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IT Literacy and Competency

Questionnaire for PRX1032

- I hope that i learn how to use technology better because my knowledge in IT is poor as I come from village.
- I hope that i can learn more about computers and its functions, and anything related to IT.
- To understand more about programming, that is learning to make codes, webpages and knowing about components of computers.
- i get to know more about computer and improving my skills in managing computer
- I expect to learn about how the technology around us works and how to properly use them. I also expect to have more information about the technologies
whether it is old, modern or in the near future rather than just knowing bluntly how to use them.
- Learning how to use computer more efficiently
- I wish that I can learn about the basic of a computer and learn to appreciate every invention.I hope I can apply what I learn in Information Technology can
assist me in the future.
- to study about the IT and the others computers programmes
- to discover a lot of information about computer software and etc.
- i think i'll learn more about IT
- i want to be more skilled on using softwares
- Learn more about using computer.
- more about computer and skill of using Microsoft software
- I expect to learn more on how to use the present technologies. Besides, this course can also trigger our minds to have a vision the future technologies that
can help to simplify our lives.
- To learn more about computer
- I will learn very detail to store and classify the data peerly - I want to learn everything about computer and its programming.
- I can learn how the program in the computer worked and easily solved the problems when I faced it
- to be able to design graphics through photo editing programme
- command promp
-about programming of computer
-I hope to learn more about computers and software and also improve my computing skills.
-I'm expecting to learn more about IT and improve my computing skill
-how to further explore the internal use of computers
-I want to learn more about anything that related to IT
i am expecting that, at the end of this course, I will have more knowledge about IT, capable and know how to use more computer application software. Also, I
hope that i will know more about all the computers that I am using now.
i hope that i can learn more about computer to prevent damage to my computer
i will know how to do design a website just like my sister
Improvements of my skill in technology mainly named computers and softwares to higher level.
- I want to learn the new skills that most important in our daily life . Moreover, i expect at the end of this course i can fix my laptop by own if have any
problems. Next, i hope i can gain more knowledge about the software and applications that used. Lastly, i hope all skills that i will learn can be apply in
the future.
- I can learn more bout IT
- i want to learn how to manage my own laptop, everything about technology and even more since i am not really involve into this things before.
- to be able to create a useful programme to mankind
- I want to learn how to use computer very well and get more knowledge about this Information Technology subject.
- I would like to learn about media editor or digital editor like video or photography , and also the basic information that important for this time
- i expect to learn more about computer and to improve my skills so that i will be more easier to communicate with other
- A fun way to use information technology and i hope it can help me in my everyday life
- computer skills
- I expect to learn more about programming language and making software
- Deepen knowledge and skills in Information Technology to make works more efficiently and time wise.
- I would like to know more about computer skills
- Learn more about computer programming and improve my knowledge about IT
- Learn how to explore more about the function that are usable in information technology
- to learn more about programming and whats inside my computer
- I hope that i can gain new knowledge on information technology widely and i can improve my skills when using computer.
- i hope i can use computer technology widely
- I can use the computer very well and have knowledge about computer programming
- all of the mysteries and secrets of the technology
- to improve my skills in information technology
- i hope i could discover more about information technology and being an expert in technology.
- To know more about how to use the computer and programming.
- Being able to understand computer programming and how the systems in the computer works.
- can used the computer more efficiently
- Learn more about IT and editing programs.
- i hope i can improve my computing skills and my knowledge in information technology
- I expect to learn more about computer skill such as photoshop and microsoft office.
- I hope that i will improve my skills in this subject in order to apply it in our daily life especially in using a computer to make assigmnent and so on
- to know and explore more about information technology
- I want learn more detail about the IT.
I am expecting to learn more about computer software, how to use other software that is far more better than what that I usually used in my laptop and
i want to enhance my skill and treasure more about operating system so that i can go along with others and practice in my daily life (if needed).... i also hope
in this course i can brighten up my skills toward microsoft office and learn more as IT become importany nowadays.
I expect that I can learn more about information technology or maybe I can be a computer programmer one day.
To learn more on how to use the new applications such as photoshop and editing videos.
i expect to learn more about graphics and excell my skills about computer .
to study deeply about technologies nowdays.
I can be very excellent in information technology. So that if any problems happen to my device, i will know what to do. And for that, i also can save my money
from going to see technician
Computer programming
All the things I need to know because I'm dumb at IT and stuffs similarly to that
how to hack
More knowledge about IT in details
This course will make me an excellent student in IT
I expect to learn professional skills on how to conduct and handle computers aw well as conquering the abilities to use current systems with excellent.
I expect to gain some knowledge in programming because I'm quite interested in that particular topic. And I've always wanted to learn to create virus.
I hope that I can understand more about computer hardware and input/output after learning this course.
Learn everything about all the software application and programming system as well as to know the great benefits of this technology that brings many useful
and valuable knowledges to human mankind.
i expect to learn more about how the future can provide information and technology course to be used by students and other community to obtain right
knowledge in order to produce positive outcomes.
To learn more about computer and learn how computers work
I expect to be able to use a computer in the correct way and increase my knowledge on Information Technology so that I will be able to keep up with my
more to powerpoint & microsoft excell
I expect to learn the basics of program writing, how to overcome the problems about programs and how to use certain computer programs such as microsoft
office words and adobe photoshop.
i hope i can discover more about technology and improve my skills on it
I'm looking forward to learn about the coding in all of the programmes, software and etc. Maybe a balanced proportion in theories and calculus, because I
really need (must) to ace in this course. I hope that I can 'befriend' with all the lecturers and feel like we are one part of a big family, as I truly need all of
their guides.
I hope I can learn extra knowledges about information technologies so that whenever me and people around me get problem in computers, I will be able to
solve it with the knowledges that I learned from this course.
expert in computers

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