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History of Java

In 1991 the microsystem company offered a project to James Gosling, Mike

Sheridan and Patrick Naughton to create a Smart-appliace platform that is like
making cable television. And they agreed.

But the microsystem requires that the manufacture must use API C ++ and C
which are owned by Sun Microsystem, and James Gosling and his friends reject
these requirements for complicated reasons.

In the end James Gosling and his friends offered a new programming language
to Sun Microsystems and Sun Microsystem approved it.

In 1992 James Gosling and his friends succeeded in creating a new

programming language that had not been named, with the new programming
language they succeeded in creating a Website, Set Top Television Boxes and
In 1994 they wanted the language they created to be used by many
people, but they were confused about the name that was right for
the language.

After long thinking about the name for the language, in the end
when they were discussing at a café there was someone who was
drinking coffee from the island of Java (Indonesia), one of them
said "how is our language given the name Java"? they agreed. With
a cup of coffee logo
Java Revolution
• In 1996 they released the first java programming language with the
name Java 1.0 (Free)
• In 1998 they released the second version of the Java programming
language named Java 1.2 J2SE (Free)
• In 1999 they released the second version of the Java programming
language named Java 1.2 J2EE 1.2 (Paid)
• In 2000 they released the third version of the Java programming
language named Java 1.3 J2SE 1.3 (Free)
• In 2001 they released the third version of the Java programming
language named Java 1.3 J2EE 1.3 (Paid)
• In 2002 they released the fourth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java 1.4 J2SE 1.4 (Free)
• In 2003 they released the fourth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java 1.4 J2EE 1.4 (Paid)
• In 2004 they released the fifth version of the Java programming
language named Java J2SE 5 (Free)
• Strengths: Generics, Annotations, Autoboxing, JMM
• In 2006 they released the fifth version of the Java programming
language named Java EE 5 (Paid)
• Strengths: Scripting, Java Compiler API
• In 2006 they released the sixth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java SE 6 (Free)
• In 2009 ORACLE bought the Sun Microsystem company and all
of its projects were owned by ORACLE including the java
programming language
• In 2009 they released the sixth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java EE 6 (Paid) under ORACLE
• In 2011 they released the seventh version of the Java programming
language with the name Java SE 7 (Free)
• Pros: Invoke, Concurrency, Try-with, String in switch
• In 2013 they released the seventh version of the Java programming
language with the name Java EE 7 (Paid)
• In 2014 they released the eighth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java SE 8 (Free)
• Pros: JavaFX, Lambda, Stream API, Interface Method, Nashorn,
Unsigned Arithmetics, date and time API, Annotation on type
• In 2015 they released the eighth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java EE 8 (Paid)
• In 2017 they released the ninth version of the Java programming language
with the name Java SE 9 (Free)
• Strengths: Modularization (jigsaw), Jshell, Concurrency update, New
garbage collector, HTTP 2.0, API update
• In 2018 they released the ninth version of the Java programming language
with the name Java EE 9 (Paid)
• In March 2018 they released the tenth version of the Java programming
language with the name Java SE 10 (Free)
• Strengths: Var keywords, New Heap Allocation, Housekeping, API
• In September 2018 they released the next version of the Java
programming language with the name Java SE 11 (Free) until now
Java type
 Java is divided into 4 types
 Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
 Java SE (Standard Edition)
 Java ME (Micro Edition)
 Java for Mobile
 Java TV
 Java Embedded
 Java Card

So if we can use the java programming language then we can program all types of
technology such as robots, desktops, servers, mobile and chips.
Characteristics of the
Java programming language

1. Simple 6. Secure
2. Object Oriented 7. Neutral Architecture
3. Distributed (Distributed) 8. Portable
9. Performance
4. Interpreted
10. Multithreaded
5. Robust 11. Dynamic
Advantages of Java
There are several advantages that Java has compared to other programming languages,
 Multiplatform
The main advantage of Java is that it can run on multiple computer platforms /
operating systems, according to the principle of writing once, run anywhere.
 OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
OOP means that all aspects contained in Java are objects . Java is a pure object-based
programming language. All data types are derived from a base class called Object.
 Complete Class Library
Java is famous for its complete library (a collection of program programs included in java
programming) which makes it very easy to use by programmers to build their
Weaknesses of Java
 Write once, fix anywhere - There are still some things that are not compatible
between platforms one with another platform. For J2SE , for example SWT-AWT bridge which
until now does not work on Mac OS X .

 Easy to decompile - Decompilation is the process of reversing from code to source code. This is
possible because code is Java bytecode which stores many high-level language attributes, such
as class names, methods, and data types.

 Large memory usage - Memory usage for Java-based programs is far greater than previous
generation high-level languages ​such as C / C ++ and Pascal (more
specifically, Delphi and Object Pascal ).

 Compile process - Java programs must be compiled before running, different from Python
which does not need to compile.

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