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Berbagai patogen, bakteri, virus, jamur, parasit ditemukan dalam
lingkungan hidup yang setiap saat dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh kita
dan berpeluang untuk dapat menimbulkan berbagai penyakit

Sistem imun diperlukan agar tubuh dapat mempertahankan

keseimbangan antara lingkungan di luar dan dalam tubuh

Sistem imun manusia sangat kompleks, tdd kerjasama yang

terkoordinasi antara sel-sel, organ-organ, dan kelenjar melalui
proses fisiologis. Hampir semua sel, jaringan dan organ di tubuh
manusia terlibat secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung dalam
sistem imun
Gizi dan Imunitas
 Defisiensi Gizi:
Energi  mudah terkena infeksi
Protein  me  fagositosis
Vitamin & mineral  berperan thd
sel T, B, makrofag, neutrofil
 Gizi Lebih:
• Mudah terkena infeksi

Gizi seimbang  imunitas baik

Zat Gizi Kekurangan Kelebihan

Besi Anemia Mendukung

pertumbuhan bakteri

Seng Menurunnya Terganggunya sistem

jumlah sel yang imun

Asam lemak Athrophy lymphoid Menghambat migrasi

Menurunnya granulocyte dan
respon antibodi kemampuan
Immune system is just like an umbrella
Faktor yg mempengaruhi sistem imun
Selain faktor gizi, imunitas dipengaruhi juga oleh
faktor-faktor lain seperti umur, hormon, olahraga
dan emosi
The body’s three natural levels of immunity
S. Beveridge, E.S. Wintergerst, S. Maggini and D.H. Hornig

Adaptive / specific immunity
Vit. A, B6,
B12, D, E,
Folic acid & trace elements
Copper, Seleniun, Zinc
3rd line of defence
Innate / nonspecific immunity
Vitamin A, B6, B12, D, E,
Folic acid & trace elements
Copper, Selenium, Zinc
2nd line of defence

Vitamin A,C,E & trace elements Zinc
1st line of defence
Immune Enhancing Role of Vitamin C and Zinc and Effect on Clinical Conditions

S. Beveridge, E.S. Wintergerst, S. Maggini and D.H. Hornig

Schematic illustration of mineral interactions
S P Co
As Fe

Cl Se

Zn K

Mg Ca


Mo Cd

Na Be
Mn Al
Role of micronutrients in the immune system and effects of deficiency

July 20th, 2005 : Expert Panel Meeting,considering Redoxon Immune - cocktail clinical trial
Role of micronutrients in the immune system and effects of deficiency

July 20th, 2005 : Expert Panel Meeting,considering Redoxon Immune - cocktail clinical trial
Pengaruh defisiensi mineral thd imunitas

Sel T Sel B Makrofag Neutrofil


Seng +++

Besi +++ +

Tembaga ++ +++
Magnesium ++

Selenium ++ ++
Pengaruh defisiensi vitamin thd imunitas

Sel T Sel B Makrofag Neutrofil

A +++ +++
Thiamin ++
Riboflavin ++
B6 +++ +++
B12 ++ + ++
Biotin +++ +
Asam pantotenat +++
Asam folat ++ +++
C ++
D ++ ++ ++
E ++ ++ ++
Niasin & triptofan ++
Vitamins RDA Max Level/day Functions
30-49 yr)
Vitamin A 600 RE 5000 IU Maintenance of healthy
skin, eyes, bones, hair
and teeth
Beta Carotene ** 15 mg Beta Carotene is an
antioxidant and can be
converted by the body to
vitamin A as needed
Vitamin E 15mg 400 1U As an antioxidant, helps
protect cell membranes,
lipoproteins, fats and
vitamin A from
destructive oxidation.
Helps protect red blood
Vitamins RDA Max Function

Vitamin K 65ug 500mcg Needed for proper blood clotting

Vitamin C 90 mg 1000 mcg As an antioxidant, inhibits the formation

of nitrosamines (a suspected
carcinogen) Important for maintenance
of bones, teeth, collagen and blood
vessels (capillaries) Enhances iron
absorption, red blood cell formation

Vitamin B-1 1.2 mg 100 mg Releases energy from foods Needed for
( Thiamine) normal appetite and for functioning of
nervous system

Vitamin B-2 1.3 mg 50 mg Releases energy from foods Necessary

(Riboflavin) for healthy skin and eyes
Vitamins RDA Max Function
Vitamin 1.3 mg 100 mg Releases energy from foods Plays a role in
B-6 protein and fat metabolism Essential for function
of red blood cells and hemoglobin synthesis
Vitamin 2.4 mcg 200 mcg Prevents pernicious anemia Necessary for
B-12 healthy nervous system Involved in synthesis of
genetic material (DNA)
Vitamin B- 1.6 mg 20 mg Releases energy from foods Aids in
3 maintenance of skin, nervous system and
(Niacin) proper mental functioning

Folic Acid 400 mcg 800 mcg Necessary for proper red blood cell formation
Plays a role in the metabolism of fats, amino
acids, DNA and RNA Needed for proper cell
division and protein synthesis
Minerals RDA (Indo- Max Functions
nesian male level/day
30-49 yr)
Calcium 800 mg 1200 mg Builds strong bones and teeth Involved in
nerve transmission and muscle
Copper - 3 mg Essential for red blood cell formation,
hemoglobin synthesis Involved in many
enzyme systems including, superoxide
dismutase (SOD), a major antioxidant
enzyme system
Iodine 150 mcg 1150 mcg Needed for proper functioning of the
thyroid gland and production of thyroid
Iron 13mg 30 mg Prevents anemia; as a constituent of
hemoglobin, transports oxygen
throughout the body
Mn 2.3mg 5 mg Cofactor in many enzyme systems,
energy production and protein
Minerals RDA Max level/day Functions

Phosphorus 600 mg 1200 mg Maintains strong bones and teeth

Necessary for muscle and nerve
Potassium - 100-500 mg An electrolyte needed to maintain
fluid balance, proper heartbeat and
nerve transmission
Selenium 30mcg 200 mcg As an antioxidant, it is a constituent of
glutathione peroxidase Protects
vitamin E
Zinc 13.4 mg 30 mg Component of insulin; required for
blood sugar control Needed for
proper taste and hearing Important in
wound healing and enzyme activation

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