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Enter rejoice and

come in (2)
Today will be a
joyful day
Enter rejoice and
come in
Come Spirit help us
to love (2)
Today will be a
joyful day
Come Spirit help us
to love
Praise God the Father
of life (2)
Today will be a
joyful day
Praise God the Father
of life
Shout out with joy to
the Lord (2)
Today will be a
joyful day
Shout out with joy to
the Lord
I confess to Almighty
God and to you my
brothers and sisters
that I have greatly
sinned in my thoughts
and in my words
in what I have done
and in what I have
failed to do, through
my faults, through my
faults, through my
most grievious faults;
therefore I ask blessed
Mary ever virgin all the
angels and Saints and
to you my brothers and
sisters to pray for me to
the Lord our God.
Lord Have Mercy
Lord Have Mercy
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord Have Mercy
Lord Have Mercy
Glory To God in the
highest and on earth Peace
to people of good will. 15
We praise you, we bless
you, we adore you we
glorify you, we give
you thanks for your
great glory.
Glory To God in the
highest and on earth Peace
to people of good will. 17
Lord God heavenly king
O God Almighty father,
Lord Jesus Christ only
begotten son Lord God
lamb of God son of the
father you take away the
Sins of the world have
mercy on us you take
away the sins of the world
receive our prayer you are
seated at the right of the
have mercy on us, for
you alone are the holy
one you alone are the
Lord. You alone are the
most high Jesus Christ.
With the Holy Spirit
In the glory of God the
Amen (3)
First Reading From the Acts of
the Apostles(2:1-11

Send forth your Spirit,
O Lord, and renew the
face of the earth

CORINTHIANS (12:3B-7,12-13)
By one Spirit we were all
Baptized in to one body
Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
Come , Holy Spirit, fill
the hearts of your
faithful, and kindle in
them the fire of your
Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
Peace be with you
Jesus showed his hands and his side
Receive the holy Spirit
I believe in one God the
Father Almighty
Creator of heaven and
earth, and Jesus Christ,
his only Son, Our Lord,
Who was conceived
by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin
Mary, suffered under
Pontius Pilot,
Was crucified, died and
was buried; he
decended in to hell; on
the third day he rose
again from the dead.
He ascended in to
heaven, and is seated
at the right hand of
God the Father
from there he will
come to judge the
living and the dead. I
believe in the Holy
The holy catholic
Church, the communion
of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body
&life everlasting. Amen
Abba Father let
us be yours
and yours alone
Set our hearts our
spirits free
Make us Lord
your own!
Through your
goodness Lord
we bring Bread of
our labour
and wine to cheer
the heart
Which will soon be filled
for us
With the life of your Son
Abba Father let
us be yours
and yours alone
Set our hearts our
spirits free
Make us Lord
your own!
Holy Holy Holy
Lord, God of power and
Heaven Heaven and
Earth are full of your
Hosanna in the
Holy is the Lord
Blessed Blessed is he
who comes in the name
of the Lord
Hosanna in the
holy is the Lord
Save us savior of the
world, for by your Cross
and Resurrection, You
have set us free
Lamb of God You take
away the sins of the
have mercy on us(2)
Lamb of Goad you take
away the sins of the
world grant us peace.
Lord, I am not
worthy that you
should enter under
my roof, but only say
the word and my soul
shall be healed. roof
Spirit of God in the
clear running water
Blowing to greatness
the trees on the hill.
Spirit of God in the
finger of morning:
Fill the earth, bring
it to birth,
And blow where
you will.
Blow, blow, blow
till I be
But the breath of
the Spirit blowing
in me.
Down in the meadow
the willows are
moaning. Sheep in
the pastureland
cannot lie still.
Spirit of God,
creation is groaning:
Fill the earth, bring
it to birth,
And blow where you
Blow, blow, blow
till I be
But the breath of
the Spirit blowing
in me.
I saw the scar of a
year that lay
Heard the lament
of a lone
Spirit of God, see
that cloud crying:
Fill the earth, bring
it to birth,
And blow where you
Blow, blow, blow
till I be
But the breath of
the Spirit blowing
in me.
Spirit of God every
man's heart is
Watching and
waiting and hungry
Spirit of God, man
longs that you only
Fulfill the earth,
bring it to birth,
And blow where you
Blow, blow, blow
till I be
But the breath of
the Spirit blowing
in me.
Spirit of God, rest on
your people: waken
your song deep in our
Spirit of the quiet earth,
Spirit breathing hope to
birth sustain in us the
fire of your love
Spirit of God, rest on
your people: waken
your song deep in our
Spirit blowing through
creation, love that
cannot be contained:
bring forth for us the
wonders you proclaim.
Spirit of God, rest on
your people: waken
your song deep in our
Song that echoes
through our story, music
of our restless souls,
resound with joy in
those you call your own
Spirit of God, rest on
your people: waken
your song deep in our
Laughter, joy and
presence; the only gifts
you are!
Have you time? Id like to
be with you
All over the world, the
Spirit is moving. All
over the world as the
prophets said it would
All over the world there
is mighty revelation of
the glory of the Lord as
the water cover the sea.
All over the land, the
Spirit is moving. All
over the land as the
prophets said it would
All over the land there
is mighty revelation of
the glory of the Lord as
the water cover the sea.
All over the church, the
Spirit is moving. All
over the church as the
prophets said it would
All over the church
there is mighty
revelation of the glory
of the Lord as the water
cover the sea.
Deep down in my heart
the spirit is moving.
Deep down in my heart
as the prophets said it
would be
Deep down in my heart
there is mighty
revelation of the glory
of the Lord as the
waters cover the sea.

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