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Developed in 1983 by Dr.Howard Gardner, professor of
education at Harvard University

According to him, intelligence is the potential of an individual

to process information in such a way to solve problems,create
products and discover new knowledge which are of value in

He identifies 7 types of intelligences in his book 'Frames of

Mind:The Theory of Multiple Intelligences' and remaining two
Types of Intelligences
1. Musical-Rhythmic

2. Visual-Spatial

3. Verbal-Linguistic

4. Logical-Mathematical

5. Bodily-Kinesthetic

6. Interpersonal

7. Intrapersonal

8. Naturalistic

9. Existential
1.Musical- Rhythmic / Music Smart

Sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones,melody

and music.

 People with a high musical intelligence

normally have good pitch and are able to sing,
play musical instruments, and compose music or
appreciate the same.

Performers,composers and conductors

2. Visual-Spatial /Picture smart

Deals with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with

the mind's eye

They can think/learn in pictures

Ability to manipulate objects on space

Navigators, artist,architects etc.

3. Verbal-Linguistic/Word Smart

Ability to deal with words and languages with ease

 They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and

memorizing words along with dates.

Better written and oral communication skills

4. Logical-Mathematical/Number or Reasoning smart

This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers

and critical thinking.

Analyze problems logically,carry out mathematical operations

and investigate issues scientifically

Closely related to scientific and mathematical thinking

mathematicians, scientists and engineers

5 Bodily-Kinesthetic /Body smart
ability to process information physically through hand and body
movement, control and expression
 sense of timing, a clear sense of the goal of a physical action,
along with the ability to train responses.
Mental ability to coordinate bodily movements
Athletes,dancers,craftsman,soldiers etc
6 Interpersonal/People smart

 Sensitivity to others' moods, feelings, temperaments,

 Ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group.
 communicate effectively and empathize easily
 Learns best through interactions
Enjoys discussion and debate
educators,salespeople,political and religious leaders,counsellors
7. Intrapersonal

• This area has to do with introspective and self-reflective


• deep understanding of the self; what one's strengths or

weaknesses are, what makes one unique

• being able to predict one's own reactions or emotions.

• philosophers,psychologists ..
8. Naturalistic/Nature smart

• Naturalistic intelligence was proposed in 1995.

• Ability to observe the nature keenly

• This area has to do with nurturing and relating information to

one's natural surroundings.

• This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as

hunters, gatherers, and farmers
9. Existential/Cosmic smart

Individual's ability to use collective values and intuition to

understand others and the world around them.
Capability of human mind to think about life, death and ultimate
 People who excel in this intelligence typically are able to see the
big picture.

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