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What is cancer ?

• Cancer is an abnormal growth of

uncontrolled body cells.
• Characteristics:
1. pain
2. Growing fast
3. Damaging
4. Potentially spread throughout the body
• Breast cancer is a malignant
tumor that attacks breast
tissue originating from the
mammary gland.
• Breast cancer occurs because
of damage to genes that
regulate growth and
development so that these
cells grow and multiply
without being able to the
Symptoms of breast cancer
• Mammograpy
Can show varios forms of abnormalites in
the breast in the smallest from by using
rontogen photo technology.
• Untrasound can distonguish lumps in the
from of solid tumors or cysts.
MRI used for :
1. Examine the breats if other tests are
2. Check for women at risk for breast cancer.
3. Monitor the development of breast cancer
and it’s treatment.
When is the time right to check ?

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