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Dr. Aulia Chairani, MKK

Personal Protective Equipment

Head Protection
Eye & Face Protection
Hand Protection
Foot Protection
Body Protection
Alat Pelindung Diri

adalah seperangkat alat yang digunakan oleh

tenaga kerja untuk melindungi seluruh /
sebagian tubuhnya terhadap kemungkinan
adanya potensi bahaya/kecelakaan kerja.
Alat Pelindung Diri

Merupakan “the least desirable method” (paling

sedikit digunakan) melindungi tenaga kerja.
Merupakan Cara terakhir untuk melindungi TK
Bisa merupakan satu - satunya pilihan
(misalnya pada tempat kerja konstruksi dimana
dibutuhkan topi pengaman, safety shoes, dll.)
Syarat-syarat APD

Enak dipakai.
Tidak mengganggu kerja.
Memberikan perlindungan efektif sesuai
dengan jenis pekerjaan
Memberikan perlindungan efektif sesuai
dengan bahaya di tempat kerja.
Kelemahan APD

Kemampuan perlindungan yang kurang sempurna

– Tidak tepat
– Salah cara penggunaan
– Kualitas APD
Sering APD tidak dipakai karena kurang nyaman.
Mengganggu penampilan
Dasar Hukum
 Undang-undang No. 1 tahun 1970.
Pasal 3 ayat (1) butir f: Memberikan Alat-alat
Perlindungan Diri pada para pekerja.

Pasal 9 ayat (1) butir c: Pengurus diwajibkan

menunjukkan dan menjelaskan pada tiap tenaga kerja
baru tentang APD bagi TK yang bersangkutan .

Pasal 12 butir b: Dengan peraturan perundangan diatur

kewajiban dan atau hak tenaga kerja untuk memakai
APD yang diwajibkan.
Pasal 14 butir c: Pengurus diwajibkan menyediakan
secara cuma-cuma APD yang diwajibkan pada pekerja
dan orang lain yang memasuki tempat kerja.
Dasar Hukum

 Permenakertrans No. Per. 01/Men/1981

Pasal 4 ayat (3) menyebutkan kewajiban pengurus
menyediakan secara Cuma-cuma APD yang
diwajibkan penggunaannya oleh tenaga kerja yang
berada dibawah pimpinannya untuk mencegah PAK.

 Permenakertrans No. Per. 03/Men/1982

Pasal 2 menyebutkan memberikan nasehat mengenai
perencanaan dan pembuatan tempat kerja, pemilihan
alat pelindung diri yang diperlukan dan gizi serta
penyelenggaraan makanan ditempat kerja
Program APD
Kebijakan dan komitmen
Identifikasi & evaluasi potensi bahaya
Diklat APD
Pemilihan yang tepat & kesesuaian
Pemeliharaan (cleaning, sanitizing, maintenance,
Surveillance Kesehatan TK
Sangsi dan penghargaan
Jenis-jenis APD dan Penggunaannya

1. A.P. Kepala (Head Protection): Helmet/ hard hats, Hair

protection, Hats/Cap.
2. A.P. Muka dan Mata : face Shield, Kaca mata
3. A.P. Telinga : Ear plug (sumbat telinga), Ear muff
4. A.P. Pernafasan : masker, respirator
5. A.P. Tangan : sarung tangan (Gloves)
6. A.P. Kaki (Foot Protection): Safety shoes
7. Pakaian Pelindung
8. Sabuk Pengaman (Safety Belt)
Head Protection

Types of Head hazards

Electric shock
Head Protection
Potential Incidences of Head Hazards
– Impact
• Falling or flying objects
• falling or walking into hard objects
• injuries include neck sprains, concussions, and skull
– Electric Shock
• Live exposed electric wires
• Injuries include electrical shocks and burns
– Drips
• Toxic liquids such as acids, caustics, and molten
metals can irritate and burn the head/scalp.
Head Protection
Elimination or Control of Hazards
Safe Work Practices
Grounded equipment/shock resistant tools
Signs posted warning of hazards
Head Protection
Types of Head PPE
Hard hats
– A rigid shell that resists and deflects blows to the
– A suspension system inside the hat that acts
as a shock absorber
– Some hats serve as an insulator
against electrical shocks
– Shields your scalp, face, neck, and
shoulders against splashes, spills, and drips
– Some hard hats can be modified so you can add
face shields, goggles, hoods, or hearing
protection to them
Head Protection
Types of Head PPE
Class A Hard Hats
– Protect you from falling objects
– Protect you from electrical shocks up
to 2,200 volts
Class B Hard Hats
– Protect you from falling objects
– Protect you from electrical shocks up
to 20,000 volts
Class C Hard Hats
– Protect you from falling objects
Bump Caps
– Bump caps are made from
lightweight plastic and are designed
to protect you from bumping your
head on protruding objects
Head Protection
Modification of Hard Hat
– Drilled holes for venting
– Inserted pencil holder on
hat for easy retrieval
Hard hat from employee
holding ladder
– Employee on ladder
dropped screw driver
– Screw driver landed on
hard hat and stuck in
Head Protection
Care and Maintenance of Hard
Clean your hard hat at least
once a month by soaking it in
a solution of mild soap and hot
water for 5-10 minutes
Because sunlight and heat can
damage the suspension of your
hat, always store your hat in a
clean, dry, and cool location
Eye and Face Protection
Why Eye and Face
Protection is Important
Thousands of people are
blinded each year from
work related eye injuries.
Injuries that could have
been prevented, if only
people would have used
eye or face protection.
Eye and Face Protection
Types of Eye and Face
Personal Protective Equipment

Safety Glasses
– much stronger and more resistant to impact and heat than regular glasses
– equipped with side shields that give you protection from hazards that may not
be directly in front of you
– Safety glasses should be Z-87 approved to meet OSHA regulations
– Should fit comfortable on face through all job tasks. Ensure that glasses are
not too big or too tight
– Limitation
• Does not seal around eyes, could allow small droplets to come in contact with
Eye and Face Protection

Regular glasses or
sunglasses are not
appropriate SAFETY
Eye and Face Protection
Types of Eye and Face
Personal Protective Equipment

– surround the eye area, they give you more protection in
situations where you might encounter splashing liquids, fumes,
vapors, powders, dusts, and mists
– must indicate that they are chemical splash goggles to be worn
for that purpose
– Limitation
• Uncomfortable to wear with other head gear like helmet, ear muffs or respirator
Eye and Face Protection
Types of Eye and Face
Personal Protective Equipment
Face Shields
– full face protection
– used around operations which expose you to molten metal,
chemical splashes, or flying particles
– Can be used simultaneously as a hard hat
– Limitations
• Are not considered eye protection, will need to wear goggles or
glasses underneath
• Can fog up if working in poorly ventilated area
Eye and Face Protection
Types of Eye and Face
Personal Protective Equipment

Welding Helmets
– provide both face and eye protection
– use special absorptive lenses that filter the intense light and
radiant energy that is produced during welding operations
– Limitations
• Heavy and hot, fog up
• Must wear safety glasses or goggles underneath helmet
Hand Protection
Why is Hand Protection
It has been estimated that
almost 20% of all disabling
accidents on the job
involve the hands
Without your fingers or
hands, your ability to work
would be greatly reduced
Hand Protection

Types of Hand Hazards

– Traumatic Injuries
– Contact Injuries
– Repetitive Motion Injuries
Hand Protection
Potential Incidences of Hand
Traumatic Injuries
– Tools and machines with a
sharp edges can cut your
• Staples, screwdrivers,
nails, chisels, and stiff wire
can puncture your hands.
• Getting your hands caught
in machinery can sprain,
crush, or remove your
hands and fingers
Hand Protection
Potential Incidences of Hand Hazards
Contact Injuries
– Coming into contact with caustic or toxic chemicals,
biological substances, electrical sources, or extremely cold
or hot objects can irritate or burn your hands
• WARNING: Toxic substances are poisonous substances that
can be absorbed through your skin and enter your body.
Repetitive Motion Injuries
– Whenever you repeat the same hand movement over a long
period of time, you run the risk of repetitive motion problems
• Repetitive motion problems often appear as a numbness or tingling
sensation accompanied by pain and the loss of gripping power in
your hands
Hand Protection
Proper Fit and Use of PPE
Select and use the right kind of glove for the job you are
going to be performing
– Check fit, always use correct size
– Make sure chemical resistant to chemical being used
Inspect your gloves before you use them
– Remove any rings, watches, or bracelets that might cut or tear
your gloves
– Look for holes and cracks
that might leak
– Replace gloves that are
worn or torn
Hand Protection
Never wear gloves around powered
rotating equipment - drills, lathes, etc
Hand Protection
Types of Hand PPE
– Metal mesh gloves
• resist sharp edges and prevent cuts
– Leather gloves
• shield your hands from rough surfaces
– Vinyl and neoprene gloves
• protect your hands against toxic chemicals
– Rubber gloves
• protect you when working around electricity
Hand Protection
Types of Hand PPE
– Padded cloth gloves
• protect your hands from sharp edges, slivers,
dirt, and vibration
– Heat resistant gloves
• protect your hands from heat and flames
– Latex disposable gloves
• used to protect your hands from germs and
– Lead-lined gloves
• used to protect your hands from radiation
Hand Protection
Types of Hand PPE
Forearm Cuffs
– used to protect your forearm
Thumb Guards and Finger Cots
– protect only your thumb or fingers
– protect your hands while
working around very cold or hot
Hand Pads
– Hand pads protect your hands while
working around very hot materials
Alat Pelindung Pernapasan
Respiratory protectors for breathing

Air purifying respirators Coumpound type(1) Supplied air respirators

Powered filter type Non powered filter type Self contained respirator Air mask

Mutual For For Mutual For gas For Circulation Semi Semi Open
use for gas aeros use for and vapor aero type enclo Open respi
gas, and ols gas, sols respirator sed respi rator
(chemi ( dust
vapor and vapor vapor respi rator
cal cartri respir
aerosols and rator
dge) ator)
aerosol (1)
Perhatian !! Jangan mengarahkan alat
semprot kepada manusia dan hewan

Bagaimana manusia terpapar Virus AI ?

Virus masuk tubuh  biasa lewat pernafasan


Masker N95 akan melindungi!

Tipe lain yang TIDAK melindungi!

– kain
– Masker bedah 37
Foot Protection
Why is Foot Protection
The human foot is rigid enough
to support the weight of your
entire body, and yet flexible
enough to allow you to run,
dance, play sports, and to take
you anywhere you want to go.
Without your feet and toes, your
ability to work at your job would
be greatly reduced.
Alat Pelindung Kaki
Pada industri ringan/ tempat kerja biasa
Cukup dengan sepatu yang baik
Sepatu pelindung ( safety shoes)
Dapat terbuat dari kulit, karet, sintetik atau plastik
Untuk mencegah tergelincir
Dipakai sol anti slip
Untuk mencegah tusukan
Dipakai sol dari logam
Terhadap bahaya listrik
Sepatu seluruhnya harus di jahit atau direkat tak boleh memakai
Alat Pelindung Kaki

Tahan benturan dan tahan tekanan

Sol bagian luar tidak mudah lepas
Bersifat mencegah kebocoran
Tahan tusukan
Mempunyai daya redam terhadap benturan pada
bagian tumit.
Foot Protection
Potential Incidences of Foot Hazards
Impact Injuries
– At work, heavy objects can fall on your
feet. If you work around sharp objects,
you can step on something sharp and
puncture your foot
Injuries from Spills and Splashes
– Liquids such as acids, caustics, and
molten metals can spill into your
shoes and boots. These hazardous
materials can cause chemical and
heat burns
Foot Protection
Potential Incidences of Foot
Compression Injuries
– Heavy machinery, equipment, and
other objects can roll over your
feet. The result of these types of
accidents is often broken or
crushed bones
Electrical Shocks
– Accidents involving electricity can
cause severe shocks and burns
Foot Protection
Potential Incidences of Foot Hazards
Extremes in Cold, Heat, and Moisture
– If not protected, your feet can suffer from
frostbite if you must work in an extremely
cold environment. Extreme heat, on the
other hand, can blister and burn your feet.
Finally, extreme moisture in your shoes or
boots can lead to fungal infections
– Oil, water, soaps, wax, and other chemicals
can cause you to slip and fall
Foot Protection
Types of Foot PPE
Safety Shoes and Boots
– Steel toe footwear
• protects your toes from falling objects and from
being crushed
– Metatarsal footwear
• special guards that run from your ankle to your
toes and protect your entire foot
– Reinforced sole footwear
• metal reinforcement that protects your foot from
– Latex/Rubber footwear
• resists chemicals and provides extra traction on
slippery surfaces
Foot Protection
Type of Foot PPE
Safety Shoes and Boots
– PVC footwear
• protects your feet against moisture and
improves traction
– Butyl footwear
• protects against most ketones, aldehydes,
alcohols, acids, salts, and alkalies
– Vinyl footwear
• resists solvents, acids, alkalies, salts, water,
grease, and blood
– Nitrile footwear
• resists animal fats, oils, and chemicals
Foot Protection
Types of Foot PPE
Safety Shoes and Boots
– Electrostatic dissipating footwear
• conducts static electricity to floors that are
– Electrical hazard footwear
• insulated with tough rubber to prevent
shocks and burns from electricity
– Disposable footwear
• includes shower slippers, clear polyethylene
and non-woven booties used in dust free
work areas
Body Protection
Why is Body Protection Important?
The skin acts as a natural barrier to the elements
Chemicals can break down the skin barrier and allow
secondary infections to manifest
Body Protection
Types of Body PPE
Insulated Coats and Pants
– Fire resistant
– Heat resistant
– Cold resistant
Sleeves and Aprons
– Work well when pouring or manipulating chemical to
reduce splash
– Make sure the sleeves and aprons are appropriate
for the chemical
Body Protection
Types of Body Protection
– Tyvek use for particulate
filtering such as asbestos
– Chemical rated
Full body suit
– Hazardous materials
– Carbon filtering for
emergency response
Pakaian Pelindung
Example of Dermal Hazard Categories
Hazard Examples
Chemical Dermal toxins
Systemic toxins
Physical Thermal hazards (hot/cold)
Trauma producing
Biological Human pathogens
Animal pathogens
Enviromental pathogens
Sabuk Pengaman (Safety Belt)

Berguna untuk melindungi tubuh dari kemungkinan

terjatuh, biasanya digunakan pada pekerjaan
konstruksi dan memanjat serta tempat tertutup atau
Harus dapat menahan beban sebesar 80 Kg.
Is This An Appropriate
Hard Hat?
Is This An Appropriate
Is This an Appropriate
Welder’s Mask?

Thanks For Your Attention


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