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 The environmental impact of fishing can be

divided into two issues that involve the
availability of fish to be caught, such us
overfishing, sustainable fisheries, and fisheries
management ;and issues involve the impact of
fishing on other elements of the environment,
habitat such as CORAL REEFS
 These conservation issues are part of
MARINE CONSERVATION ,and are addressed
in FISHERIES SCIENCE programs . There is
growing gap between how many fish ae
available to be caught and humanities desire
to catch them, aproblem that gets worse as
the world grows.
 Similar to other environmental issues ,there
can be conflict between the fishermen who
depend on fishing for their livelihoods and
fishery scientists who realize that if future
fish are to be sustainable then some fisheries
must reduce or even close.
 The journal science published four year study
in November 2006,which predicted ,that at
prevailing trends, the world run out of wild
caught seafood in 2048.The scientits stated
that the decline was a result of
overfishing,pollution and other
environmental factors that were reducing the
population of fisheries at the same time as
their ecosystems were being degraded.
 Over the lasts decades ,the use of primary
resources has been increased due to the
growing global population,the improvement
of economies and a new lifestyle which is
changing the habits of populations from
high income and developing countries.
 However,some goods ,such us fossil fuels,free
landsm,metals and minerals reserves are
mostly limited,while renewable resources
such as water and recyclable materials are
commonly a result,the
sustainable use of resources is becoming
mandatory for the development of current
economies in a viable way ,in order to
maintain a clean environment for a long time.
Evaluation and conservation
 Since the second half of the 20th century ,
research and stydies have focused their
interests on environmental concerns such as
air vpollution,water and soil contamination
,excessive mine extraction
,deforestation,waste mismanagement and
unplanned land use,among othres
 This attention is due to the increasing
frequency of events which affect the lives of
people worldwide and which are introduced
mostly by anthropic activity.Hence changing
the form of industrialization ,resource
management and project development has
been suggested authors.
 For example ,the main solution suggested is
the inclusion of the so called ‘’CIRCULAR
ECONOMY’’in current and future
management plans.This theory has been
developed in order to encourage change in
the general behavior of public policies which
adopted the concept of the linear
 Thus,the reuse of recyclable materials ,the
inclusion of renewable energies ,the
treatment of wastewater for its reuse , the
coruction of new facilities adopting greehn
policies[reducing the energy consumption
and improving efficiencies],and the reuse of
low value materials are all solutions that
were recommended for the enhacement of
new economies in a sustainable manner and
by viable means
Sustainable resource use

 Aquatic habitats are susceptible to damage

or destruction by so many physical and
chemical procsses that full protection can
only be achieved when there is comp;ete
control of the catchment .This rarely the
case,except with small water bodies or sites
within a large national parks.
 Even then aerial pollution from afar ,particularly
from industry ,can contribute to nutrient
enrichment and acidification .Numerous
attempts have been made ,particularly in
Sweden,to reverse the processs of acidification
,mainly by adding calcium carbonate ,but
although this increases the ph and alkalinity the
studies have not been detailed enough to show
wether the flora and fauna return to their
original site.
 In general the main means of protection of
sites has been by the establishment of nature
reserves or national parks but it is seldom
that the whole catchment can be included ,as
this would usually increase the area of the
reserve by many times .
 Thus the majority of protected sites are still
vulnerable to to activities outside their
perimeter.This situation can only be
alleviated by effective integrated land used
planning on a regional scale ,taking into
account the protected sites

thank you

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