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(Health Problems)
1. Amelia Khairani D (161.0012)
2. Hanaz Rona A.Q.N (161.0040)
3. Intan Cahya P (161.0048)
4. Nabelatul Laili F (16.10064)
5. Putri Ayu S (161.0086)
Student 1 – Subtopic 1

“Explain The Following Text &

Explain English Words Expressions”


NIM: 161.0086
What Is Health?
In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health with a phrase that is still
used today."Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity." WHO, 1948. In 1986, the WHO further clarified that health is:
"A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing
social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities."
This means that health is a resource to support an individual's function in wider society. A
healthful lifestyle provides the means to lead a full life. More recently, researchers
have defined health as the ability of a body to adapt to new threats and infirmities. They base this
on the idea that modern science has dramatically increased human awareness of diseases and
how they work in the last few decades.
Apa Itu Kesehatan?
Pada tahun 1948, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) mendefinisikan kesehatan dengan frase
yang masih digunakan hingga hari ini. “Kesehatan adalah situasi lengkap fisik, mental dan kesejahteraan
sosial, dan bukan hanya tidak adanya penyakit atau kelemahan.” WHO, 1948. Pada tahun 1986, WHO
lebih lanjut mengklarifikasi bahwa kesehatan adalah:
“Sumber daya untuk kehidupan sehari-hari, bukan tujun hidup. Kesehatan adalah konsep positif yang
menekankan sumber daya sosial dan pribadi, serta kemampuan fisik.”
Ini berarti bahwa kesehatan adalah sumber daya untuk mendukung peran fungsi individu dalam
masyarakat yang lebih luas. Gaya hidup sehat menyediakan sarana untuk menjalani kehidupan
seutuhnya. Baru-baru ini, para peneliti telah mendefinisikan kesehatan sebagai kemampuan tubuh
untuk beradaptasi dengan ancaman baru dan kelemahan. Mereka mendasarkan pada gagasan bahwa
ilmu pengetahuan modern secara dramatis telah meningkatkan kesadaran manusia tentang penyakit
dan bagaimana mereka bekerja dalam beberapa dekade terakhir.
1. To ask your health condition how you ask about
someone’s state of health

Are you sick? – how long have you been having the

problem ?
– how do you feel (today)?
– how often did you feel /

– how are you feeling? experience it?

– is everything okay? are there any complaints?

– tell me about your problem? do you feel any pain ?

– where is the exact location of your
2. To say you are healthy

– i’m okay
– i’m healhty
– i’m perfectly healthy
– i’m getting better
– i feel better
– i feel much better
3. To say you are sick

– i am not well
– i don’t feel well
– i think i’ve got fever
– my body ache
– i’m not feeling well
– i feel terrible
Student 2 – Subtopic 2

“Explain The Picture Of Body Parts &

Explain Any Complaints Related To
Each Part Of The Body”

NIM: 161.0012
Student 3 - Subtopic 3

“Discuss How You Can Use

English Words”
NIM: 161.0048
Student 4 - Subtopic 4

“Explain The Functions Of

Human Vital Organ”
NIM: 161.0040
Function :
The brain carrying out all the functions that
are realized and the ability to carry out a
wide variety of mental processes such as
memory, emotional feelings, and personality.
Function :
 Cerebrum (otak besar)
Cerebrum is a major part of the brain, controlling emotions,
personality, and much more. It controls all voluntary

 Cerebellum (otak kecil)

Cerebellum has a main function in coordination against the
muscles and tonus muscle, balance and the position of the
Function :
The heart is vital organ that functions as
pumping blood to all parts of the body and
providing a continuous circulation of blood
through the body, by way of the cardiac
cycles. Which serves as a carrier of nutrients,
oxygen, and other subtances to metabolic
Function :
The lungs are the organ in the respiratory system
and is associated with the circulatory system.
The process of inserting air into the lungs is called
inspiration, and the function is to transport oxygen
into the bloodstream. And the process of removeing
the air from the lungs is called expiration, and the
function is to release carbondioxide from the
Function :
The liver is a vital organ in digestive system
and function as : Detoxification, protein
synthesis, and production of biochemicals
necessary for digestion.
Function :
The kidneys are essential in the urinary
system and also serve homeostatic functions
such as the regulation of electrolytes,
maintenance of acid-base balance, and
regulation of blood pressure (via maintaining
salt and water balance).
Student 5 – Subtopic 5

“Make A Health Status

NIM: 161.0064
So far, the health problem that I often suffer from is ulcer disease
(maag/gastritis). At first I didn't realize that I had ulcer disease. However,
there were several symptoms of ulcer disease that I felt at that time, such as
pain of abdominal, nausea, and no appetite. Finally I went to the doctor, and
the doctor said that I had ulcer disease. The doctor advised me to eat soft
foods like porridge, don't be late to eat, avoid acidic and spicy foods, don't
drink coffee or soda, and give me a recipe of ulcer medication.
After following the doctor's advice, my condition improved. But when
I entered college, my ulcer disease often recurred, even worse than before.
Since then, I started a self-evaluation why I often have ulcer disease, and I
concluded that during college I did not apply a healthy lifestyle like eating
late, sleeping late, and eating unhealthy foods. Finally I started to improve
myself by applying a healthy lifestyle like eating regularly, getting enough
sleep, not stressing and exercising regularly. And alhamduillah, now I'm
better than before.
From that experience, I can take wisdom: don't underestimate
disease. Love yourself and pay attention to yourself, because healthy
favors are truly extraordinary.
Thankyou 

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