu
 Analisis desain, kinerja dan penskalaan fan tidak berbeda
dengan pompa. Namun, kenaikan head pada fan sering
dinyatakan dalam kenaikan tekanan (baik statik maupun
 gha   gha   pa   pa 
 2 2   2 2   2 2 
 2 2 
  D 1   D 2  r D 1  r D 2

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

 Fungsi :
- Kompresor adalah pompa yang menambahkan energi kepada fluida mampu
mampat dengan mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan dan densitas fluida
secara signifikan
 Karakteristik operasi
- Kecepatan putar relatif tinggi
- Besarnya kompresi dinyatakan dalam rasio tekanan total, PR
- Kompresor sentrifugal : PR tinggi, laju aliran rendah
- Kompresor aksial : PR rendah, laju aliran tinggi
 Analisis desain, kinerja dan penskalaan kompresor memerlukan pemahaman
prinsip-prinsip termodinamika
Rasio Tekanan
PR 
P01 = tekanan mutlak outlet
p02 = tekanan mutlak inlet

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kompresor Tingkat Banyak (Multi stage)
outlet dari tingkat sebelumnya
masuk ke inlet tingkat

Rasio Tekanan Total

PRT  PR n
PRT  Rasio tekanan total
PR  Rasio tekanan individual
n  jumlah tingkat
Kompresi adiabatik menyebabkan kenaikan temperatur gas,
sehingga perlu kerja lebih besar dari pada kompresi isotermal.
Intercooler digunakan untuk menurunkan temperatur gas yang
dikompresi sehingga membutukan lebih sedikit kerja
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Distribusi Entalpi, Kecepatan dan Tekanan pada Kompresor
Aksial Tingkat Banyak
 Untuk membantu peningkatan tekanan
dan densitas, luas penampang anulus
(rongga laluan) mengecil agar ukuran
kanal aliran berkurang dari inlet ke
outlet kompresor
 Sudu Rotor berfungsi
mendorong/menekan fluida dalam arah
pergerakan sudu dan ke arah belakang
sambil menambahkan energi
 Sudu Stator berfungsi seperti diffuser,
membantu mengalirkanfluida ke arah
aksial dan meningkatkan tekanan statik
 Sudu pengarah masuk (inlet guide
vanes) terdapat di hulu dari barisan
rotor pertama, berfungsi
mengoptimalkan ukuran dan kecepatan
relatif fluida masuk ke rotor pertama

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Parameter Aliran yang Digunakan pada Kompresor
R  Konstanta Gas
m  laju aliran massa
Rm kRT01 k  specific heat ratio
T01  temperatur stagnasi inlet
D 2 p01 D  panjang karakteristik
p01  tekanan stagnasi inlet
Laju massa terkoreksi

 Rm kRT01   Rm kRT01  T0, std
    mstd 
 D 2 p01   D 2 p01  p01,test
 test   std
std  Keadaan Standard p0, std
(keadaan atmosfir standard)
p0  1 Atm R, k , D  konstan
T0  K
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
 Terhadap laju massa koreksi maka putaran rotor perlu
diperhitungkan dalam suatu suku tak berdimensi:


 Untuk kompresor yang sama bekerja dengan gas yang

sama, D, k dan R dapat dieliminasi sehingga diperoleh
kecepatan putar terkoreksi, Nstd :

N std 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Karakteristik Kinerja Kompresor Aksial
 Jika laju aliran berkurang dari jumlah
perancangan (design amount), aliran
relatif memasuki sudu dengan sudut
yang lebih besar dari yang
 Jika sudut tersebut semakin membesar
dapat terjadi stall, sehingga kompresor
tersendat-sendat, kondisi aliran tidak
stabil yang bisa menyebabkan getaran,
bising, dan kinerja yang buruk serta
kemungkinan merusak mesin
 Sudu pengarah masuk (inlet guide
vanes) terdapat di hulu dari barisan
rotor pertama, berfungsi
mengoptimalkan ukuran dan
kecepatan relatif fluida masuk ke rotor

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Turbin Impuls

 Head total fluida masuk diubah

menjadi head kecepatan yang besar
di keluaran nosel penyuplai dan
perubahaan kecepatan relatif fluida
selama melewati bucket diabaikan
 Ruang yang mengelilingi rotor tidak
sepenuhnya terisi oleh fluida
 Impuls dari jet-jet yang menabrak
bucket yang menimbulkan torsi
Daya output maksimum pada kecepatan
 Pertimbangan desain: head loss di
bucket setengan dari kecepatan fluida
penstock, desain nosel, desin bucket
keluar nosel V1
U max power   Paling efisien digunakan untuk
2 operasi dengan head tinggi, laju alir
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Turbin Reaksi

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Turbin Reaksi
Efisiensi Wporos
CH  1 (CQ ) h
r gQhT
CP  2 (CQ ) CP
h  3 (CQ ), h
Kecepatan spesifik tenaga

 Wporos / r
N 's 
 ghT )
5/ 4

 (rpm) Wporos (bhp)

N 'sd 
 hT ( ft ) )
5/ 4

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Turbin Aliran Mampu-mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Turbin Aliran Mampu-mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Turbin Aliran Mampu-mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Turbin Aliran Mampu-mampat

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

• Pendahuluan
• Susunan Sistem Pneumatik
• Sifat-sifat Udara
• Elemen-elemen Pneumatik
• Beberapa Aspek Penerapan

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sistem Pneumatik
 Pressurized Gas
 Mentransmisikan daya dan mengontrol tenaga/daya

Gas yang digunakan biasanya adalah udara

 Aman
- tidak merusak lingkungan
- tidak mudah terbakar
 Murah
 Ketersediaan yang besar

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Kelebihan sistem pneumatik
 Inertia gas rendah, sehingga memungkinkan percepatan/
perlambatan aktuator atau pembukaan/penutupan katup-
katup secara cepat
 Daya yang dibutuhkan relatif kecil
 Tidak membutuhkan reservoir khusus, karena
menggunakan udara yang dialirkan kembali ke atmosfir
Kekurangan sistem pneumatik
 Karena kompresibilitas udara, sulit mendapatkan
kecepatan aktuator yang terkendali dengan tepat
 Tekanan sistem pneumatik relatif rendah ( < 250 psi)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Susunan Sistem Pneumatik
Sistem Pneumatik secara umum tersusun dari 6
komponen dasar :
1. Tangki/Bejana Tekan
Untuk menyimpan sejumlah volume tertentu udara
bertekanan (compressed/pressurized air)
2. Kompresor
Untuk memampatkan udara yang berasal langsung dari
3. Penggerak mula (prime mover)
Biasanya digunakan motor listrik untuk menggerakkan
4. Katup-katup
Untuk mengendalikan arah, tekanan dan laju aliran

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Susunan Sistem Pneumatik
5. Aktuator
Berfungsi mengkonversikan energi udara bertekanan
menjadi gaya mekanik atau torsi untuk melakukan kerja
yang berguna
- silinder untuk memungkinkan gerak linier
- motor untuk melakukan gerak berputar
6. Pipa
Untuk laluan pembawa udara bertekanan dari suatu
tempat ke tempat lain

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Udara
 Mixture of gasses :
- oksigen (21%)
- nitrogen (78 %)
- argon, karbon dioksida, dll (1%)
 Mengandung uap air (sampai 4 %, tergantung
 Standard untuk perhitungan pneumatik
- tekanan : 1 atm (14,7 psia = 101 kPa abs)
- berat spesifik : 11, 8 N/m3
- temperatur : 20 oC
- kelembaban relatif : 36 %

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Udara
 Tekanan udara di atmosfir tergantung pada ketinggian

 Dalam perhitungan pneumatik, udara dianggap bersifat

seperti gas ideal
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Sifat-sifat Udara
Hukum-hukum Gas Ideal
 General Law
PV  mRT
PV  nT
 constant

Proses pada sistem pneumatik

Hukum Boyle Hukum Charles Hukum Gay-Lussacs

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Udara
Hukum-hukum Gas Ideal
 Hukum Boyle

V1 P2

V2 P1

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Sifat-sifat Udara
Hukum-hukum Gas Ideal
 Hukum Charles

V1 T1

V2 T2
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Sifat-sifat Udara
Hukum-hukum Gas Ideal
 Hukum Gay-Lussac’s

P1 T1

P2 T2
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
 Sistem pneumatik biasanya menggunakan kompresor
perpindahan positif (positive displacement) : kompresor
piston, rotary screw, vane

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Kompresor Piston

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Compressor Starting Unloader Control
 Fungsi:
Mencegah tekanan udara yang telah terbentuk mendorong balik ke
arah kompresor yang dapat menghambat gerakan piston kompresor
saat start awal
 Jenis:
- Pressure-switch unloader control
- Centrifugal unloader control

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Setting Tekanan Normal

 Catatan:
Kompresor yang terlalu sering bekerja (lebih dari sekali setiap 6
menit) atau yang lebih dari 80 % daripada waktu pemasokan udara ke
tangki harus diatur dengan sebuah constant-speed control
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Rating Kapasitas Udara
 Kompresor udara umumnya dirating dalam satuan cfm udara bebas
(cubic-feet per minute udara pada kondisi aktual atmosfir)
 Cfm udara bebas disebut scfm (standard cubic-feet per minute) jika
udara pada sisi masuk kompresor berada pada kondisi atmosfir
 Dalam satuan SI hal yang sama dinyatakan dalam m3/min

 P2  T1   P2  T1 
V1  V2    Q1  Q2   
 P1  T2   P1  T2 

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Ukuran Tangki/Bejana Tekan Penyimpan Udara
 Parameter yang perlu dipertimbangkan:
- tekanan sistem
- kebutuhan laju aliran
- kapabilitas output kompresor
- jenis pengoperasian

 Fungsi Tanki/Bejana Tekan:

- reservoir udara
- mensupplai udara dengan tekanan konstan
- meredam fluktuasi tekanan baik dari kompresor maupun dari sistem
- mengatasi kebutuhan transient, saat aliran udara yang dibutuhkan
sistem pneumatik melebihi kemampuan kompresor

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Perhitungan Ukuran Tangki/Bejana Tekan
Metrik SI
14, 7t (Qr  Qc ) 101t (Qr  Qc )
Vr  Vr 
Pmax  Pmin Pmax  Pmin

t = lamanya waktu tangki mampu mensuplai udara (min)

Qr = laju pemakaian udara sistem pneumatik (scfm, standard m3/min)
Qc = laju aliran output kompresor (scfm, standard m3/min)
Pmax = level tekanan maksimum yang di set pada tangki (psi, kPa)
Pmin = level tekanan maksimum (psi, kPa)
Vr = Ukuran tangki (ft3, m3)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Daya Penggerak Kompresor

PinQ  Pout 

HPth     1 (hp)
65, 4  Pin  


PinQ  Pout 

Pth     1 (kW)
17,1  Pin  

Pmax = level tekanan maksimum yang di set pada tangki (psi, kPa)
Pmin = level tekanan maksimum (psi, kPa)
Q = laju aliran (scfm, m3/min)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Pengkondisi Fluida (Fluid Conditioner)
Saringan udara (air filter)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Pengatur Tekanan Udara (air pressure regulator)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Pelumas Udara (air lubricator)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Kombinasi Filter-Regulator-Lubricator

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Indikator Pneumatik

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Pneumatik Silencer

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Elemen Sistem Pneumatik
Chiller Air Dryer

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
 The reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump as it
sucks and raises the liquid by actually displacing it with a
piston/plunger that executes a reciprocating motion in a closely
fitting cylinder
 The amount of liquid pumped is equal to the volume displaced by
the piston
 The pumps designed with disk pistons create pressures upto 25
bar and the plunger pumps built up still higher pressures
 Discharge from these pumps is almost wholly dependent on
thepump speed
 The total efficiency of a reciprocating pump is about 10 to 20%
higher than a comparable cerittifugal pump
 The reciprocating pump is generally employed for:
 Light oil pumping
 Feeding small boilers condensate return, and
 Pneumatic pressure systems

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Reciprocating pumps are classified as:
 According to the water being in
contact with piston:
 Single-acting pump: water is in contact
with one side of the piston
 Double-acting pump: water is in
contact with both sides of the piston
 According to number of cylinders:
 Single cylinder pump
 Multi cylinder pump
 According to prime mover of the
 A power pump is one that reciprocates
the pumping element with a crankshaft
or camshaft
 A direct-acting pump is a reciprocating
pump driven by a fluid which has a
differential pressure
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Components and Working Principles
The main parts of a
reciprocating pump
 Cylinder
 Piston
 Suction valve
 Delivery valve
 Suction pipe
 Delivery pipe
 Crank and
connecting rod
operated by a
power'source e.g.
steam engine,
internal combustion
engine or an electric
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Components and Working Principles
Working of a single-acting reciprocating pump:
 initially the crank is at the inner dead centre (IDC) and crank rotates in the
clockwise direction
 As the crank rotates, the piston moves towards right and a vacuum is
created on the left side of the piston, causing suction valve to open and
consequently the liquid is forced from the sump into the left side of the
piston.When the crank is at the outer dead centre (ODC) the suction stroke
is completed and the left side of the cylinder is full of liquid
 When the crank further turns from ODC
to IDC, the piston moves inward to the
left and high pressure is built up in the
 The delivery valve opens and the liquid
is forced into the delivery pipe. The
liquid is carried to the discharge tank
through the delivery pipe
 At the end of delivery stroke the crank
comes to the I.D.C and the piston is at
the extreme left position
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Components and Working Principles
Working of a double-acting reciprocating pump:
 suction and delivery strokes occur simultaneously. When the crank rotates
from IDC in the clockwise direction, a vaccurn is created on the left side of
piston and the liquid is sucked in from the sump through value S1
 At the same time, the liquid on the right side of the piston is pressed and a
high pressure causes the delivery valve D2 to open and the liquid is
passed on to the discharge tank. This operation continues till the crank
reaches ODC
 With further rotation of the crank, the
liquid is sucked in from the sump
through the suction valve S2 and is
delivered to the discharge tank
through the delivery valve D1. When
the crank reaches IDC, the piston is in
the extreme left position. Thus one
cycle is completed and as the crank
further rotates, cycles are repeated.

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Components and Working Principles
Variations of discharge through delivery pipe (Qd) with crank angle

a single-acting a double-acting
reciprocating pump reciprocating pump

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Discharge, Work done and Power
Single Acting Reciprocating Pump
D = diameter of the cylinder (m)
A = cross-sectional area of the
piston/cylinder (m2)
r = radius of crank (m)
N = speed of the crank (rpm)
L = length of the stroke (= 2r) (m)
hs = height of the centre of the cylinder
above the liquid surface (m)
hd = height to which the liquid is raised
above the centre of the cylinder (m)

Suction volume during suction stroke : Vs  AL  p D 2 L / 4

Discharge of the pump per second : Qd  Vs N / 60  ALN / 60
Weight of fluid delivered per second : W  g Qd  g ALN / 60
Power required to drive the pump : P  W (hs  hd )  g ALN (hs  hd ) / 60
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Discharge, Work done and Power
Double Acting Reciprocating Pump
D = diameter of the cylinder (m)
d = diameter of piston rod (m2)
Other parameters are similar to single
acting pump

Area on one side of the piston: A  p D2 / 4

Area on other side of the piston
where piston rod is connected : 
A '  D2  d 2
p p 
Volume delivered in one revolution of Vd  ( A  A ') L   D 2  ( D 2  d 2 )  L
the cranck : 4 4 
Discharge of the pump per second : Qd  Vd N / 60  ( A  A ') LN / 60
Weight of fluid delivered per second : W  g Qd  g ( A  A ') LN / 60
Power required to drive the pump : P  W (hs  hd )
 g ( A  A ') LN (hs  hd ) / 60
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Coefficient of Discharge
Co-efficient of discharge
 In a reciprocating pump, the actual discharge (Qact) is always
slightly different from the theoretical discharge (Qth) due to
following reasons:
 Leakage through the valves, glands and piston packing
 Imperfect operation of the valves (suction and discharge)
 Partial filling of cylinder by the liquid
 The ratio between actual discharge and theoretical discharge is
known as the co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of the pump
 When the value of Cd is expressed in percentage, it is known as
volumetric effidency of the pump
 Volumetric efficiency depends upon the dimensions of the pump
and its value ranges from 85-98%
actual discharge Q Qact
Cd   act hvol  Cd 100%  100%
theoretical discharge Qth Qth

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

 The difference between the theoretical discharge and actual discharge is
called the 'slip' of the pump:
 The slip is oftenly expressed in percentage
 The percentage of slip for the pumps maintained in good condition is of the
order of 2% or even less
Slip  Qth  Qact

Qth  Qact  Qact 

%Slip  100  1   100  (1  Cd ) 100
Qth  Qth 
 in some cases Qact. may be more than Qth and the slip will be 'negative‘
 The slip will be negative when there is a direct connection between the
suction and delivery sides before the end of suction stroke
 This happens if the momentum of liquid in the suction pipe is large enough
to open the delivery valve before the beginning of delivery stroke
 The negative slip is possible in case of pumps having long suction pipe and
a short delivery pipe, especially when these are operating at high speeds.
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Acceleration of Piston
Effect of Acceleration of Piston on Velocity and Pressure in
the Suction and Delivery Pipes
 If the crank rotates uniformly and the connection rod is long enough
compared to the radius of crank, the piston makes simple harmonic
 This causes acceleration during the first half of the stroke and
deceleration during the second half of the stroke
Let :
A = cross-sectional area of the piston/cylinder (m2)
a = area of the pipe, suction or delivery (m2)
l = length of the pipe, suction or delivery (m)
r = radius of the crank (m)
 = angular speed of the crank (rad/s)
v = velocity of fluid in the pipe (m/s)
2p N
 Angle turned by the crank in time   t  t
t: 60
 The corresponding distance (x) travelled- by the piston :
x  r  r cos  r (1  cos )  r (1  cos  t )
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Acceleration of Piston
 Velocity of the piston : V  dx / dt  d  r (1  cos t ) ) / dt   r sin t

 Acceleration of the piston : a p  dV / dt  d  r sin t ) / dt   2 r cos t

 From continuity considerations, the volume of liquid flowing from the

pipe equals the volume of liquid flowing into the cylinder : va  VA
 Velocity of fluid in the pipe : v   r sin  t
a a
A 2
 Acceleration of fluid in the pipe : a f  dv / dt   r cos  t
 Force required to accelerate the  A 2
fluid in the pipe :
F  m f a f   )    r cos  t
r al
 Intensity of pressure
 r al )   2 r cos  t 
due to acceleration :
pa 
force to accelerate the fluid
 a 
area of the pipe a
A 
  r l )   2 r cos  t 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI a  Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Acceleration of Piston
A 
 Pressure head due to  r l )   2 r cos 
acceleration: p
ha  a  a   l A  2 r cos
g rg g a
l A 2
 In suction pipe: has   r cos 
g aas
l A 2
 In delivery pipe: had   r cos 
g aad
 Pressure head due to acceleration is a function of angular displacement

 ha note
0o (l/g)(A/a)2r Beginning of stroke (accelerated)
90o 0 Middle of stroke
180o -(l/g)(A/a)2r End of stroke (retarded)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Acceleration of Piston
 In case the connecting rod is not very long as compared to crank length
then it cannot be assumed that the piston has a simple harmonic motion

 In that case the pressure head due to acceleration:

l A 2  cos 2 
ha   r cos   cos   
g a  n 
n = ratio of the length of connecting rod
to the crank length

 ha note
0o (l/g)(A/a)2r(1+1/n) Beginning of stroke
90o 0 Middle of stroke
180o -(l/g)(A/a)2r(1- End of stroke (retarded)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Acceleration of Piston
Effect of Acceleration of Piston on Friction in Pipes
 The liquid flowing through suction and delivery pipes causes loss of
head due to friction which is given by Darcy-Weisbach equation as:
f = coefficient of fricition
 l  v 
hf  4 f     l = length of the pipe, suction or delivery (m)
 d   2g  d = diameter of the pipe (m)
v = velocity of fluid in the pipe (m/s)
 Due to the effect of acceleration of piston the friction varies:

 l  v  A

hf  4 f      r sin  
 
d 2 g  a 

 hf note
0o 0 Beginning of stroke
90o (4f)(l/d)[(A/a)r/2g]2 Middle of stroke
180 o 0 End of stroke (retarded)
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Indicator Diagram
 A diagram which shows the pressure head of the liquid in the cylinder
corresponding to any position during the suction and delivery strokes
 Pressure head is taken as ordinate and stroke length as abscissa
 Ideal Indicator Diagram
 Obtained by neglecting the loss of head due to friction in the suction
and delivery pipes and the effect of acceleration of piston
 The work done by the pump per
second is:
P  g ALN (hs  hd ) / 60
since gAN/60 = constant

P  L(hs  hd )
P  area of indicator diagram

 g AN 
P   area of indicator diagram )
 60 
Single cylinder single acting pump
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Indicator Diagram
 Effect of acceleration in pipes on indicator diagram

 At the beginning of the stroke the

piston moves outward
 it create not only a negative
pressure equal to the suction head
but also accelerate the liquid
 So that separation does not take
place, the absolute pressure at the
beginning of stroke should not fall
below the vapour pressure
 Suction
Stroke Acclr. Head Vacuum Head Absolute Head
begin (ls/g)(A/as)2r hs+ (ls/g)(A/as)2r Hatm- [hs+ (ls/g)(A/as)2r]

middle 0 hs Hatm- hs

end - (ls/g)(A/as)2r hs - (ls/g)(A/as)2r Hatm- [hs - (ls/g)(A/as)2r]

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Indicator Diagram
 Effect of acceleration in pipes on indicator diagram

 In the beginning of delivery stroke

the liquid in the delivery pipe is
 At the end of delivery stroke the
liquid is retarded
 The absolute pressure head at the
end of delivery stroke should not
be less than vapour pressure to
avoid separation.
 Delivery
Stroke Acclr. Head Gauge Head Absolute Head
begin (ld/g)(A/ad)2r hd+ (ld/g)(A/ad)2r Hatm+ [hd+ (ld/g)(A/ad)2r]

middle 0 hd Hatm+ hd

end - (ld/g)(A/ad)2r hd - (ld/g)(A/ad)2r Hatm+ [hd - (ld/g)(A/ad)2r]

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Indicator Diagram

 Due to acceleration in suction and delivery pipes, the indicator diagram

has changed but the area of indicator diagram remains unaltered
 Thus the total work done remains the same
 The main effect of the acceleration head is that it increases the negative
head at the beginning of suction stroke
 If the simple harmonic motion does not take place, the straight lines A’B’
and C’D’ will become slightly curved
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Indicator Diagram
 Effect of friction in pipes on indicator diagram

 Variation of hf with  is parabolic; zero

at the beginning and end of the
strokes; maximum at the middle of the
 Work done against friction in suction
P  area AGB  AB  2/ 3GH
2  g AN  2
P  L  h fs P  h fs L
 Suction 3  60  3
Stroke Friction Head Vacuum Head Absolute Head

begin 0 hs Hatm- hs

middle (4f)(ls/ds)[(A/as)r/2g]2 hs +(4f)(ls/ds)[(A/as)r/2g]2 Hatm- hs + (4f)(ls/ds)[(A/as)r/2g]2

end 0 hs Hatm- hs

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Indicator Diagram
 Effect of friction in pipes on indicator diagram

 Variation of hf with  is parabolic; zero

at the beginning and end of the
strokes; maximum at the middle of the
 Work done against friction in delivery
P  area CDI  CD  2/ 3IJ
2  g AN  2
P  L  h fd P  h fd L
 Delivery 3  60  3
Stroke Friction Head Gauge Head Absolute Head

begin 0 hd Hatm+hd

middle (4f)(ld/dd)[(A/ad)r/2g]2 hd+(4f)(ld/dd)[(A/ad)r/2g]2 Hatm+hd+ (4f)(ld/dd)[(A/ad)r/2g]2

end 0 hd Hatm+ hd

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Indicator Diagram
 Effect of acceleration and friction in pipes on indicator diagram

 The work done by the  g ALN   2 2 

P   hs  hd  h fs  h fd 
pump per second is:  60   3 3 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Air Vessels
 A closed chamber containing
compressed air in the upper part
and liquid being pumped in the
lower part
 One air vessel is fixed on the
suction pipe just near the suction
valve and one is flxed on the
delivery pipe near the delivery valve.
 The air vessels are used for the
following purposes:
 To get continuous supply of
liquid at a uniform rate
 To save the power required to
drive the pump
 To run the pump at much higher
speed without any danger of

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Air Vessels
Indicator diagrams without and with air vessels

without air vessels with air vessels

 A = area of cross-section of the cylinder
 a = area of cross-section of suction or delivery pipe
 Id = length of delivcry pipe beyond the air vessel
 Id'= length of delivery pipe between cylinder and air vessel
 ls = length of suction pipe below air vessel
 Is'= length of suction pipe between cylinder and air vessel
 had = pressure head due to acceleration in delivery pipe
 has= pressure head due to acceleration in suction pipe
 hfd = loss of head due to friction in delivery pipe beyond the air vessel
 h’fd = loss of head due to friction in delivery pipe between cylinder and air vessel
 hfs= loss of head due to friction in suction pipe below the air vessel
 h’fs,= loss of head due to friction in suction pipe between cylinder and air vessel
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Air Vessels
Without air vessels
 Work done against friction

 g AN  2  g ANL  4 fl  A 

P1    f h L     r 
 60  3  60  3dg  a 
With air vessels
 The velocity of flow in pipes may be assumed constant and equal to the
average mean flow velocity
 discharge   ALN / 60   A  r 
 Mean velocity of flow v    
 pipe area   a   a p 

l v 2 4 fl  A  r 

 Friction Head loss hf  4 f   

d 2 g 2dg  a p 
 Work done against friction

 g AN   g ANL  4 fl  A  r 

P2    Lh f     
 60   60  2 dg  a p 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Air Vessels
Work Saved
 Ratio of work done again friction

 g ANL  4 fl  A  r 

P2  60  2dg  a p  3
  2
P1  g ANL  4 fl  A  2
   r 
 60  3dg  a 
 Percentage of work saved in pipe friction by fitting air vessels

P1  P2  P2   3 
 1    1  2   0,848  84, 4%
P1  P1   2p 
 For double acting reciprocating pump

P1  P2  P2   6 
 1    1  2   0,392  39, 2%
P1  P1   p 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
• Hydraulic accumulator
• Hydraulic intensifier
• Hydraulic press
• Hydraulic crane
• Hydraulic lift
• Hydraulic ram
• Hydraulic coupling
• Hydraulic torque converter
• Air lift pump
• Jet pump.
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Principles of hydraulic devices/machines
• Fluid statics
• fluid kinematics

• storing the hydraulic energy and then transmitting when
• magnifying the hydraulic energy several times and
transmitting the same

In all such machines power is transmitted with the help

of a fluid which may be a liquid (water or oil)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Accumulator
 Store the energy of liquid under pressure and make this energy
available to hydraulic machines, such as presses, lifts and
 In case of hydraulic crane or lift, the liquid under pressure
needs to be supplied during upward motion of the load only
 This energy is supplied from hydraulic accumulator
 But when the lift is moving downward, no large external energy
is required and during that period the energy from the pump is
stored in the accumulator
 The function is analogous to that of the-flywheel of a
reciprocating engine

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Accumulator
 Simple hydraulic accumulator
 It consists of a fixed vertical cylinder,
containing a sliding ram/plunger
 A load/weight is placed on the top, to create
pressure in the cylinder chamber
 One side of the cylinder is connected to the
pump and the other side to the machine

 During idle periods of driven machine (crane or lift), high pressure
liquid supplied by the pump is admitted in the hollow space of the
cylinder, it raises the ram, on which the heavy load is placed
 Flow of more liquid continues till the ram is at its uppermost
position; at this position, the cylinder is full of liquid and the
maximum amount of pressure energy is accumulated
 This accumulated energy is later discharged to the driven
machine, during its working stroke
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Accumulator
Capacity of accumulator
 The maximum amount of energy that the accumulator can store
 Let :
A = area of the sliding ram, ram
L = stroke or lift of the ram,
p = intensity of pressure of liquid supplied bythe pump, Fixed
W = total weight of the ram (including the cylinderweight of the
load on the ram)
Vacc= volume of accumulator

 The work done in lifting the ram P  WL  pAL

 But the work done in lifting the ram = energy stored in the
accumulator = capacity of the accumulator

 Capacity of the accumulator Cacc  pAL  pVacc

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Accumulator
 Differential hydraulic accumulator
 It consists of a fixed vertical ram/plunger
surrounded by closely fitting brass bush,
which is surrounded by an inverted sliding
cylinder havinga circular projected collar on
which weights are placed
 Passages for liquid sliding to enter and leave
the unit are cylinder provided in the fixed ram
andconnected to the inlet and outlet pipes
 Liquid can be stored at a high pressure by a comparatively small load
on the ram
 The liquid supplied from the pump enters the cylinder through central
vertical hole provided in the fixed ram and causes the loaded cylinder to
move upwards, thus storing the hydraulic energy
 When the liquid is drawn by the machine from the accumulator, the liquid
leaves the cylinder through the same central hole
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Accumulator
Capacity of accumulator
 Let :
D = external diameter of the bush
d = diameter of fixed ram
A = p/4 (D2 - d2) = Annular area
L = vertical lift of the sliding cylinder
W = total weight of sliding cylinder (including the weight placed
on the cylinder)
p = intensity of pressure of liquid by pump
Vacc= volume of accumulator

indicates that by making the area of the bush

 Then W
p small, it is possible to store liquid at a high
A pressure with a small load

 Capacity of the accumulator Cacc  pAL  pVacc

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Intensifier
 A device which increases the intensity of pressure of a given
liquid with the help of low pressure liquid of large quantity
 Application at places where a liquid of very high pressure is to
be developed from available low pressure
 It is located between the pump and the machine (e.g. press,
crane, lift) that needs high pressure liquid for its operation
 Its action is similar to that of a step-up electrical transformer
 By means of an intensifier, it is possible to raise the intensity of
pressure as high as 160 MN/m2
 Depending upon fluid used :
 Hydro-pneumatic intensifier (using air)
 Steam intensifier (using steam under pressure)

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Intensifier
 Consists of a fixed ram surrounded by the
sliding cylinder, which is itself encased in a
bigger and fixed cylinder
 The sliding cylinder contains water at high
pressure (which is supplied to the machine
through fixed ram) whereas the fixed cylinder
contains water from the main supply at a low

 Initially when the sliding cylinder lies at the bottom of the stroke, the
fixed cylinder is full of low pressure liquid
 The valves V2 and V4 are then closed, the valve V1 is opened thus
admitting the low pressure liquid into the sliding cylinder; the valve
V3 is also opened which permits the low pressure liquid from the
fixed cylinder to be discharged to the exhaust and the sliding
cylinder to move upward
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Intensifier
 When the sliding cylinder reaches its
topmost position, the inside of the sliding
cylinder is full of low pressure liquid
 The valves V1 and V3 are then closed and the
valves V2 and V4 are opened. The low
pressure liquid (from supply) then enters the
fixed cylinder, and forces the sliding
cylinder to move downward; pressure of
liquid beneath is raised and the high
pressure liquid is supplied to the driven
 The above cycle of operation is repeated

 The intensifier described above is single-acting which gives supply

during downward stroke only
 Double-acting intensifiers are also made, which give continuous supply
of high pressure liquid.

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Intensifier
 Let :
p1 = pressure intensity of low pressure liquid (from supply) in the
fixed cylinder
A1 = cross-sectional area of sliding cylinder
p2 = intensity of high pressure liquid in the fixed ram
A2= cross-sectional area of the fixed ram

 Then :
 The force exerted by low pressure liquid on
the sliding cylinder in the downward direction  p1 A1
 The force exerted by high pressure liquid on
the sliding cylinder in the upward direction  p2 A2

Equlibrium p1 A1  p2 A2

p1 A1
 The intensity of high pressure liquid p2 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Press
 The hydraulic press is a device used for lifting heavy loads by
the application of much smaller force
 It is based on Pascal's law, which states that intensity of
pressure is transmitted equally in all directions through a mass
of fluid at rest.
Working Principle
 A ram and plunger, operating in two
cylinders of different diameters,
which are interconnected at the
bottom, through a chamber,which is
filled with some liquid

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Press
 Let :
W = weight to be lifted
F = force applied on the plunger
A = area of ram
a = area of plunger.

 Pascal’s law : F W A
The pressure intensity on ram p  W F
a A a
 Mechanical Advantage : MA 

 If the force in the plunger is applied by a

lever which has a mechanical advantage L/l
then total mechanical advantage of
machine :
MA 
l a
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Press
Inverted Hydraulic Press
 Consists of a cylinder (fixed) in which the ram
slides. The lower end of the ram carries a
movable platen which moves up and down
with the ram. The upper and lower stationary
platens are joined by columns.
 When liquid under high pressure is supplied to
the cylinder, the ram moves downward and
applies tremendous pressure upon any
material placed between the movable platen
and lower stationary platen
 For bringing the ram back in position, the liquid from the cylinder is taken
out, subsequently the ram (along with movable platen) moves up by the
action of return weights
 Large presses is possible to total thrust ranging from about 50 MN to 100
 Application : metal press work, drawing and pushing rods, bending and
straightening any metal piece, packing press, forging press, etc
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Crane
 A device which is used for lifting heavy loads (upto 25 MN)
 It is widely used in docks for loading and unloading ships,
warehouses, foundary workshops and heavy industries
Construction  consists of a crane and a hydraulic jigger
 The crane has a central mast from which a
tie and a jib are fixed
 The mast is fixed on a pedestal which can
 The load is suspended by a wire rope
which passes over a pulley at the end of
the jib and over the tie-rod to the hydraulic
 The hydraulic jigger consists of a cylinder
and a ram at the end of which pulleys are
 The pulleys enable to increase the velocity
ratio between the wire rope and the ram (A
pulley system having a velocity ratio 4 : 1,
the load suspended at one end of the wire
rope will move with 4 times the speed of
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI the ram) Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Crane
 When the load is to be lifted by the crane, liquid under pressure is
admitted to the cylinder of the jigger
 The liquid forces the sliding ram to move vertically up
 Due to the movement of the ram in the vertically upward direction, the
movable pulley block (attached to the ram) also moves upward
 The distance between the two pulley blocks increases, the wire or
rope is pulled and the load is lifted up
 Lowering of the load is achieved by removing the liquid from the
cylinder by Jigger through the outlet valve
 As the liquid leaves the cylinder, the
distance between the two sets of
pulleys decreases which results in
releasing more length of the wire
rope and the load gets lowered.
 The lifting speed of a modem
hydraulic crane may be about 75 m
per minute
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Lift/Elevator
 Hydraulic lift is a device used for carrying persons and loads
from one floor to another, in a multi-storeyed building
 The hydraulic lifts are of the following two types:
 Direct acting hydraulic lift
 Suspended hydraulic lift.
Direct acting HL Suspended HL

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Lift/Elevator
Direct acting Hydraulic Lift
 consists of a ram sliding in a cylinder
 A platform or a cage is fitted to the top end of ram on
which goods may be placed or the persons may stand
 As the liquid under pressure is admitted to the cylinder,
the ram moves up and the cage is lifted
 The lift of the rage is equal to the stroke of the ram
 The cage moves in the downward direction when the
liquid from the fixed cylinder is removed

Suspended Hydraulic Lift

 Modified form of the direct acting hydraulic lift
 Fitted with a jigger which is exactly same as in the case
of a hydraulic crane
 The cage is suspended by ropes. It runs between guides
of hard wood or round steel
 In order to balance the weight of the cage, sliding
balance weights are provided
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Ram
 Hydraulic ram is device with which small quantities of water can
be pumped to higher levels from the available large quantity of
water of low head
 It works on the principle of water hammer.

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Ram
 It consists of a valve box wherein low head water
 The box contains non-return valves, a waste valve
V1 (inwards), and a delivery valve V2( outwards)
 Valve V2 communicates with an air vessel which is
connected to the delivery pipe
 Principle of ‘water hammer‘.

 When a flowing liquid is suddenly brought to rest, the change in

momentum of liquid mass causes a sudden rise in pressure
 Initially the water flows down the supply pipe, the valve V1 is open and
water escapes through it to waste
 As the velocity of flow in the supply pipe increases, dynamic pressure
on the underside of valve V1 becomes amply high so as to lift the valve
V1 and ultimately close it, water in the supply pipe is suddenly brought
to rest and consequently pressure in the valve box increases
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Ram
Operation (continue)
 The increased high pressure lifts the valve V2 and a part of
water enters the air vessel
 Subsequently air pressure inside the air vessel increases
and that forces water to delivery pipe
 As soon as momentum of water gets destroyed in the valve
box, valve V2 closes and the valve V1 opens, the flow of
water from supply tank recommences and the cycle is
 The performance of the hydraulic ram is influenced by the number of beats
(openings of waste valve) which can be varied by varying the length of the
travel of valve and weight of valve
 The efficiency of hydraulic ram is expressed in two ways:

qH q  H  h) Q = discharge from supply tank

hD ' Aubuisson  h Rankine  to the valve box
Qh Q  q ) h q = discharge from valve box to
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI
delivery tank
Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Ram
Working Cycle
 Let :
Vwv = velocity of liquid passing through waste valve just before
its closure
dwv = diameter of waste valve
bwv = lift of the waste valve
Wwv = weight of the waste valve
hwv = dynamic pressure head acting on the waste valve
d = diameter of supply pipe
Vmax = maximum velocity in the supply pipe just before the
closure of the waste valve
Is = length of supply pipe,
t1 = time during which the velocity in the supply pipe builds up
from zero to Vmax
t2 = time during which the waste valve remains closed, i.e. the
time during which delivery valve remains open in one beat
(i.e. one complete cycle

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Ram
 Then :
pwv 4Wwv Vwv
 The dynamic pressure head : hwv   
g gp d wv 2 g

p d 2Vmax
 Continuity equation : p d wvbwvVwv 
lsVmax lsVmax
 The rise in pressure is given h t1 
by : gt1 hg
 The time t1 during which the velocity in the supply pipe builds up
from zero to Vmax is equal to the time during which the waste valve
remains open in one beat for gradual closure of valve in rigid pipe
lsVmax lsVmax
 Water Hammer equation :  H  h)  t2 
gt2  H  h) g
 Total time for lsVmax lsVmax lsVmax 1 1 
t  t1  t2      
one cycle : hg g  H  h) g  h H  h 
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Ram
 Let :
q = rate of discharge of fluid actually
lifted by the ram
Qwv = rate of discharge of fluid flowing
past the waste valve

 p d 2   Vmax  t2   p d 2   Vmax  t1 
q     Qwv     
 4   2   t   4   2  t 

 If friction losses in pipes are considered :

 h  h fs )  lsVmax
 H  h )  h fd 

lsVmax  1 1 
t  t1  t2    
  h  h fs ) 
g  H  h )  h fd 

Working cycle of hydraulic ram
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Ram
Performance of a hydraulic ram
 The characteristic curves of hydraulic ram working under constant
waste-valve lift, constant supply head and varying delivery head

 As the delivery head increases more

rapid retardation is impressed on the
liquid column in the supply pipe, as
a consequences the time taken per
beat decreases. Hence the number
of beats per minute increases
 Keeping the input unaltered, as the
head increases the quantity of useful
water per beat decreases
 With increase in head the waste
water per beat decreases slightly

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Coupling
 A device which is employed for transmission of power from one
shaft to another through a liquid medium
 No mechanical connection or face to face contact.
 The magnitudes of input and output torques are equal
 Pump impeller, attached to a driving shaft of the prime mover
 Turbine runner, attached to a driven shaft
 Both units are enclosed in a single housing filled with a liquid,
(oil) that serves to transmit torque from the pump impeller to the
turbine runner

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Coupling
 As the prime mover starts rotating, the pump impeller also starts
rotating and throws the oil outward by centrifugal action
 The oil then enters the turbine runner and exerts a force on the runner
 The magnitude of the torque increases with an increase in the speed of
the driving shaft and eventually when this torque overcomes the inertia
effects, the turbine runner and the driven shaft begin to rotate
 The oil from the runner then flows back into the
pump impeller, thus a complete hydraulic (oil)
circuit is established

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Coupling
 In a hydraulic coupling the power is transmitted hydraulically from the
driving shaft to driven shaft and is free from engine vibrations
 The efficiency of power transmission may be as high as 98 percent
 Let :
TP = torque on the pump or driving shaft (input torque),
p = angular speed of the pump or the driving shaft
Tt = torque on the turbine or driven shaft (output torque)
t = angular speed of the turbine shaft or driven shaft

 Power input Pi  Tp p

power output Ttt
Efficiency h 
 Power output Po  Ttt power input Tp p

Tangential momentum due to the velocity of whirl Tp  Tt

suffers no change as the oil passes from impeller
blades to the runner blades, therefore, the torque on
the driven shaft equals that on the driving shaft t
h  speed ratio
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Hydraulic Coupling
Slip Usage
 p  t   Automobiles, marine engines,
s  1 t  1h ropeway cable drive units and
p p such other applications where
driven shaft is required to run
at a speed close to that of the
Efficiency-speed ratio curve driving shaft
 These couplings are
particularly useful where large
initial loads are involved gnd
smooth shock-free operations
are required

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Torque Converter
 A device used for transmitting increased or decreased power
from one shaft to another
 The torque at the driven shaft may be increased about five times
the torque avaibble at the driving shaft with an efficiency of about
90 percent
 Pump impeller coupled to a driving shaft
 Turbine runner coupled to a driven shaft
 Stationary/fixed guide vanes provided between
the impeller and the turbine runner

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Torque Converter
 The liquid flowing from the pump impeller to turbine runner exerts a
torque on the stationary guide vanes which change the direction of liquid
 Thereby making possible the transformation of torque and speed
 Thus by suitably designing the stationary guide vanes the torque
transmitted to the driving unit can be either increased or decreased.
Tt  Tp  Tv
Tt = torque transmitted to the turbine shaft
Tp= torque of pump impeller
Tv = variation of torque caused by guide vane

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Hydraulic Torque Converter
Efficiency Efficiency

Pi  Tp p power output Tp  Tv ) t

 Power input h 
power input Tp p
Po  Ttt t  Tv 
 1  
 Power output
 Tp  Tv ) t  p  Tp 

 If the shape of the guide vanes is

such that they receive the torque in
the same direction as that on the
driven shaft, an increased torque
 If the shape of the guide vanes is
such that they receive the torque in
the same direction as that of driven
shaft, a torque reduction results
 Usually the torque converters are
used for increasing the torque
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Air Lift Pump
 A device used to lift water from a deep well or sump by utilizing
the compressed air
 It consists of a source of compressed air and an air pipeline
fitted with one or more nozzles and an open vertical pipe or
rising main

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Air Lift Pump
 Compressed air is introduced at the
bottom of rising main and it issues from
set of air nozzles in the form of spray
 The air mixes with water in the rising main
and reduces the density of air-water
 As the pressure of the column of air-water
mixture in the rising main of height H
becomes less than the pressure due to the
height of water column Ho in the bore well,
the water begins to flow at the outlet of the
rising main Mass of air required
 Let :
m = mass of air
M = mass of liquid is raised
ra = density of air Efficiency
rl = density of liquid
Ha Teknik
Lab. Fluida rlg
= Pa/ Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng
Jet Pump
 A jet pump consists of a conventional
radial flow pump with jet nozzle at the
suction end
 It helps to increase the suction lift beyond
the normal limit of about 8 metres of water
 With the use of jet
assembly it is
possible to
increase the
suction lift upto
60 m

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Jet Pump
 Suction side is completely filled with water and the
pump is started.
 A stream of high pressure water from the delivery pipe
is allowed to flow through the suction jet nozzle
 The pressure energy of water is converted into kinetic
energy that makes a local drop in the pressure
 Due to this pressure drop suction is created and water
is sucked from the bore well
 This action ensures a considerably large supply of low
pressure water
 When the streams with different velocities mix (in the
mixing zone), some pressure rise takes place in the
mixing zone
 After the mixing zone, there is a diverging section
where further rise of pressure occurs due to decrease
in velocity

Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

Jet Pump
 Let :
Qs = discharge through the suction pipe Efficiency

Qs  H s  H d )
Qn = discharge through the nozzle
Hs = suction head h jetpump 
Hd = delivery head
Hd' = pressure head on delivery side

Qn H d'  H d )
Pressure Head/Pressure rise

A  A  p2  p1
p2  p1  o 1  o  r Vo  V1 ) H 
2 '

A A
Lab. Fluida Teknik Mesin-FTUI Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng

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