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(Introducing the Social Sciences – Socialization II )
Session 2 – Introducing the Social Sciences
Natural Science – about the physical Psychology – science of human mind and behavior in a given
features of nature and the ways in context
which they interact and change. (Ex.
Physics, Biology, Chemistry)
Economics – people produce and exchange goods and services
Social Science - various aspects of along with money and resources
human society (all those related to behavior,
institutions, and social phenomena).
History – People and events of the past and their significance to us
Political Science – Principles,
organizations and operation of International Studies – study of political, economic, social and
governments and the exercise of cultural issues that extent beyond national boundaries
power and authority
Islamic Studies – Comprehensive knowledge of Islamic intellectual
history and religious thought
Sociology – studies human society,
human relationships, social Anthropology – comparative study of past and present human
behavior and institutions
societies, development and cultures
Session 3 – Methods of Inquiry in the Social
Common Sense – prevailing The DIVERSITY of culture and social structures that define human
meanings makes it challenging for social scientists.
opinion of the public. Prone
to By using the Scientific Method, the social sciences can contribute greatly to
overgeneralization, the elimination of prejudices and stereotypes against certain groups of
inaccurate people.
observation, and
illogical reasoning. Quantitative Method - Refers to the research involving the collection of
data in numerical form for quantitative analysis. The most popular
Common sense is quantitative method is survey.
considered as the bedrock
of Science Qualitative Method - The subject of most qualitative research is how
people construct their understanding of the social world and how they
Social sciences follow an make sense of everyday life.
open system (systems that Its goal is to understand the processes, experiences, and meanings
people assign to things.
cannot be totally
controlled) which applies to (Ex. Interviews, Participant Observations, Focus Group Discussion,
the society, politics, and Textual and Discourse Analysis, Oral History
culture of the world. Biographies
Session 4– Sociological Perspective
• Society – group of people Functionalism – Each aspects or parts of the society have specific functions
who share common and together, will create relationship and work together as a whole
territory, interaction and Example: Specific functions of the ff. (Politics, Education, Culture, Economics,
culture Religion etc.)
• Sociological Conflict – Competition for scarce resources; How the rich/elite control the lives
Imagination – vivid of the poor/weak. How the society creates social issues such as social
awareness of the
relationship between injustices, discrimination, exploitation, unjust treatment etc.
personal experience and
the wider society
• Stop viewing your private Symbolic-Interactionism – Individuals create and attach meaning to a
troubles as isolated issues particular symbol and their actions will depend based from the meanings that
and start seeing them as
part of a bigger public they have created. It can be used in social interaction whether through verbal or
issue. non-verbal gestures
Example: For some, Ateneo students are rich, boastful and arrogant
Session 5 – Holistic Perspective
Anthropology - Study 4 Subfields of Anthropology: Holistic Perspective –
of humankind, from its Physical - studies the way humans behaviors, traditions,
beginnings to the have evolved over time and how phenomena etc., cannot be
present day and seeks to different environmental and understood as isolated events
understand the whole cultural influences affected but instead have to be viewed
panorama of human human evolution. as a piece of a whole in order
existence Cultural - deals with the aspects of to be properly understood and
human lives that are learned. it pays very close attention to
Linguistic - - study of how context.
languages are formed, evolve and
how culture and language interact
with each other.
Archeology - the study of things
humans have created in the past.
Session 7 – Socialization and Self – making
Socialization – lifelong process Essentialism - idea that things have innate qualities, attributes, or
meanings that cannot be separated from them.
that individual has to acquire
and learn all the necessary Subjectification – the construction of the individual subject.
skills and roles individuals are tied to specific/multiple identities. Process of
acquiring self through heterogenous assemblage of bodies,
Feral children or wild vocabularies and judgments etc.
children lack the necessary
skills and knowledge “Role theory” - acquisition of roles and behaviors of a person
Role conflict - incompatible role expectations and does two or
George Herbert Mead, the more things
earliest form of
communication between is Feminists argue that this devaluation of women is a product of
called gestures
Session 8 – Socialization and Assertion of
Michel Foucault - “resistance” Howard Becker – “created by society… social groups create
– characterize the rebellious deviance by making the rules…”
attitudes of people
White-collar crimes (Edwin Sutherland)– “a crime committed by
Barry Barnes - “Agency” – “ the capacity a person of high social status in the course of his occupation”
of individuals to act and think
independently” Hate Crimes – “a mechanism of power intended to sustain
- individual possess the capacity or power to precarious hierarchies through violence and threats of violence…”
constantly intervene in the course of events
going on around him/her Glocalization the mixing of the local culture and global brands or
Essentialism - inherent property of an products
Reductionism - a single cause or in a
single perspective
Social constructionist - The process of
creation of the label or the invention of
the category of deviance

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