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How to write a good manuscript

and to avoid plagiarism

Tim workshop dan coaching penulisan

journal internasional

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya,

28-31 Mei 2018
Artikel yang bagus

 Di mulai dari saat awal penyusunan

proposal penelitian untuk
mendapatkan dana
Persiapan penulisan manuscript
the originality of your idea

 Have you done something new and

 Is there anything challenging in
your work?
 Is the work directly related to a
current hot topic?
 Have you provided solutions to any
difficult problems?

Jika semua jawaban “ya”, penulisan manuscript dapat dimulai

Melakukan pelacakan

 Melalui google scholars (jangkauan

sangat luas, tidak selektif)
 Melalui Scopus (jangkauan
terbatas, hanya yang terindeks
scopus, cukup banyak jurnal
predator yang terindex)
 Melalui Web of Science (terbatas,
sebagain besar journal mempunyai
impact factor, hampir tidak
dijumpai jurnal predator)
 TRACK the latest results regularly in
your field. New and relevant articles
get published all the time
Menentukan tipe makalah

 Full article/original article

 Short communications
 Review paper

Self-evaluate your work: Is it sufficient for a full article? Or are your

results so thrilling that they need to be shown as soon as possible?

Ask your colleagues for advice on manuscript type.

Sometimes outsiders see things more clearly than you.
Pembaca jurnal yang dituju
 Do you want to reach specialists,
multidisciplinary researchers, a general
audience? You will need to adjust
information and writing style accordingly.
 Journals, even in similar subjects, reach
readers with different background
 Each journal has its own style; read
otherarticles to see what gets accepted
 Is readership worldwide or local?
Memilih jurnal yang tepat

 Aims and scope of journals

 Tipe artikel
 Pembaca
 Current hot topics

Only submit once, international publication ethics prohibit multiple/

simultaneous submissions
Guide for authors → baca dengan

 Apply the Guide for Authors to your

manuscript, even to the first draft
(text layout, paper citation,
nomenclature, figures and table,
etc.). It will save your time, and the
 All editors hate wasting time on
poorly prepared manuscripts. It is a
sign of disrespect.
Menulis suatu artikel
Content vs. presentation

 Content is essential → Contains a clear,

useful, and exciting scientific message
 Presentation is critical→ 1. Conveys the
authors’ thoughts in a logical manner such
that the reader arrives at the same
conclusions as the author. 2. Constructed in
the format that best showcases the authors’
material. 3. Written in a style that transmits
the message clearly
Struktur makalah
Afiliasi penulis

 Penulisan nama dan afiliasi harus

 Speling alternatif akan
menyebabkan kebingungan dalam
pencarian atau indexing online →
Hangtuah atau Hang Tuah → menjadi 2
nama yang berbeda
Abstrak → iklan dari makalah

 Jujur menggambarkan isi makalah

 Berdiri sendiri
 Tidak terdapat jargon2 teknis
 Singkat, jelas, dan spesifik
 Tidak terdapat referensi

Kualitas abstrak sangat mempengaruhi keputusan editor

Kata kunci

 Digunakan untuk indexing → harus

 Hindarkan kata-kata yang mengandung arti
 Singkatan-singkatan yang sudah umum bisa
digunakan → DNA, SEM, dan lain-lain
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan
pada introduction

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