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Bambang Rudito
– PhD – anthropology (university of Indonesia),
 CSR, Bandung: Rekayasa Sains 2013
 Social mapping, Bandung: Rekayasa Sains 2013
 Kajian Tatanan Masyarakat, Bandung: ITB 2010
 Membangun Orientasi Nilai Budaya Perusahaan, Bandung: Rekayasa Sain, 2009
 Food Restriction and Prescriptions During Pregnancy and Childbirth Among a
Javanese Community In a Minangkabau Area, NHF-Belanda, 2005, 2007
 Etika Bisnis dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan di Indonesia, Bandung:
Rekayasa Sain, 2007
 Social Mapping,Bandung: Rekayasa Sain, 2008
 Audit Sosial, Bandung : Rekayasa Sain, 2007
 Community Services, Bandung: SBM-ITB
 Sustainable Future, Jakarta: ICSD, 2005 (ketua editor)
 Komuniti Lokal, Jakarta: ICSD 2005
 Metode dan Teknik Pengelolaan Community Development, Jakarta: ICSD, 2004,
– Corporate Social Responsibility: Jawaban bagi model pembangunan
Indonesia Masa kini, Jakarta: ICSD, 2004, 2008
– Corporate Social Responsibility: membangun sintesis baru hubungan
perusahaan dengan komuniti, Jakarta: ICSD, 2003
– Food Consumption Pattern and Hunting Value Enculturation on
Mentawai Children, NHF, 2002
– Pulagajat: Konsep Kewilayahan dan Sistem Pemerintahan Terendah
Kebudayaan Mentawai, Padang: Gajisob, 2004
– Masyarakat dan Kebudayaan Sukubangsa Mentawai, Padang: Lab.
Antro, 1999
– Akses Peran Serta Masyarakat: Lebih Jauh Memahami Community
Development, Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, 2002 (editor)
– Pedoman Pengembangan Masyarakat di Sektor Energi dan Sumber
Daya Mineral Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Ketua
Editor), 2003
– Menuju Revitalisasi Bangunan Tua Kota Padang, Jakarta: ICSD, 2004
– ”Multikulturalisme dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan” (kata pengantar)
Environmental Leadership, Jakarta: ICSD, 2005
– Bebeitei Uma, Upacara Orang Mentawai, Jakarta: ICSD, 2007
This Lecture
– introduction about ethic
Basic Philosophy on Business Ethics
theory of ethic

– Corporate culture
– Cross culture
– Social Capital
– Environmental ethic and Sustainability
Philosophy of

What is ethics?
– They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives.
– Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and
is also described as moral philosophy.
The meaning of ethics

1. From Greece ethos, means habit, character.

2. The process of creating character Idea-
3. Under conscious thinking = reminding, habit,
self. The power of under conscious thinking
88%, conscious 12 %.
4. Ethos also means a group spirit, work ethos.
Code of conduct is a essence of a group of
Ethic and Business
– Business is business – collecting benefit
business can not be separated from management
– Ethic is ethic --- about good behavior
Science Knowledge


Natural Humaniora
Positivistic Interpretative


Phenomenology Hermeneutic

Business and Management

– Business is a realization of management, or

– Management actually is a guideline for business
– Management is a set of thinking process
The act of getting people together to
accomplish desired goals. Comprises planning,
organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and
controlling an organization (a group of one or
more people or entities).
Business and Management


Hermeneutic Phenomenology

Role and ethic function

1. We need ethic because: (1) law could not

cover the grey area; (2) law always left
behind or always changing; (3) law always
could not detect the impacts of ethic in the
2. The function of ethics are (1) invite people to
critic and rational in autonomous action; (2)
to aim people development for peace and
Approaches to ethics

Philosophers nowadays tend to divide ethical theories into three

areas: meta-ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics.
– Meta-ethics deals with the nature of moral judgement. It looks
at the origins and meaning of ethical principles.
– Normative ethics is concerned with the content of moral
judgements and the criteria for what is right or wrong.
– Applied ethics looks at controversial topics like war, animal
rights and capital punishment
Ethics covers the following

– how to live a good life

– our rights and responsibilities
– the language of right and wrong
– moral decisions - what is good and bad?
Our concepts of ethics have been derived from religions,
philosophies and cultures. They infuse debates on topics like
abortion, human rights and professional conduct.
Human-society and nature
• Push power
• Assimilation Society
power • Interaction
• Renewable • Status
• Institution

- Body
- Spirit :
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Spiritual
Ethics Diagram

Individual ethic

Social ethic (society)

- Attitude among human
Ethic - Family ethic - Biomedical
- Gender ethic - Business
- Professional ethic - Law
- Political ethic - Knowledge
- Ideological critic - Education
- etc
Environmental ethic

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