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Math a Fun

Vedic Mathematics - a gift given to this

world by the ancient sages of India. A system
which is far more simple and enjoyable than
modern mathematics.
Research shows that the application of Vedic
mathematics makes use of both parts of the
brain. So versatile is this science that it has
been incorporated in the educational syllabi of
many countries worldwide.
Vedic Mathematics is a system of mental calculation
developed by Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji which he
claimed he had based on a lost appendix of
Atharvaveda, an ancient text of the Indian teachings
called Veda.

In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or huge sums

can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method.
These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of
a complete system of mathematics which is far more
Math a than Fun the
is modern
a basic'system'.
course in Vedic
Benefits of Math a Fun :
• Math-a-Fun helps students solve mathematical
problems about 15 times faster.
• Aids intelligent guestimation (Knowing the answer
without solving the problem)
• It reduces burden on the student as he/she has to
know tables upto five only.
• Math-a-Fun reduces finger counting & scratch work
& improve mental calculation.
• Improves concentration.
• Logical thinking process gets enhanced.
Advantage : Math a Fun
Math a Fun helps in speed and accuracy in solving
numerical, thereby preparing School children to
overcome the “fear of Maths” and the teenagers to
succeed in competitive exams.
About Math a Fun :
Math a Fun covers Addition, Subtraction, Division,
Multiplication, Square, Square Root, & Cube Root.
It is covered over 12 sessions of an hour each.
Extensive practice sessions through worksheets during
the course to help master the subject.
Evaluation in the form of mid session and end of
session test.
Successful students will be certified by ZILS.
On Completion of the basic program the student is
eligible for the advanced level program in Vedic
Advantages of Learning Vedic Mathematics
By learning Vedic Mathematics at various levels and through different modules, a
student can learn practically all the different applications of Mathematics. The
information elaborated in the tabular column given below, is self-explanatory.
Mathematic application Signs Basic Course Advanced course
Addition + ✓
Subtraction - ✓
Multiplication X ✓
Division : ✓
Square x2 ✓
Square Root 2

Cube Root 3

Algebra 5x – 3 = 12 ✓
Geometry ✓
Trigonometry ✓
Calculus ✓

All these applications are possible without the use of any assisting
device such as a calculator. As against this in UCMAS, Arithmetic
applications are possible only with the help of a device called an
Solve problems using Math a Fun
To multiply 12 by 13
Take a base of 10 but in this case we have to subtract 10 (base) from the multiplicand, hence
the preface should be positive (+) to show that the numbers are greater than the base.
Put number 12 and 13 as…….. 12 + 2
X 13 + 3
15 / 6 The answer is 156.
To multiply 12 by 17 …….. 12 + 2
X 17 + 7
19/ 4
20 / 4 The answer is 204.
Q1. What is Vedic Mathematics?
A1. Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Mathematics which was
rediscovered from the Vedas.

Q2. Who discovered these Vedic Methods and from where?

A2. This ancient system of Mathematics was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and
1918 by Sri Bharati Krisna Tirthaji.

Q3. What is the most significant feature of the Vedic Mathematics?

A3. The most striking feature of the Vedic system is its coherence. Instead of a collection of
unrelated techniques the whole system is beautifully interrelated and unified. These
related techniques are all easily understood. This unifying quality is very fulfilling, and
makes mathematics easy and enjoyable and encourages innovation.

Q4. What is the single most basic advantage of teaching Vedic Methods to
A4. In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or large, complicated sums can often be solved
immediately by using simple Vedic methods. These striking methods are just a part of a
complete system of mathematics which is far more systematic than the modern 'system'.
Vedic Mathematics has a coherent and unified structure and the methods are
complementary, direct and easy.
There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Students can invent
their own methods; they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more
Q5. What kinds of Arithmetic problems find application in Vedic Maths?
A5. Interest in the Vedic system is growing in education where mathematics teachers are
looking for something better and finding the Vedic system is the answer. Initially,
students learn the Vedic methods of doing Multiplication, Division, finding Squares,
Square Roots and Cube Roots. Students who have learnt to apply Vedic Methods in his /
her day to day calculation for a minimum duration of 90 days can be taught further
applications of Vedic Methods, such as derivatives of the basic formulae and there after;
its applications in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus. Yes, Vedic Methods
find applications, in all branches of Mathematics.

Q6. On what principles is Vedic Maths based?

A6. All of Vedic mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras, or word-formulae. For example,
'Vertically and Crosswise’ is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the
mind naturally works and therefore help in directing the student towards the appropriate
method of solving a problem.

Q7. Does one need to memorize numbers and other complicated computations, in
Vedic Maths?
A7. There is no need for students to memorize tables up to 20 times 20 or remember all the
prime numbers up to 100, and such other facts. Vedic mathematics has its own set of
systematic and scientific principles which when applied make the computation very
simple and easy.The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be
carried out mentally.
Q8. How relevant is Vedic Maths in the current school curriculum?
A8. By using Vedic methods students comes to know the answer in few seconds. They find
the principles of the Vedic system systematic, simple and methodical. Research is being
carried out in many areas including the effects of learning Vedic Maths on children;
developing new, powerful yet easy applications of the Vedic Sutras in geometry, calculus,
computing etc. It is perhaps, the most refined and efficient mathematical system

Q9. The students have been used to learning a different method of solving the
arithmetic problems in school. Won’t the Vedic methods be confusing, if they
are taught to them?
A9. No, absolutely not. By using Vedic methods students will be able to solve the problems
promptly and will be able to apply appropriate Vedic methods to solve different
problems. Once they have been able to understand the application of the various ‘sutras’
or principles, they themselves will want to apply them in their day to day work, as they
will find these methods simpler and faster as compared to standard computation and
problem solving methods, in use currently.

Q10. With devices like calculators currently being used widely, why should
there be any need for learning Vedic methods?
A10. A calculator cannot think for students. They must understand the basic principles
involved in the calculations. Some times a person gets varied answers while using a
calculator. For
Q11. What are the advantages of applying Vedic Maths technique as against
using other methods/ tools; such as the Abacus?
A11. No doubt, Abacus is a nice tool for teaching Mathematics that has originated in
China. However, there are certain shortcomings. Firstly, students cannot learn it without
the use of an Abacus, an instrument which contains beads. Secondly, it takes a long time
to learn its application for addition and subtraction and thereafter using these
applications in Multiplication and Division.
As against this, a student can learn the basic principles and methods of Vedic
Mathematics, and apply them in problems relating to Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division, Square, Square Root and Cube Root, in as little as 12 sessions.
Besides, there is no dependency on instruments such as the calculator or an abacus.

Q12. How does Vedic Mathematics help a student in the present scenario?
A12. Many times when a student secures less marks in Mathematic, and is ask the reason for
it, he / she says “I could not complete the paper in time” or “I could complete the paper,
but could not get enough time to correct my mistakes.” By using Vedic methods students
can complete their work in a shorter period of time.

Q13. If students use Vedic methods they will finish their work quickly and won’t
have anything to do.
Will they not get bored?
A13. Students who use these methods and complete their work in less time can utilize the

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