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Third Periodic Test in Science 8

1. It is anything that occupies space,

has mass and has weight.
A. Matter B. Atom
C. Molecule D. Proton
2. The following are the phases of
matter EXCEPT _____.
A. Gas B. Liquid
C. Malleability D. Plasma
3. The following are the basic principles of
the particulate model of matter EXCEPT
A. Matter is composed of tiny particle.
B. These particles have spaces between
C. The particles are moving all the time.
D. None of these
4. The following are characteristics of
phases of matter. Which of this is a
characteristic of solid?
A. Has definite shape
B. Take it shapes in a container
C. No definite shape

D. None of these
5. Which of the following is an example of
properties of a metal?
A. Chemical B. Physical
C. Malleability D. Plasma
6. He was the scientist who presented
concrete evidence that all matter is made
up of very small particles called atom.
A. Aristotle B. Democritus
C. John Dalton D. Leucippus
7. Which of the following is the smallest particle
that has all the property of an element?
A. Atom B. Molecule
C. Particle D. All of these
8. It is the arrangement of the elements with
increasing atomic number, weight or mass.
A. Periodic Table of Elements
B. Theory of Natural Selection
C. Origin of Species
D. Survival of the Fittest
9. It is whether solid, liquid and gas undergo
chance in physical appearance without
forming a new substance.
A. Phase Change B. Chemical Chang
C. Climate Change D. Charter Change
10. The following are the correct pairing of
subatomic particles and their mass EXCEPT.
A. Electrons : 9.109 x 10 -28
B. Neutrons : 1.675 x 10 -24
C. Protons : 1.672 x 10 -24
D. None of these
A. Condensation B. Evaporation
C. Melting D. Freezing
11. Which of the following is a process by which
the molecules on the surface of a liquid break
away and change into gas?
12. Which process is referring to a changed from
a solid to a liquid?
13. Which of the following processes is referring
to a changed from a gas into a liquid?
14. It refers to a process in which a liquid is
changed into solid?
15. Law of magnetism states that.
A. Like Charges attract and unlike charges
B. Like Charges repel and unlike charges
C. Like Charges attract and unlike charges
D. Like Charges repel and unlike charges
16. Which of the following is a measure of
the amount of matter that the object
A. Mass B. property
C. Chemical D. Volume
17. Which of the following is the measure
of space occupied by an object?
A. Mass B. property
C. Chemical D. Volume
18. A good analogy to consider related to
matter being composed of small particles
is the _____ style of painting.
A. Cubism B.
Impressionism C. Pointillism
D. futurism
19. The following are examples of phase
change EXCEPT.
A. Melting B. Freezing
C. Evaporation D. Burning
20. The following are the three
kinds of harmful radiation or
the Becquerel rays EXCEPT.
A. Alpha
B. Beta
C. Gamma
D. None of these
__________21. He formulated the Atomic
__________22. He discovered the electrons or
the negatively charged particles
__________23. They discovered the elements
Radium and Polonium
__________24. Discovered radioactivity
__________25. Discovered the nuclear model of
__________26. Proposed that electrons move in
orbits around the nucleus
__________27. Discovered the existence of
protons or the positively charged particles
__________28. Discovered the neutrons.
__________29. He developed a table of atomic
weights and introduced the letters to
symbolized elements
__________30. He noted that each group
invariably consisted of three elements, called
__________31. He formulated the law of
__________32. They proposed the Periodic Law
__________34. The ease and speed with which
a metal reacts with another substance
__________35. A gradual wearing away of a
metal due to interaction with other
D. Write the activity
series of metals
from most reactive
to the least reactive.
(15 points)

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