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• Declare both a variable and a named constant

• Write an assignment statement

• Use the Convert class methods to convert data to an appropriate type

• Write arithmetic expressions

• Understand the scope of both a variable and a named constant

Objectives (continued)
• Include internal documentation in the code

• Use the Option Strict and Option Explicit statements

• Use a TOE chart to code an application

• Use pseudocode and a flowchart to plan an object’s code

• Send focus to a control

Objectives (continued)
• Explain the difference between syntax errors and logic errors

• Format an application’s numeric output

• Computer memory locations where users can temporarily store data

• Must be assigned a data type by programmer

• Data type determines type of data variable can store

• Contents can change as application runs

Selecting a Data Type for a Variable

Selecting a Data Type for a Variable (continued)
• Integers  whole numbers
⁻ Integer, Long, Short
• Floating-point numbers  real numbers
⁻ Single, Double – use exponential notation
Example: 32000 = 3.2E4
⁻ Decimal  uses fixed decimal point
• Character Types
⁻ Char – one character
⁻ String – 0 to 2 billion characters

Selecting a Name for a Variable
• Name should be descriptive

• Use three-letter prefix

• Use “m” for “module-scope” variables

• Punctuate using Pascal-case

⁻ Type m and 3 letter prefix using lowercase, then capitalize the first letter
of each word in the variable name

Selecting a Name for a Variable (continued)

Selecting a Name for a Variable (continued)

Declaring a Variable

Declaring a Variable (continued)
• accessibility variablename as [datatype = initialvalue]
• accessibility - sets scope of variable
⁻ Dim, Public, Private
• variablename = programmer chosen name
• datatype = data type of the variable
• Anything in brackets is optional
• initialvalue = default value at start of program
⁻ If no value specified numeric types = 0, character types = Nothing,
boolean = false

Assigning Data to an Existing Variable
• assignment statement
⁻ strName = “Mary”
⁻ intAge = 35
“=“ sign is called assignment operator
• Literal constant – value does not change
⁻ Number 35 is numeric literal constant
⁻ “Mary” is a string literal constant
String - a group of characters enclosed in quotes

Assigning Data to an Existing Variable (continued)

Assigning Data to an Existing Variable (continued)
• Literal type characters force literal constants
to assume new data type

Using the Convert Class
• Convert class creates object that is either a
number or a string by converting value to a
specified data type and returning result
strAge = Convert.ToString(intAge)

Writing Arithmetic Expressions
• Precedence number indicates order in which
VB performs operation in an expression

Writing Arithmetic Expressions (continued)
• Integer division operator (\)
⁻ Returns integer portion of division discarding remainder
8\3 results in answer of 2
• Modulus arithmetic operator (Mod)
⁻ Returns remainder portion of division discarding integer portion
7 Mod 3 results in an answer of 1
Often used to determine Leap years
Valid only with division of integer values

How To…

The Scope and Lifetime of a Variable
• Scope

⁻ Indicates where in the application’s code the variable can be used

• Lifetime

⁻ Indicates how long the variable remains in the computer’s internal


The Scope and Lifetime of a Variable (continued)
• Procedure Scope
⁻ Procedure-level variable
Variable declared within a procedure
Variable can only be used in procedure in which declared
• Module scope
⁻ Module-level variable
Variable declared in General Declarations section of the form
Variable can be used within all procedures in the form

Procedure-level variables example

Module-level variable example

The Scope and Lifetime of a Variable (continued)
• Block scope

⁻ Block-level variable

Declared inside specific blocks of code

‐ If…Then…Else or For….Next

Can be used only inside the block in which declared

Named Constants
• A memory location inside a computer whose
value cannot be changed while the application is

Named Constants (continued)

Internally Documenting the Program Code
• Internal documentation:

⁻ Term used by programmers for comments placed in code

⁻ Place an apostrophe (‘) before text you want treated as internal

documentation (comment)
VB ignores everything after apostrophe on line

⁻ Place comments at beginning of each procedure

Internally Documenting the Program Code (continued)
• Include comments:
⁻ as necessary to explain various sections of code
⁻ at beginning of application explaining application’s:
Date of creation or modification

Internally Documenting the Program Code (continued)

Option Explicit and Option Strict
• Option Explicit On
⁻ Tells computer to warn you if your code contains name of an undeclared
⁻ Prevents unintentional declaration of variables which automatically are
of type Object
• Option Strict On
⁻ Tells computer not to perform any implicit type conversions which may
lead to loss of data
Implicit type conversions are automatic conversions from one data type to
another performed by the computer to fit data into an assigned memory

Option Explicit and Option Strict (continued)

Coding the SKATE-AWAY SALES Application
• Application calculates and displays total number of skateboards
ordered and total price of skateboards including 5% sales tax
• Planning steps:
⁻ Identify tasks the application needs to perform
⁻ Identify objects to which you will assign those tasks
⁻ Identify events required to trigger an object into performing its assigned
⁻ Design the user interface

Testing and Debugging the Application
• Invalid data - data the application is not expecting
• Debugging:
⁻ Process of locating syntax and logic errors in the program
Syntax errors
‐ Typographical errors that violate rules governing valid syntax of the language
‐ Me.Colse() instead of Me.Close()
Logic errors
‐ Instruction that does not give expected results
‐ decAverage = decNum1 + decNum2 / 2

Testing and Debugging the Application (continued)
• First test with valid data

Testing and Debugging the Application (continued)
• Then test with invalid data

Formatting Numeric Output
• Formatting:
⁻ Specifying number of decimal places and special characters to display in
a number
• Format string:
⁻ String used to specify format
Example: “Axx” must be enclosed in quotes
Format specifier - A
Alphabetic character that specifies format you wish to use
Precision specifier – xx
‐ xx is the sequence of digits desired

Formatting Numeric Output (continued)

Formatting Numeric Output (continued)

Formatting Numeric Output (continued)

• Variables and named constants are computer memory locations that
store data
• Variables are declared with a name and data type
• Scope refers to where a program can access a variable or named constant
⁻ Module scope variables can be accessed anywhere in the module
⁻ Procedure scope variables can only be accessed in the procedure in
which declared
⁻ Block scope variables can only be accessed within the block in which

Summary (continued)
• Lifetime refers to how long a variable remains in the computer’s
• Literal constants are items of data
• Convert class contains methods to convert values to a specified data
• Integer division operator divides 2 integers and returns the result
discarding any remainder
• Modulus division operator divides 2 integers and returns the remainder

Summary (continued)
• Option Explicit warns if undeclared variables are used
• Option Strict prevents implicit type conversions that may result in loss
of data
• Use pseudocode (short phrases) or flowcharts (standardized symbols) to
plan the application
• Test application with both valid and invalid data
• Format numeric output to display special characters


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