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War Strategic Policy

Against Drugs:
The Implementation Of
Inpres 6-2018, Action
Plan Prevention
The Dark Abuse

By : Margaretha Retno Daru Dewi, AMK, S.Psi, M.Si

Widyaiswara Ahli Madya BNN
Mobile : 081319080110 Email :
 DIII Keperawatan Sint Carolus Jakarta 1989 – 1992
 Fakultas Psikologi UPI YAI Jakarta 1995 - 2001
 Kajian Narkoba Universitas Indonesia 2006-2008
 S3 Universitas Padjajaran

 RS Sint Carolus Jakarta 1992 – 2004 (Perawat & Penyelia)
 PT.Astra CMG 2001-2006 (Financial Konsultan & Unit Manajer)
 BNN 2005 s/d sekarang (Koord.Psikologi, Kepala Seksi
Rehabilitasi swasta, Widyaiswara)
Riswanda, S.Sos, MPA, Ph.D

Urban Contemporary Policy Making,

Rural Development,
Social Policy,
Critical Systemic Thingking.

S1 Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
S2 & S3 Flinders University, Australia
 Issue Drugs abuse since the 1800s.
 Threat the future of many in the country
as can be shown clearly in changes of
individual behaviours and thereon the
public health.
 As an ongoing inter-national organised
crime, drug abuse is systemic policy.
 In research on the strategy of the war on drugs policy

through readiness to implement Presidential

Instruction 6/2018,
 a study is needed so that critical and creative efforts are
used to build intellectual mode ls based on
Participatory Action Research (PAR).
 PAR is used to reconstruct the existing policy framework,
both directly and indirectly with the research subject in
favor of the weak and disadvantaged and oriented to
changing situations.
 The research approach is to conduct networking for
policy makers.
NEXT ……………………….

 This study uses (PAR).

 PAR is chosen because :
1.the situation and problem being studied are not something
that is measured quantitatively, but rather situations and
problems that are still developing and may have various social
2.This PAR Thematic will analyze transformative action programs
that are already underway, as a means of evaluation and
3.In this research conducted by collecting data in the field then
the analysis was carried out with themethod of sharing
stories (sharing), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews)
and focus group discussions (Focus Group Discussion/FGD).

Important Findings and Discussion
 In Indonesia, drug abuse has entered the stage of Emergency
 Handling of drug abuse is currently carried out with a strategic
policy of war on drugs through the (Inpres) No. 6 of 2018
concerning the National Action Plan (RAN) Prevention of
Eradicating Illicit Illicit Narcotics Circulation (P4GN) in 2018-
 Made in Jakarta on August 28, 2018 by Mr. Joko Widodo as the
11th president of the Republic of Indonesia in order to
strengthen the P4GN.
Important Findings and Discussion
 The main pillar of primary action in Inpres No.6/2018
concerning the P4GN RAN is the establishment of
regulations on P4GN in
 each K/L and Regional Government,
 promotion of the Planning Movement (GenRe) in schools,
 strengthening social ecological support,
 fostering and the dissemination of P4GN to BUMNs and
 strengthening community empowerment, protecting
critical information infrastructure, increasing human
resources, developing community potential.
NEXT ……………………….

This study analyzes

 the complexity of the problems handling narcotics and the
Policy Network.
 Based on a critical study of the implementation of
Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2018, so that it can answer
the question of how, why, when, where and how far the
synergy between ministries, communities and the private
 Judging from all stakeholders involved,:

 namely the National Narcotics Agency as the leading sector,

 it is expected to coordinate the Attorney General's Office, Justice,

 Kumham Regional Office and Provincial Government of Ministry of Health and

Social Affairs,

 Agriculture,

 Bakamla, Ministry of Communication and Information, Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, BSSN, BPOM, BIG, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of
Education and Culture, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Empowerment ,
Women & Child Protection, Kemenpora, Ministry of Finance, National Police,
PPATK, BIN, BSSN, Ministry of Trade - Ministry of Cooperatives & SMEs.
During the 6 months of the implementation of Presidential
Instruction 6 of 2018, data was obtained that network
policy and strategic partnerships could work even though
they were not as expected.
Sectoral ego between ministries is still found and
awareness of drug problems is not yet in all ministries.
They aware must be do war on drugs

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