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How to Motivate Workers at


By – Ankur Thakur, Lakhwinder Singh, Vivek Kumar, Shubham, Shubham Jagota


 Introduction
 History
 The 4-Drive Model of Employee Motivation
 Conclusion
 References

 Motivation is derived from the word Motive which means “a reason of doing something.”
 The meanings of motivation includes “the act or an instance of motivating”, “the state or
condition of being motivated”, and many more.
 But Motivation can be seen as a concatenation of two words i.e. Motive + Action.
 And for employees, we need to understand how to tap into that Motive + Action.
History of Motivation Models

 History has given us many models of Motivation some of them are:

1. Locke & Lathum Model (Goal Setting) 1968
2. McClelland Model (Model based on needs) 1961
3. Bandura Model (Self-Efficacy) 1977
4. Maslow Model (Hierarchy of needs) 1943
Locke and Lathum Model

 In the late 1960s, Locke's pioneering research into goal setting and motivation gave us our
modern understanding of goal setting.
 According to Locke and Latham, there are five goal setting principles that can improve
our chances of success:
1. Clarity.
2. Challenge.
3. Commitment.
4. Feedback.
5. Task complexity.
Locke and Lathum Model
McClelland Model

 David McClelland built on this work in his 1961 book, "The Achieving Society." He identified
three motivators that he believed we all have:
1. a need for achievement,
2. a need for affiliation,
3. a need for power.
 People will have different characteristics depending on their dominant motivator.
 McClelland says that, regardless of our gender, culture, or age, we all have three
motivating drivers, and one of these will be our dominant motivating driver. This dominant
motivator is largely dependent on our culture and life experiences.
McClelland Model
Bandura Model

 Albert Bandura, aged 91, is one of the most well renowned living psychologists in the field of
psychology, as well one of the most cited.
 Self-efficacy means believing in the value of motivation to influence an outcome. Feeling
secure in this belief leads to self-determined motivation—therefore it is not a question of ‘can
I reach my goal?’ but rather ‘what is required for me to reach my goal?’
 According to Bandura, there are 4 ways to build Self-Efficacy:
1. Mastery Experiences
2. Social Modelling
3. Social Persuasion
4. States of Physiology
1) Mastery Experiences

 The key to mastery is approaching life with dedicated efforts and experimenting with
realistic but challenging goals. Essential to mastery is also acknowledging the satisfaction
of goals that are achieved.
 Easy success with little effort can lead to us to expect rapid results which can in turn make
us easily discouraged by failure. Experiencing failure is important so that we can build
resilience to it. This is done by treating every failure as a learning opportunity and a
chance to reach competence with a different approach.
2) Social Modeling

 This means choosing role-models that can demonstrate their self-efficacy. Observing those
who employ this in their lives and have reached their goals despite adversity can provide
great motivation.
 Bandura notes that due to modern technology, it is not necessary to draw role-models
from one’s own social surroundings. The internet and other digital resources can provide
windows into the lives of many inspiring models.
3) Social Persuasion

 This is about ‘finding the right mentor’. While social modeling refers to the observation of a
role model, social persuasion is about having others directly influence one’s self-efficacy
by providing opportunities for mastery experiences in a safe and purposeful manner.
 Due to the specific nature of self-efficacy strengthening experiences (avoiding easy
successes and overwhelming failures) it essential to have a mentor that is “knowledgeable
and practice[s] what they preach” (Bandura, 2008).
4) States of physiology

 Our emotions, moods, and physical state can influence our interpretation of self-efficacy.
It is easy to judge oneself with bias based on the state one in when a failure occurs.
 To feel ‘tension, anxiety, and weariness’ is normal, but society has negative perspectives
on such states, leading to a stronger sense of failure in the wake of these feelings. Positive
and negative emotions act as magnets to further influence one’s sense of self-efficacy,
especially in the case of a depressed mood when control can feel out of reach.
 Introspection and education act as combatants to prevent these physical states from
being interpreted negatively.
Maslow Model

 Maslow (1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some
needs take precedence over others.
 According to Maslow, there are 5 stages of needs:
1. Physiological Needs
2. Safety Needs
3. Love and Belongingness Needs
4. Esteem Needs
5. Self-Actualization Needs
Maslow Model
The 4-Drive Model of Employee Motivation

 The Four Drive Model of Employee Motivation was presented by Lawrence and Nohria in
 It is a new motivational model that helps show us how to tap into Motive + Action.
 The model is a holistic way of looking at employee motivation beyond the typical “pay”
model that is prevalent in the corporate world today.
 The Four Drive theory is based on research that shows four underlying drives:
1. to Acquire & Achieve,
2. to Bond & Belong,
3. to be Challenged & Comprehend and
4. to Define & Defend.
Importance of 4-Drive Model
Acquire & Achieve

 We all have a drive to acquire money, things,

prestige, power…
Impact on Acquire by:
Bond & Belong

 We also want to bond with others and have

positive meaningful relationships.
Improving Bonding by:
Challenged & Comprehend

 We also strive to understand and feel

Define & Defend

 And we need to defend those things and

ideas we believe in.
Build the will to Defend by:

 The productivity of a firm cannot be decided by the pay-scale of a worker or an

employee. The productivity of firm also depends on the sociological factors. One of the
major factor is motivation and authorities must work in the direction to motivate their
workers and employees using different models of motivation.
 4-Drive Model is the most newest and efficient model for the employees and this model
can be used by the firms to keep their workers motivated and hence increasing the

“All the powers in the universe
are already ours. It is we who
have put our hands before our
eyes and cry that it is dark.”
Thank You

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