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Position Of Biology YUNITA JELLIYAH J P S.Pd, M.Pd
In Science IRDAWATI, S. Si, M.Si
Biological Objects And
Branches Of Biology KURNIA ANDINI
Step Scientific
Theory Of The
Origin Of Life
Linkages Between Biology
And Other Sciences In
Math And Natural Sciences
Position Of Biology
In Science

Biology is a branch of natural

science (IPA), together with
Physics and Chemistry..

As a science branch,its
Existence is always related
and cannot be Separated from
other branches of science

For example with Chemistry

(Biochemistry),with Physics
(Biophysics), with Geology
(Palaentology) and others.
Biological Objects And
Branches Of Biology
Objects of biology are all living things, starting from
the level of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs,
individuals, populations, ecosystems, to biosfer
branches of biology
Step Scientific Method

2. Formulating 3. Making a
1. observation problems Hypothesis.

4. Conducting
5. Withdrawal
Theory Of The Origin Of Life

1. Abiogenesis theory
Abiogenesis theory means that the first living thing on earth
came from an inanimate object
a. Theory According to Aristoteles
In the days of Ancient Greece Aristoteles (384-322 BC) who argued
that living things just happened. He observed fish that live in water, he
saw certain fish coming out of the mud, according to him the fish came
from mud. This opinion continued until the 17-18th century
b. Theory According to Nedham
He boiled the broth then put it in a bottle, then closed the bottle tightly
with cork. It turned out that a few days later bacteria appeared.
Nedham concluded that bacteria originated from broth. Even though
Nedham boiled the kaldunya not with the bottle, so it could be
concluded that the bacteria originated from a non-sterile bottle.

c. Theory According to Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (18th century)

Anthony managed to make a microscope and look at microorganisms
in straw-soaked water. So Anthony concluded that microorganisms
came from water.
2. Biogenesis theory
The theory of Biogenesis states that living things come from living
things too
a. Francisco Redi (1626-1697)
Francisco experimented because he did not agree with Aristotle. In his
experiments, Francisco uses three jars.
From the experiments that have been carried out, Francisco Redi
argues that the larvae do not originate from keratan meat (inanimate
objects), but come from flies laying eggs.
2) Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)
Broth is put into several bottles or tubes. Some tubes are closed
tightly and some are left open. in fact the tightly closed tubes did not find
microorganisms, whereas in open tubes there were microorganisms.
After conducting the experiment, Lazzaro Spallanzani concluded
that the microbes in the broth did not come from broth (inanimate matter),
but originated from life in the air. So there is decay because there has been
microbial contamination from the air into the broth water
3) Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Based on the results of the experiments of Francisco,
Spallanzani, and Louis, the Abiogenesis concept collapsed, and a new
concept / theory emerged about the origin of living things known as the
theory of Biogenesis. The theory states:
• omne vivum ex ovo: which means every living thing comes from an
• omne ovum ex vivo: which means eggs come from living things.
• omne vivum ex vivo: which means every living thing comes from living
b. Cosmozoic / Kosmozoan theory
Cosmozoic theory or the Kosmozoan theory states that the origin of
earth's living things originated from "life spores" originating from outer
space. The state of the planet in space is covered by conditions of
drought, very cold temperatures and the presence of deadly radiation
that does not allow life to survive.

c. Creation Theory (Special Creation)

This theory holds that living things are created by God as they are.
This notion only talks about the development of matter until the
formation of an organism without alluding to the origin of material life.
d. Biochemical Evolution Theory
This theory tries to dig up information on the origin of living things from
the biochemical side. According to Oparin in his book entitled The
Origin of Life (1936), the origin of life occurs together with the
evolution of the formation of the earth and its atmosphere.

e. Biological evolution
Biological theory is a theory of chemical evolution, which argues that
the earth was very hot at first, then one day the earth experienced a
cooling process. From these processes chemicals can be produced.
Heavy materials will compile the earth while light materials will form
the atmosphere.

a. Linkages between Biology and Physics

Physics and biology are two of the many existing natural
sciences. The union of these two branches of science
produced branches of biophysics, and medical physics.
Biophysics learns about how to apply the findings of
physics to the biological world (disease science and its
prevention). For example, the use of gamma radiation
and the emission of positrons as inhibitors of cancer cells
and tracers of body parts which are eaten away by cancer.
b. Linkages between Biology and Chemistry
Biology and chemistry are clearly closely related.
The proof is that there is a science called biochemistry,
one example of the relationship between chemistry and
biology is, Biology studies about
photosynthesis, while photosynthesis can occur
if there are chemicals needed. For example, chlorophyll,
carbon dioxide, and water. The results of photosynthesis
also produce chemicals namely simple carbohydrates
(glucose) and oxygen.
c. Relationship between Biology and Mathematics
Mathematics and biology together use logic and
analysis and mathematical calculations.

Who has made for you the earth as a stretch and

Who has made for you on earth a way, and
lowered it from the sky of rain. So we grow it with
rain water, various types of plants that vary. “
(Q.S Thaha: 53).
Cara rawatan Sound Level Meter
Not only plants are made from water, but animals are also made of water, as
described in the Al-Quran Letter Annur verse 45 below :

“ And God has created all kinds of animals from water. "(Q.S Annur: 45)
in AL QURAN, it has also been explained about the process of human
creation, in the Surah (38): 71

"(Remember) when your Lord said to the angel:" Surely I will create man
from the ground (thiin)


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