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Introduction to

Organic Chemistry

1 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Differences between Organic and Inorganic Compounds

Organic Compounds Inorganic Compounds

 have covalent bonds.  have ionic bonds.
 have low melting  have high melting
points. points.
 have low boiling points.  have high boiling
 are flammable. points.
 are soluble in nonpolar  are nonflammable.
solvents.  are soluble in polar
 are not soluble in water. solvents.
 are nonconductors of  are soluble in water.
electricity  are conductors of
New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
What is Organic

3 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Organic Chemistry

• Chemistry of the compounds

of carbon

4 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Examples of Carbon Compounds
• Proteins
• Enzymes
• Wool
• Cotton
• Plastics
Many products used in our
daily life are made up of
5 organic compounds
5 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Development of Organic Chemistry
as a Science
In the past …,


Organic Inorganic
compounds compounds
obtained from obtained from
living organisms non-living sources
6 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Development of Organic Chemistry
as a Science
In 1828, Friedrich Wohler (a German chemist)

(Inorganic (Organic
compound) compound)
7 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Development of Organic Chemistry
as a Science
Redefining … ...

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon

compounds except carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, carbonates,
hydrogencarbonates, carbides and cyanide.

8 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Natural Sources of Organic Compounds
Living Carbohydrates /
things Proteins / Fats /
Vitamins /

A variety of
organic products
obtained from
living things
9 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Natural Sources of Organic Compounds

Fractional distillation / Alkanes /

destructive distillation Alkenes /
Crude oil
Alkynes /
or coal

A variety of
useful products
derived from
crude oil and coal
10 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
The Unique
Nature of Carbon

11 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
1. Ability to Catenate

• Carbon atoms link together to form

chains of varying length, branched
chains and rings of different sizes
• Catenation:
 Ability of atoms in forming stable
bonds with itself, hence joining up
into chains or rings

12 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Ability to Catenate
• e.g. carbon and hydrogen
atoms join up to form

13 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
2. Ability to Form Multiple Bonds
• Electronic configuration of carbon
(ground state) : 1s22s22p2

Carbon (ground state)

14 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Ability to Form Multiple Bonds
• Each carbon atom has four unpaired
electrons when excited

• Tend to form four covalent bonds

Carbon (excited state)

15 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Single bond Double bond Triple bond

16 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Homework 2: 1 whole sheet of pad
paper. (30 points)
Submit 7:30 AM – Flag Ceremony
1. Enumerate the 4 allotropes of
carbon. Briefly describe each.
2. Enumerate 6 ways of representing
organic compounds. Briefly describe
17 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
Answers to Homework 2
1. 4 Allotropes of Carbon
A. Diamond – the crystalline form of carbon
which exhibits a wide range of color, transparency,
luster, heat-conducting ability, brilliance and
resistance to attack by acids or alkalis.
B. Graphite – only form of carbon which can
conduct electricity and is commonly found in
“lead” pencils.

18 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A

C. Carbon black – third form of carbon, an
amorphous solid made up of chains of different
numbers of carbon atoms, each atom is linked to
two other carbon atoms.
D. Buckminster fullerene/ fullerene/
- soccer-ball shaped famous, new family of
allotropes. These fullerenes have been originally
produced with a molecular beam. May be useful in
super conduction when combined with other
materials or elements like Thallium and Rubidium.
19 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
6 Ways of Representing Organic Compounds
1. Molecular Formula tells the kind and Butane
number of each type of atom in a molecule but C4H10
does not show the bonding pattern.
2. Structural Formula shows each atom and
bond in a molecule
3. Condensed Structural Formula shows all
the atoms in a molecule in sequential order
indicating which atoms are bonded
4. Line Formula (Carbon Skeleton
Formula) assumes a carbon atom at any
location where lines intersect
- Assume a carbon at the end of any line
- Each carbon in the structure is bonded to
20 the correct number of hydrogen
New Way Chemistry atoms
for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A
6 Ways of Representing Organic Compounds (contin.)

5. Ball and Stick Model have the

balls represent the relative sizes of
the atoms and the sticks represent the
covalent bonds between atoms.
6. Space-filling Model shows how
much space an atom (or molecule)
really occupies.

21 New Way Chemistry for Hong Kong A-Level Book 3A

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