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Menejemen industri

Sri Sudaryati
industri ternak unggas
beda telur tetas dan konsumsi
• telur konsumsi • telur tetas
– menejemen praktis – menejemen praktis
laying stock laying stock
– fertilized
– hatch well
Farm isolation
• disease-free programme
– Pullorum
– Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg)
– Mycoplasma synoviae (Ms)
• isolation of the breeding flock
– harus menyeluruh untuk mencegah masuknya penyakit dari luar
– petugas kandang harus mandi dan berganti pakaian bersih sebelum
masuk kandang
• farm petelur juga digunakan untuk pemeliharaan periode
brooding dan growing
• Tidak ada transfer dari satu kandang ke kandang lainnya
untuk mencegah stress dan menurunkan resiko
berjangkitnya penyakit Mg dan Ms.
kondisi kandang breeder
• kandang lantai semen lebih disarankan
– lebih bersih/sehat dan mudah dibersihkan
• kepadatan kandang untuk dewasa
tipe ayam litter wire/slats & litter (1/3-2/3)
♂/♀ (birds/m2) (birds/m2)
Leghorn type 6 7

Medium size 5 6

Meat-type 4,5 5

betina tidak suka dikawini di kandang wire

feeder space (cm/bird)
Leghorn Medium Meat-type
Straight feeders 10 12 15
Round feeders 5 6 7,5

drinking space (cm/bird)

Straight drinkers 2,5 3 4
Round drinkers 1,5 2 2,5

sediakan 1 sarang telur/4 betina

betina besar butuh sarang telur besar
pengontrolan cahaya untuk mendapatkan optimal daya tetas
persiapan pembibitan
• vaksinasi tepat waktu
• jadwal beda dg komersal
• cek blood titers
• debeaking, betina harus di debeaking
• umur 6-8 minggu, ♂♀meat type badan kecil, disingkirkan
• menjelang bertelur, ♂♀ kualitas rendah disingkirkan
• salah sexing, segera dikeluarkan
• periode grower bercacing, diobati sampai tuntas,
menjelang bertelur sudah bebas cacingan
• menjelang/awal bertelur cek darah untuk mengetahui
bebas dari pullorum, Mg dan Ms
• berat badan sesuai standar
pentingnya correct body weight
• ayam breeder perlu berat badan yang
• penimbangan tiap 2 mingguan
• ayam tipe medium dan tipe pedaging
cenderung menimbun lemak
• selama peneluran juga diperlukan
penimbangan berat badan
perototan yang baik tanpa
penimbunan lemak
• onset of egg production is delayed
• first eggs are larger
• egg production during the laying cycle is increased
• more hatching eggs are produced (because the eggs
will be of a larger size)
• laying house mortality is reduced
• feed cost of growing pullet to sexual maturity is lowered
• feed cost of producing a hatching egg is reduced
• fertility of the hatching egg is increased
• hatchability of the hatching egg is improved
kontrol feed intake
• apabila ayam diberi pakan sesuai dengan kemampuan
ayam mengkonsumsi pakan selama periode grower,
maka akan dicapai bobot badan yang sangat berat di
saat sexual maturity.
• ayam yang terlalu gemuk tidak akan menghasilkan
jumlah telur maksimal selama periode peneluran.
• perlu dilakukan pembatasan pakan dengan tujuan untuk
mencapai berat badan yang direkomendasikan sesuai
tipe dan jenis ayam.
• setiap ayam memiliki instruksi sendiri
• cek berat badan
– betina setiap 2-4 minggu, ambil sampel setiap pen
– sampel jantan juga ditimbang seperti betina
meningkatkan fertilitas
• About 4 weeks before reaching sexual maturity (i.e. at about 18
weeks of age), the males should be placed with the females. Do this
late in the afternoon, as this will reduce fighting; fighting will occur
for about half an hour in this case, until sunset (the next morning it is
• Too many males in the breeding pen reduces fertility; not enough
males has the same effect. The ratio is about 1:10; slight deviations
may be useful depending on the breeds involved, as is shown in the
following table (indicative only).
• A few extra males should be placed in the pens at the time when the
cockerels are introduced to the hens, to allow for some early culling
and mortality from fighting. But remove them as soon as the flock
seems to have come to rest.
Males Females Product ♂/100♀

White Leghorn White Leghorn White Leghorn Type 8

Medium size Medium size Medium size Type 9

Meat-type Meat-type Meat-type 11

White Leghorn Medium size Hybrid-layer 8

Medium size White Leghorn Hybrid-layer 9

Meat-type Medium size Broiler 11

• Kemampuan kawin ♂ 20-80 x/hari. Cuaca panas menurunkan kemampuan kawin
tanpa mengurangi kemampuan membuahi telur.
• Perkawinan banyak terjadi disaat dingin (awal pagi)
• Telur fertil masih dihasilkan setelah beberapa hari ♂ dipisahkan dari ♀,
• ♂ muda yang masuk menggantikan ♂ tua, hasil ♂ baru didapatkan 3 hari setelah ♂
muda masuk..
• ♂ yang gemuk saat maturity harus dihindari.
• ♂ yang tidak proporsional segeralah dikeluarkan (dengan menangkap lewat dua
• ♂ di exercise dg menabur butiran-2 di litter beberapa kali sehari.
• Gunakan peralatan kandang yang tepat untuk ♂ , sering tempat pakan dan minum
kurang untuk ♂
• Letakkan spesial tempat pakan untuk ♂ bila berat badannya terlalu rendah
• Letakkan lebih tinggi sehingga hanya ♂ yang bisa menggapai.
• ♂ dan ♀ memiliki sosial order tertentu, ♂ lemah tidak akan mendapat cukup makan.
• Pastikan tempat pakan dan minum cukup..
• ♂ dg kaki sakit tidak akan mengawini, ♂ di kandang litter/slat/wire, cenderung suka
tinggal di wire/slats,
• ♀, senang kawin di litter, taburan grain akan menarik jantan untuk datang
• ♀,muda menghasilkan fertilitas lebih tinggi dibanding yang tua
• Pencahayaan pada periode produksi telur menstimulasi kualitas dan kuantitas telur
serta kualitas semen pada ♀,.
• Apply a specified lighting schedule.
produksi telur tetas
• Nesting material
– Hatching eggs are valuable and egg breakage is costly.
Therefore abundant nesting material should always be
available. It should have the following properties:
absorbent, durable, coarse so that it will not easily be
blown from the nest, dust free, good cushioning
quality and inexpensive.
– Useful nesting materials are wood shavings, groundnut hulls,
rice husks, chopped corn cobs, straw and hay.
• Floor eggs
– Latih ♀ menggunakan sarang telur dibanding di lantai (telur rusak/pecah
lebih tinggi).juga banyak yang tidak layak ditetaskan, Agar ♀ mau
bertelur di sarang, letakkan sarang telur di pen menjelang/saat
ayam bertelur
– Letakkan material sarang saat meletakkan sarang, materinya juga harus
– ♀ menolak wire-floored nests provide adequate nesting material; if
the material has been blown out of the nests, or if it is wornout,
with bare surfaces showing, the hens are not likely to lay eggs in
the nests block off corners of the pen where hens congregate
and are likely to lay eggs on the floor; do this before egg
production starts
– make sure that there are enough nests; if a hen cannot find a nest in which
to lay an egg, she will be forced to find a ‘nest’ on the floor disperse
broody hens as they take up nesting space, forcing other hens to
lay eggs on the flo
• Collecting hatching eggs
– Hatching eggs should be collected from the nests at least 4 times per
day; in extreme temperatures 5-6 times per day. Frequent collection
decreases breakage and helps to maintain the hatching potential.
– It is important to collect the eggs that are laid late in the afternoon on
the same day. Hatching eggs left in the nest overnight will lose some of
their hatching qualities.
– Suggested time schedule for the collection of hatching eggs, under a
natural daylight programme:
• 3 hours after sunrise (e.g. 09.00 hrs)
• 4 hours after sunrise (e.g. 10.00 hrs)
• 5 hours after sunrise (e.g. 11.00 hrs)
• 6 hours after sunrise (e.g. 12.00 hrs)
• 7 hours after sunrise (e.g. 13.00 hrs)
• 11 hours after sunrise (e.g. 17.00 hrs)
– Close the nests at night and open them again early in the morning,
before egg production starts. Do not allow hens to sit in the nests
overnight and remove any hen found in the nests, to prevent
• Selection of hatching eggs
• Hatching eggs should be first-class, fertilized eggs.
• There is no way yet of checking the fertility before incubation, but
the practices outlined below will
• help to eliminate possible failures.
• Guidelines:
• -do not include dirty floor eggs
• - only first class eggs should be used; all eggs with obvious
abnormalities should be rejected
• - misformed eggs do not hatch well
• - broken or cracked eggs are useless because they dry out inside
the incubator
• -small eggs usually give weak chicks
• - long eggs are mostly ‘double yolks’ which will never hatch
• - abnormally coloured eggs are usually the result of a genetic defect.
• There are specific egg-weights for each type of chicken according to
their production season, but in
• general a hatching egg should weigh between 52 and 70 g.
• Handle hatching eggs carefully because they are costly!
• Vaccination
• Breeding birds should produce parental
immunity in chicks. To produce a constant
degree of parental
• immunity it is necessary to revaccinate the
breeder females for Newcastle Disease and
• Bronchitis at intervals of 12 weeks during the
laying period.
• See Chapter 8 ‘infectious disease and their
• Egg containers
– use only plastic egg flats (key-trays) never use a bucket or
basket because eggs piled on top of each other will break and
cannot cool down place the eggs with the narrow end down
when collecting eggs, separate the extra large/double
yolk/misformed & cracked eggs from the normal ones
– do not carry more than 2 egg flats on top of each other unless a
special carrying device is used disinfect and fumigate egg flats
after use
– The hatching eggs should be fumigated as soon as possible
after collection.
– Storage time should be as short as possible. At 2-3 days after
laying hatchability decreases.
– For short periods (up to 4 days) hatching eggs should be stored
at 18-20 °C. For longer storage periods, the eggs should be
stored at 18 to 14 °C; longer than ten days at 12 °C. Try to
maintain a relative humidity of 80% or more.
• Guidelines for the selection of breeding stock
– The selection of males and females for future breeding stock
should be based on the relative economic importance of each
characteristic that is considered in the selection process.
– Every hen selected for breeding purposes should be carefully
– The following is a list of desirable characteristics:
• 1 physical
– good breed type
– reasonably good plumage colour
– free from defects
2 egg production
early sexual maturity

– high rate of laying

– non-broodiness
– no pauses (or only short ones) in egg laying
– persistence of production
• 3 egg quality
– standard egg size
– proper shape and colour
– uniform shell texture
– high % of thick albumen
– no blood spots etc.
• 4 hatchability
• high fertility
• high hatchability
• quality chicks
– Incubation and hatching records will give information.
• 5 viability of growing stock and layers
– low mortality %
– low culling %
– Any bird still present at the age of 12-15 months will have a rather high resistance to diseases and/or
– other unfavourable conditions. The collection of eggs for future breeding stock should therefore not start
before this age.
• 6 meat production
– rapid growth
– early feathering
– superior breast fleshing
– good body size
– Body weight at 6-8 weeks of age gives a good indication of the weight of the offspring later on.
– There is little correlation between body weight at sexual maturity and the weight of the offspring.
• Selected birds (at 6-8 weeks) should be checked at marketing time (9-14 weeks) on the following
• characteristics:
– feathering; full feathering is desired (pin feathers lead to discount in price when the birds are sold) breast
– body size

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