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Phototropism & Geotropism

Invertebrates simple behavior
- Some invertebrates use taxic responses (taxes) – non directional
responses triggered changes in environment.
- Animals move around moredrapidly in conditions they don’t like
(dry and bright); move less rapidly in ideal conditions (dark and

The response helps to survive:

- Least to dehydrate
- Less likely to be found by predator
- Food source (decaying leaves)
What is tropism?
• Sensitivity – Responding to the environment
• Plant is not actively move. Most plants move too slowly for us to
• Tropism is a growth response in which the direction of the response
is determined by the direction of the stimulus.
• The way Plants grow is controlled by auxin (hormones). They are
sensitive to their environment and can make adjustments to
• Auxins are one of the hormones used by plants for stimulate the
plant growth.
• Auxin produced in Apical (pucuk)
• They have different effects depending where it is.
• In the shoots (part of plant above the soil) any concentration
promotes growth.
• At the root, high concentration inhibits growth, small concentration
promotes growth.
• The Sunlight breaks down auxins, therefore the shoot tip which has
direct sunlight will have the least amount of auxins. This means the
area of the plant which is shaded (terngaungi sinar matahari) has a
higher concentration of auxins, and so more growth occurs, this
leads to lop sided growth and the plant bends towards the light
• Phototropism is a plant growth response to light.
• Positive phototropism = growth of a shoot towards light
• Negative phototropism = growth of a shoot away from light

Auxins accumulate in shade

area. Elongation
(pemanjangan) the cell in
this area, it makes shoot
bend towards direction.
• Geotropism is a plant growth response to gravity..
• Negative geotropism = growth upward
• Positive geotropism = growth downward

Auxins accumulate on the lower

side. (because of gravity)
Shoot = grow faster, bends up
Root = grow slower, bends down
Complete the blanks!
• Tropism is how plants respond to their environment.
• When sunlight is the stimulus this is known as ______tropism.
• Positive phototropism is where the plant grows _______the light.
This happens at the _____tip.
• ______negative__ phototropism is where the plant grows away
from the__light____, this happens at the___root tip__.
• When gravity is the stimulus this is known as ______tropism.
• ________Geotropism is where the plant grows in the direction
of_______. This happens at the roots.
• Negative ___tropism is where the plant grows opposing gravity,
this happens at the _____tips.
Synthetic auxin as weed killers (Herbicides)
• Called as 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
• Synthetic auxins completely alter the natural balance of hormones
in the plant, causing a variety of effects that in combination become
• Synthetic auxins drive cells in the plant to proliferate and block up
the vascular system the plant needs to transport water and
nutrients; uncontrolled growth and respiration.
Synthetic auxins kill broad-leaved plants but not grasses
• Synthetic auxins are usually used to control broadleaf weeds in
cross crops and pastures, since the grasses (monocots) can tolerate
the herbicide.

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