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ROLL NO :- 1854003
• In 2001, the concept of transparent concrete was first put forward by Hungarian architect Aron Losonzi at the Technical
University of Budapest, and the first transparent concrete block was successfully produced by mixing large amount of glass fiber
into concrete in 2003, named as LiTraCon.

• Combination of optical fibers and fine concrete.

• At present, green structures focus greatly on saving energy with indoor thermal systems,thus acts as a new functional material
to satisfy the structure in terms of safety monitoring (such as damage detection, fire warning), environmental protection and
energy saving and artistic modeling.

• Due to globalization and construction of high-rise building, the space between buildings is reduced; this causes to increasing the
use of non- renewable energy sources, so therefore there is a need of smart construction technique like green building and
indoor thermal system.

• Translucent concrete allow more light and less weight compared to normal concrete. The use of sunlight source of light instead
of using electrical energy is main purpose of translucent concrete, so as to reduce the load on non- renewable sources and
result it into the energy saving.

• Cement : Mainly OPC

• Fine aggregate:
• Coarse aggregate:
• Water
• Optical Fiber (GOF or POF)
• Optical fiber is a wave guide, made of transparent dielectric (glass
or plastics) in cylindrical form through which light is transmitted by
total internal reflection. It guides light waves to travel over long
distances without much loss of energy.
• Step index single mode fiber.

• Step index multimode fiber.

• Graded index multimode fiber.

• Core - Thin glass center of the fiber where the light travels.

• Cladding - The outer optical material surrounding the core that reflects the light
• back into the core.

To confine the reflection in the core,

the refractive index of the core > refractive index of cladding.

• Buffer Coating – Plastic coating that protects the fiber from damage and moisture.

• Step 1-Preparation of the Mould:

• Step 2- Optical Fiber:
• Step 3- Fixing the Fibers:
• Step 4- Concreting:
• Step 5- Removing the Mould:
• Step 6- Cutting and polishing:
The following are the factors to be considered for the performance of the transparency of the concrete:
(B) Haze
(C) Birefringence
(D) Refractive index.
(E) Dispersion
The transmittance can be directly calculated by the ratio of the incident energy and transmission energy of light expressed as following equation:

…….(1) where ρ, ξ, J1 and J2 are transmittance, correction coefficient of measurement equipment, transmission energy and incident
energy, respectively. While the translucent concrete studied by us is heterogeneous, its transmittance cannot be obtained by equation (1), because the
number of POFs in unit area is different at different area, that is, the transmittance in unit is related to the arrangement of POF in translucent concrete. The
POFs can be arranged either in organic distribution or in layered distribution.

Improvement in the calculation method for transmittance is as follows.

a) Incident light energy per unit area (ρ0):

…….(2) where W0 and A0 are light energy of incident probe and area of incident probe.
b) Incident total energy of concrete section at the side of light (JSO ):

……(3) where A1 is the cross-section area of translucent concrete.

c) Transmitted light energy of single POF (ρ1):

……(4) where W1 and n1 are light energy of transmission probe and the number of POFs covered by transmission probe.

d) Transmitted light energy of translucent concrete (JS1):

……(5) where N is the total number of POFs in the translucent concrete.

Then based on equation (3) and (5), we can obtain the transmittance (ρs) of the translucent concrete….
The transmittance is measured by the Optical Power Meter and its wavelength range is 400-1100nm.

compressive strength of the concrete is determined by cast the cubes of size 150mm x150mm x
Compressive strength = load / area

Flexural strength = PL/bd2
where, P – Load, L – Length of the specimen, b - width of the prism, d – depth of the prism

• Transparent concrete is not different from conventional concrete it have

same material with addition of optical fiber. In many concrete fibers are
used to increase the tensile properties of concrete but in transparent
concrete optical fibers are not used for such purpose it transmit only

• Transparent concrete is costly as compare to conventional concrete.

• Good aesthetical appearance than conventional concrete.
• Strength is almost similar to conventional concrete.

In highways
Illumination of wall

Concrete floors Reception Desk


Concrete Panels

· Facades, interior wall cladding and dividing walls based on thin panels.
· Partitions wall and it can be used where the sunlight does not reach properly.
· In furniture for the decorative and aesthetic purpose.
· Light fixtures.
· Light sidewalks at night.
· Increasing visibility in dark subway stations
· Lighting indoor fire escapes in the event of a power failure.

The wall of Headquarter of bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, is

made with LiTracon as shown.

The main gate of Visitor center is made with

transparent concrete blocks of 10cmm thick. The blocks
is arranged and fixed in steel frame. The weight of gate
is 2 ton .

The Euopean Gate was built by Aron losonczi and Orsolya Vadasz
in 2004 situated at Fortress Monostorin the Hungarian town of
Komarom. It is made up with light transmitting concrete. The sun
lights illuminate its wall at morning, afternoon. By using artificial
light at night it give pleasant view.

Capital Bank in Amman, Jordan Transparent concrete on Italian Not yet available commercially,
Pavilion having been developed just for
the World Expo
1. According to principle of building planning the building must have good aesthetical view.
Transparent concrete make it possible.

2. Where two building is very near to each other there are no lights inside the building,
transparent concrete is beneficial for that place.

3. It emitted less amount of carbon.

4. It is Energy Saving.

5. It provides facility to see an image of person stands on outside of the door.


· The main disadvantage is these concrete is very costly because of the optical fibers.

· Casting of transparent concrete block is difficult for the labour so special skilled person is
• The transparent concrete is a good architectural material.

• The strength of concrete is reduced by some amount but it can be achieved by using some
addition fiber, therefore the strength parameter of transparent concrete is same as
conventional concrete.

• Transparent concrete give aesthetical view to buildings.

• It can also be used in areas, where the natural light cannot reach with appropriate

• It is energy efficient and makes green building.

1. Soumyajit Paul And Avik Dutta, Translucent Concrete, International

Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 1 ISSN

2. P. M. Shanmugavadivu, V. Scinduja, T. Sarathivelan, C.V

Shudesamithronn, An Experimental Study On Light Transmitting Concrete, International

Journal of Research in Engineering and

Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3. Zhi Zhou, Ge Ou, Ying Hang, Genda Chen, Jinping Ou, Research and Development of
Plastic Optical Fiber Based Smart Transparent Concrete, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7293 72930F-2

4. Andrea Giovanni Mainini, Tiziana Poli, Michele Zinzi, Stefano

Cangiano, Spectral light transmission measure and radiance model validation of an innovative transparent concrete panel for façades, Elsevier

SciVerse ScienceDirect, Energy Procedia 30 ( 2012 ) 1184 – 1194

5. Basma F. Bashbash, Roaa M. Hajrus, Doaa F. Wafi, Mamoun A. Alqedra, Basics of Light Transmitting Concrete, Global Advanced
Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ISSN: 2315-5124) Vol. 2(3)
pp. 076-083, March, 2013

6. Neha R. Nagdive & Shekar D. Bhole, To evaluate properties of translucent concrete / Mortar & their panels, IMPACT:International

Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology (IMPACT: IJRET) ISSN(E): 2321-8843; ISSN(P): 2347-4599 Vol. 1, Issue 7, Dec 2013, 23- 30

7. Juan She and Zhi Zhou, Some Progress on Smart Transparent Concrete,
Pacific Science Review, vol. 15, no 1, 2013, pp. 51~55

8. Dr. Shakir Ahmed Salih, Dr. Hasan Hamodi Joni, Safaa Adnan

Mohamed, Effect of Plastic Optical Fiber on Some Properties of Translucent Concrete, Eng.
&Tech. Journal,Vol.(32),Part(A), No.12,2014

9. Prof. A.A. Momin, Dr. R.B. Kadiranaikar, Mr.Vakeel. S. Jagirdar,

Mr. Arshad Ahemed Inamdar, Study on Light Transmittance of Concrete Using Optical
Fibers and Glass Rods, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN:
2278-1684, pISSN: 2320-334X PP 67-72

10. Bhavin K. Kashiyani, Varsha Raina, Jayeshkumar Pitroda, Dr.Bhavnaben K. Shah, A Study on Transparent Concrete: A Novel Architectural Material to Explore
Construction Sector, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), ISSN: 2277- 3754 Volume
2, Issue 8, February 2013

11. Ramansh Bajpai, Application Of Transparent Concrete In Construction World, i-

manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, Vol. 4 l No.1 l December 2013 - February 2014

12. A. B. Sawant, R. V. Jugdar, S. G. Sawant, Light Transmitting Concrete by Using Optical

Fiber, International Journal of Inventive Engineering

and Sciences (IJIES) ISSN: 2319–9598, Volume-3 Issue-1, December 2014

13. Er. Jadhav Sunil, Er. Kadlag Amol, Er. Kawade Chetan, Er. Talekar

Pravin, A Study on Translucent Concrete Product and Its Properties by Using Optical Fibers, International Journal Of Modern Engineering

Research (IJMER) ISSN: 2249–6645 Vol. 5 Iss.4 Apr. 2015

14. Akshaya B Kamdi, Transparent Concrete As A Green Material For Building, International
Journal Of Structural And Civil Engineering

Research ISSN 2319 – 6009 Vol. 2, No. 3, August 2013

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