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Dr. Hanina, M.Bmd

Filum Protophyta
(Protos = pertama, Phyta = tumbuhan)

 Kelas Schizophyceae : kelompok alga

 Kelas Schizomycetes : kelompok bakteri
 Kelas Microtatobiotes : kelompok rickettsia & virus
Pembagian Bakteri

Berdasarkan alat geraknya:

Atrik, tidak mempunyai flagel.
Monotrik, mempunyai satu flagel pada salah satu ujungnya.
Lofotrik, mempunyai sejumlah flagel pada salah satu ujungnya.
Amfitrik, mempunyai satu flagel pada kedua ujungnya.
Peritrik, mempunyai flagel pada seluruh permukaan tubuhnya

 Flagella ~ Tail like structure the whips around to propel the

 Cillia ~ Miniature flagella surround the cell that help to “swim”
 Non motile ~ Sticky cillia like structures that keep the bacterium
from moving
Pembagian Bakteri…

Berdasarkan suhu untuk beraktifitas:

Bakteri psikrofil, yaitu bakteri yang hidup pada daerah suhu antara 0°– 30 °C,
dengan suhu optimum 15 °C.
Bakteri mesofil, yaitu bakteri yang hidup di daerah suhu antara 15° – 55 °C,
dengan suhu optimum 25° – 40 °C.
Bakteri termofil, yaitu bakteri yang dapat hidup di daerah suhu tinggi antara
40° – 75 °C, dengan suhu optimum 50 - 65 °C
Bakteri hipertermofil, yaitu bakteri yang hidup pada kisaran suhu 65 - 114 °C,
dengan suhu optimum 88 °C.
Bacterial Respiration

 Obligate Anaerobes : Live without Oxygen

Ex: Clostridium tetani, Bacteroides fragilis
 Facultative Anaerobes : Can live with or without oxygen
ex: Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus
 Obligate Aerobes : Cannot live without oxygen
Ex : Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Morfologi (Bentuk) Bakteri

1. Coccus (bulat), ex : Neisseria gonorhoe

2. Bacillus (batang), ex : Escherichia coli
3. Vibrio (koma), ex : Vibrio cholera
4. Spirillum (spiral), ex : Spirillum minus
 Ukuran : panjang 1 – 5 µ, tebal 0,2 – 1,5 µ
(1 µ = 10-3 mm = 10-6 m)
 Spora : bentuk pertahanan sel bakteri dari berbagai tekanan fisik & kimia
(dimiliki oleh bakteri dari famili Bacillaceae, ex : Bacillus anthracis,
Clostridium tetani)
 Toksin : Eksotoksin & Endotoksin
 Kapsul : penentu patogenitas bakteri
 Dinding sel : memberi bentuk & melindungi sel
 Membran sel / membran cytoplasma : bersifat
semipermeabel, m’bentuk enzim hidrolitis,
homeostasis, aktif dlm pembentukan kapsul, lendir
& spora, berperan dalam ekskresi.
 Cytoplasma : cairan sel berupa masa gelatin dari
senyawa protein, karbohidrat, dan lipid)
 Nukleus : pembawa sifat
 Flagel : alat gerak
 Pili : berperan dlm transfer materi genetik sel bakteri
saat pembelahan
Identifikasi Bakteri


1. Gram 1. Cahaya
CAIR 2. Ziehl Neelsen 2. Medan Terang
SEMI-SOLID 3. Spora 3. Medan Gelap
SOLID 4. Kapsul 4. Elektron
5. Fluoresensi
Koloni Bakteri
Bacteria Reproduction

 Aseksual  Binary Fission

 Seksual  Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction
 Spore Formation
Cellular organism copies it’s genetic information then splits into
two identical daughter cells

 Konjugasi adalah perpindahan materi

genetik dari satu bakteri ke bakteri lain
melalui jembatan sitoplasma.
 Bakteri pemberi materi genetik (DNA)
disebut bakteri donor. Bakteri ini memiliki
tonjolan yang disebut pili. Organel tersebut
berfungsi sebagai alat yang
mempermudah tubuh bakteri menempel
dengan bakteri penerima donor.
 Bakteri yang melakukan konjugasi
contohnya E. coli.
 proses perpindahan sedikit materi genetik
(DNA) atau bahkan hanya 1 gen saja dari
satu bakteri ke bakteri lainnya.
Perpindahan ini meliputi proses fisiologis
yang kompleks melalui lisis secara alamiah
maupun kimiawi.
 contoh bakteri yang melakukan proses ini
misalnya Diplococcus pneumonia, Bacillus,
Pseudomonas, Strepotococcus, dan

 perpindahan materi genetik dari satu

bakteri ke bakteri lain dengan bantuan
bakteriofag atau virus menginfeksi bakteri
Spore Formation: Endospore

 A type of dormant cell

 Exhibit no signs of life
 Highly resistant to environmental
stresses such as:
-High temperatures
-Strong acids
 Endospores are formed by vegetative
cells in response to environmental
signals that indicate a limiting factor
for vegetative growth, such as
exhaustion of an essential nutrient.
Pemanfaatan Bakteri

Keterangan Jenis Bakteri Yang Dihasilkan

Penghasil Bacillus sp Basitrasin,
Antibiotika polimiksin, kolistin

Streptomyces sp Streptomisin,
Eritromisin, dll
Bahan Vaksin Mycobacterium BCG
Vibrio cholera TCD
Clostridium tetani Toksoid tetanus,
Neisseria meningitidis Meningitis
Mekanisme Infeksi

 enter and establish themselves within the host : respiratory (mouth and
nose), gastrointestinal, and urogenital tracts, mucous membranes and skin
(e.g. cuts, burns)
 attach or adhere to host cells
 multiply and spread : tissues or via the lymphatic system to bloodstream
 Multiplication of the bacteria that are part of normal flora of gastrointestinal
tract, skin, etc, is generally not considered an infection.
 On the other hand, multiplication of pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Salmonella
species), even if the person is asymptomatic, is deemed an infection.
Bacterial virulence factors

 Toxins: exotoxins, endotoxins

 Enzym : Collagenase, Coagulase,
Hyaluronidases, Streptokinase, Hemolysins
and leukocidins
 Antiphagocytic factors
 Adherence factors
Clostridium tetani

 Clostridium tetani is an anaerobic gram-positive rod that is widespread in

the environment.

 Clostridium tetani contaminates wounds, and the spores germinate in the

anaerobic environment of the devitalized tissue. The vegetative forms of
Clostridium tetani produce toxin tetanospasmin. The released toxin has two
peptides linked by disulfide bounds. Toxin reaches the central nervous
system by retrograde transport along axons and through the systemic
circulation. The toxin acts by blocking release of an inhibitory mediator in
motor neuron synapses. The result is initially localized then generalized,
muscle spasms. Extremely small amount of toxin can be lethal for humans.
Clostridium botulinum

 Clostridium botulinum is found in soil or water and may grow in foods if the
environment is appropriately anaerobic.

 An exceedingly potent toxin (the most potent toxin known) is produced by

Clostridium botulinum strains. It is heat-labile and is destroyed by sufficient
heating. There are eight disctinct serological types of toxin. Types A, B and
E are most commonly associated wih human disease. Toxin is absorbed
from the gut and carried to motor nerves, where it blocks the release of
acetylcholine at synapses and neuromuscular junctions. Muscle
contraction does not occur, and paralysis results.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae

 Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains that carry a temperate

bacteriophage with the structural gene for the toxin are toxigenic and
produce diphtheria toxin.

 This native toxin is enzymatically degraded into two fragments: A and B,

linked together by a disulfide bound. Both fragments are necessary for
toxin activity.
Staphylococcus aureus

 Some Staphylococcus aureus strains growing on mucous membranes (e.g.

on the vagina in association with menstruation), or in wounds, elaborate
Toxic shock syndrom toxin - 1 (TSST-1).

 Although the toxin has been associated with toxic shock syndrome, the
mechanism of action in unknown.

 The illness is characterized by shock, high fever, and a diffuse red rash that
later desquamates, multiple other organs systems are involved as well.

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