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Lifestyle Diseases

What are lifestyle diseases?

Lifestyle Diseases
 They are diseases that are caused partly by
unhealthy behaviors and partly by other

 Causes: a person’s
 Habits
 Behaviors
 Practices
Controllable Risk Factors

 Your diet and body weight

 Your daily levels of physical
 Your level of sun exposure
 Smoking and alcohol abuse
Uncontrollable Risk Factors
 Age- the body has a harder time protecting itself as it
 Gender- certain diseases are more common among
members of one gender (men- heart disease, women-
breast cancer)
 Ethnicity- African Americans are more likely to
develop high blood pressure, Mexican Americans-
higher risk of diabetes, Asians lower risk of heart
disease, European decent- higher risk of heart disease.
 Heredity- You can inherit chances of developing
certain disease just as you inherit your hair or eye color.
Lifestyle Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases
 The diseases and disorders that result from
progressive damage to the heart and blood
 Treating cardiovascular diseases: Diet and
Exercise, Medicines, Surgery, Angioplasty,
Pacemakers, Transplants
 Preventing cardiovascular diseases: Relax, trim
the fat, hold the salt, keep your weight
healthy, don’t smoke, get moving
 A disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth.
 Tumors are a mass of uncontrolled growing cells that form a
 Malignant- invade and destroys healthy tissue
 Benign- harmless cell mass
 Causes:
 Certain viruses (HPV)
 Radiation (UV rays, X-rays)
 Chemicals in tobacco smoke
 Asbestos (material used in fireproofing)
Types of Cancer

 Breast  Lymphoma
 Prostate  Skin
 Respiratory  Leukemia
 Colon  Ovarian
 Urinary  Cervical
Detecting Treating
 Surgery-remove
 Self-exam
 Chemotherapy-use of
 Biopsy drugs
 X rays  Radiation therapy-
beam of radiation to
 MRI fire at a tumor
 Blood and DNA  Combination- use any
tests or all treatments
Preventing Cancer

 Don’t’ smoke!
 Wear sunscreen; stay away from
tanning beds
 Eat your veggies and cut the fat
 Stay active
 Get regular medical check-ups
 A disorder in which cells are unable to obtain
glucose from the blood such that high blood-glucose
levels result.

 Type 1- body’s inability to produce insulin

(born with)

 Type 2- body’s inability to respond to insulin

Hereditary Diseases

 Diseases caused by abnormal chromosomes or

by defective genes inherited from one or both

 Single-cell diseases- when one gene out of 30,000

to 40,000 genes has a harmful mutation.

 Complex Diseases- More than one gene

influences the onset of a disease.
Immune Disorders

 The immune system does not function

properly resulting in a immune disorder.

 Some are relatively mild (allergies); others

can be life threatening(AIDS)
Autoimmune Diseases

 The immune system attacks the cells of the

body that it normally protects.

 Depending on the cells of the body

destroyed, these attacks can result in many

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