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Danar Ade Kristanto 07/252571/TK/32940

Ficky Firman Aji 07/252593/TK/32961

Eriana Nurman Syarif
Galih Karnadhi 07/252648/TK/33016
Vicky Victhoriansyah 07/252685/TK/33053

The resistance encountered by one body in
moving over another.


The laws of friction

1. The friction force is proportional to the

normal load.
Amounts to the statement that the
coeficient of friction μ, is independent of
the normal load.
2. The friction force is independent of the
apparent area of contact.
3. The friction force is independent of the
sliding velocity.
Solid Friction
Resistance force for sliding

Surface roughness (asperities)
Adhesion (bonding between dissimilar materials)

Factors influencing friction

Frictional drag lower when body is in motion
Sliding friction depends on the normal force and frictional
coefficient, independent of the sliding speed and contact area
Effect of Friction
Frictional heat (burns out the bearings, ignites a match)
Wear (loss of material due to cutting action of opposing

Engineers control friction

Increase friction when needed (using rougher surfaces)
Reduce friction when not needed (lubrication)
Surfaces K
Aluminum on aluminum 1.4
Aluminum on steel 0.47
Copper on steel 0.36
Steel on steel 0.57
Nickel on nickel 0.53
Glass on glass 0.40
Copper on glass 0.53
Oak on oak (parallel to grain) 0.48
Oak on oak (perpendicular to grain) 0.32
Rubber on concrete (dry) 0.90
Rubber on concrete (wet) 0.25
Surfaces S
Aluminum on aluminum 1.1
Aluminum on steel 0.61
Copper on steel 0.53
Steel on steel 0.74
Nickel on nickel 1.1
Glass on glass 0.94
Copper on glass 0.68
Oak on oak (parallel to grain) 0.62
Oak on oak (perpendicular to grain) 0.54
Rubber on concrete (dry) 1.0
Rubber on concrete (wet) 0.3
Based on these observations
we can conclude :
There are two different friction
forces: the static friction force
(no motion) and the kinetic
friction force (motion).
The static friction force
increases with the applied force
but has a maximum value.
The kinetic friction force is
independent of the applied
force, and has a magnitude that
is less than the maximum static
friction force.

Friction and Braking
Consider how you stop in your car:
The contact force between the tires
and the road is the static friction force
(for most normal drivers). It is this
force that provides the acceleration
required to reduce the speed of your
The maximum static friction force is
larger than the kinetic friction force.
As a result, your are much more
effective stopping your car when you
can use static friction instead of
kinetic friction (e.g. when your
wheels lock up).

Friction and Normal Forces
The maximum static friction force
and the kinetic friction force are
proportional to the normal force.
Changes in the normal force will
thus result in changes in the
friction forces.
◦ The normal force will be always
perpendicular to the surface.
◦ The friction force will be always
opposite to the direction of
(potential) motion.

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