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Measures of Central Tendency

1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode
Measures of Central Tendency
• It is a single value that is used to identify the
center of the data.
• It is taught as the typical value in the set of
• It tends to lie within the center if it is
arranged from lowest to highest and vice
• It is the most common measure of center.
• It is known as arithmetic average.

Steps in solving the mean value using raw scores:

1. Get the sum of all the scores in the distribution.
2. Identify the number of scores (n).
3. Substitute to the given formula and solve the
mean value.
Find the mean of the salary of employees.

P20k, P25K, P30K, P35K, P40K, P45K, P50K,

P55K, P60K, P65K, 70K
• Total Number of Employees: 11
• Sum of Employees’ salaries - 495
• Mean = Sum of Employees’ salaries
Total Number of Employees

MEAN = 495/11 = 45
• Find the mean for each set of data
1. 90, 86, 80, 87, 86, 82, 87, 92
2. 42, 41, 45, 42, 46, 47, 48, 47, 41, 41

N = 8; Mean = 86.25;

N =10; Mean = 44;

Properties of Mean
1. Easy to compute.
2. It may not be an actual observation in the data
3. It can be subjected to numerous mathematical
4. Most widely used.
5. Each data contributes to the mean value.
6. It is easily affected by the extreme values.
7. Applied to interval data.
• It is the point that divides the scores in a
distribution into two equal parts when the
scores are arranged according to magnitude, that
is, from lowest to highest score or highest to
lowest score.
• If the number of score is an odd number, the
value of the MEDIAN is the middle score.
• When the number of scores is an even number,
the MEDIAN is the average of the middle most
Find the Median
• P20k, P25K, P30K, P35K, P40K, P45K, P50K,
P55K, P60K, P65K, 70K
• Arrange the scores from lowest to highest

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

• Median = 45
Find the Median of the following
2, 12, 4, 11, 3, 7, 10, 5, 9, 6

• Arrange the scores from highest to lowest or

lowest to highest.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
Add (6+7)/2 = 13/2 =6.5
Median = 6 - 50% of the scores in the distribution
fall below 6.5
• Find the median for each set of data
1. 90, 86, 80, 87, 86, 82, 87, 92
2. 42, 41, 45, 42, 46, 47, 48, 47, 41, 41

1. median 86.5

2. median = 43.5
Properties of Median
• It is not affected by extreme values.
• It is applied to ordinal level of data.
• The middle most score in the distribution.
• Most appropriate when there are extreme
The Mode
• It refers to the score or scores that occurred most
in the distribution.

Classification of Mode
1. Unimodal – is the distribution that consists of
only one mode.
2. Bimodal – is the distribution of scores that
consists of two modes
3. Multimodal – is a score distribution that
consists of more than two modes.
Properties of Mode
• It is the score/s occurred most frequently.
• Nominal average
• It can be used for qualitative and quantitative.
• Not affected by extreme values.
• It may not exist.
• Find the mode of the scores of students in
algebra quiz:
34, 36, 45, 65, 34, 45, 55, 61, 34, 46

Mode = 34, because it appeared three times.

The distribution is called unimodal.
• Find the mode of the scores of students in
algebra quiz:

34, 36, 45, 61, 34, 45, 55, 61, 34 45

Mode = 34 and 45, because both appeared

three times. The distribution is called
• Find the mode for each set of data
1. 90, 86, 80, 87, 86, 82, 87, 92
2. 42, 41, 45, 42, 46, 47, 48, 47, 41, 41

1. mode 86 and 87
2. mode = 41
Measures of Variability
Data 9 Data 10
N = 20 N= 20
100 75 98 75
98 75 96 75
95 75 87 75
91 72 78 75
88 70 75 72
87 69 75 72
82 68 75 72
80 67 75 72
75 51 75 72
75 50 75 72
Measures of Variability
• It is a single value that is used to describe the
spread of scores in a distribution, that is
above or below the measures of central

Three measures of variability:

1. Range,
2. Quartile Deviation,
3. Standard Deviation
The Range
• It is the difference between the highest score
and the lowest score in the data set.

R = HS – LS
• No. 9 • No. 10
• Range = 100-50=50 • Range = 98 -72 = 26
Properties of Range
1. Simplest and crudest measure.
2. A rough measure of variation.
3. The smaller the value, the closer the scores
to each other or the larger the value, either
more scattered the scores are.
4. The value easily fluctuates, meaning if there
is a changes in either the highest score or
lowest score the value of range easily
Scores of 10 students in Mathematics and Science.
Find the range and in what subject has a greater
variability Mathematics Science
35 35
33 40
45 25 Science
55 47
HS = 62 62 55 HS = 57
LS = 33 LS = 25
34 35 R = HS – LS
R = HS – LS
R = 62-33 54 45 R = 57 - 25
R = 29 36 57 R = 32

47 39
40 52

•The scores in Science has greater variability.

•The scores in science are more scattered than the scores in
Interpretation of Result
• Small range - Closer, clustered, homogeneous,
scores are less varied
• Large range – dispersed, scattered, spread
apart, far from each other, heterogeneous,
scores are more varied
Quartile Deviation
• It is the half of the difference between the
third quartile (Q3) and the first quartile (Q1).
• It is based on the middle 50 % of the range,
instead the range of the entire set of

Q3 – Q1
QD =
In a score of 50 students, the Q3 = 50.25 and Q1 = 25.45.
Find the QD.

Q3 – Q1
QD =

= 50.25 – 25. 45 The distance we need to

go above or below the
2 median to include
approximately the
QD = 12.4 middle 50% of the
Standard Deviation
• It is the most important and useful measures
of variation.
• It is the square root of the variance.
• It is an average of the degree to which each
set of scores in the distribution deviates from
the mean value.
• It is more stable measure of variation because
it involves all the scores in a distribution
compared to range and quartile deviation.
SD √ ∑(x – mean) 2

n -1
where, x = individual score
n = number of score in a distribution
x mean (x-mean)²
45 48.5 12.25
35 182.25
48 0.25
60 132.25
44 20.25
39 90.25
47 2.25
55 42.25
58 90.25
54 30.25

∑ X 485 ∑(x – mean) ² 602.25

n = 10
SD √ ∑(x – mean) 2

n -1
Mean = ∑X
Mean = 48.5
Mean = 485
SD = 8.18

SD = 10 -1
This means that on the average the amount that

SD =√
deviates from the mean value = 48.5 is 8.18
Interpretation of Result
• Small standard deviation- Closer, clustered,
homogeneous, scores are less varied
• Large standard deviation – dispersed,
scattered, spread apart, far from each other,
heterogeneous, scores are more varied
Percentage of the Population that falls within the standard deviation units
in a normal distribution

34.13% 34.13%

13.59% 13.59%

2.14% 2.14%

.13% .13%

- 4SD - 3SD - 2SD - 1SD X +1SD +2SD +3SD +4SD



Measure of Relative Position
• Indicates where a score is in relation to all other
scores in the distribution.

• They make it possible to compare the

performance of an individual on two or more
different tests.

Percentile Stanine
Rank Z-scores T-scores
Percentile Rank
• It is the percentage of the scores in the frequency distribution
which are lower.
• This means that the percentage of the examinees in the norm
group who scored below the score of interest (Crocker & Algina,
• It is used to clarify the interpretation of scores on standardized

Maria’s raw score in English Class is 82 which is

equal to 90th percentile. This means that 90% of
Maria’s classmates got a score lower than 82.
Jay R’s raw score in Mathematics class is 94% which is
equal to 97th percentile. What does it mean?

a. 97% of Jay R’s classmates got a score higher than 94%

b. 97% of Jay R’s classmates got a score lower than 94
c. Jay R’s score is less than 97% of his classmates
d. Jay R is higher than 97% of his classmates
The Descriptive Scale of Percentile Ranks

Percentile Ranks Descriptive Terms

95 or above Very high; superior
85-95 High; excellent
75-85 Above average; good
25-75 Average; satisfactory or fair
15-25 Below average; slightly weak
5-15 Low; weak
5 or below Very low; very weak
The number of standard deviation units a score is
above or below the mean of a given distribution.
A Positive Z-score =
measures the number
of standard deviation a
Z X-X score is above the
SD A negative z-score =
gives the number of
X = raw score standard deviation a
X = mean score is below the
SD = Standard Deviation mean.
• Jemar had a score of 59. He is compared with
other examinees; the mean and standard
deviation of this group are 50 and 5,
respectively. What is Jemar’s z-score?

Given: X = 50
SD = 5
X = 59 Z = 59-50 = 9 /5 = 1.8
Formula: z = X – X

Jemar’s score is 1.8 standard deviation above the mean of this comparison group.
Mark’s examination results in the three subject areas are as

Subject Mean Standard Deviation Mark’s Grade

Mathematics 88 10 95
Natural Science 85 5 80
Labor Mgt 92 7.5 94

In what subject did Mark perform best? Very poor?

Mathematics: Natural Science:
Z = X –Mean Z = X –Mean

Z = 95-88 = 7 /10 = .7 Z = 80-85 = - 5 /5 = -1

James performed
Labor Management: best in
Z = X –Mean Mathematics while
SD he performed very
poor in Natural
Z = 94 -92 = 2 /7.5 = .27 Science in relation
to the group
It tells the location of a score in a normal
distribution having a mean of 50 and a standard
deviation of 10

T 10z+50
It has a mean of 50
z = z score and a standard
10 = a multiplying constant (SD) deviation of 10
50 = an additive constant (Mean)
Mathematics: z = .7 Natural Science: z = - 1
T = 10z + 50 T = 10z + 50

T = 10 (.7) + 50 T = 10 (-1) + 50
T = 7 + 50 T = -10 + 50
T = 57 T = 40

Since the highest T-

Labor Management: score is in math =
z = .27 57, we can
T = 10z + 50 conclude that Mark
T = 10 (.27) + 50 performed best in
T = 2.7 + 50 Math than in
T = 52.7 natural science and
labor management.
• also known as standard nine
• are single digit scores ranging from 1 – 9
• The distribution of raw scores is divided into
nine parts.
Percent in 4% 7% 12% 17% 20% 17% 12% 7% 4%
Stanines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• has a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of

Stanine = 1.96z + 5

Bryan had a Z-score of 1.9. What is Bryan’s stanine score?

Z-score = 1.9 Stanine = 1.96 z + 5

Stanine = 1. 96 (1.9) + 5
Stanine = 8.7 or 9
• Tells the location of a raw score in a specific segment in a
normal distribution which is divided into 9 segments,
numbered from low 1 through high of 9.

• Scores falling within the boundaries of these segments are

assinged one of these 9 numbers (standard nine)
Measures of Relationship

• These describe the degree of relationship or

correlation between the two variables (Example:
academic achievement and motivation).

The relationship between the results of two administration

of tests would determine the reliability of the instrument.

The greater is the degree of relationship, the more reliable is

the test.
Measures of Relationship

Magnitude or
Correlation is a Two Ways of Degree of
statistical method Describing Relationship is
of observing the Correlation: expressed through
degree or correlation
direction of 1. Its magnitude coefficient (r)
relationship which is a number
or degree
between two sets between +1.00 to -
2. Its direction
of variables. 1.00
+1 Perfect correlation
+ .75 to + .99 Very high correlation
+ .50 to + .74 High correlation
+ .25 to + .49 Moderately low correlation
+ .10 to + .24 Very low correlation
+ .01 to + .09 Negligible correlation
0 No correlation

The magnitude of correlation may be determined through

the calculation of the Pearson-product moment formula:

N∑XY – (∑X) (∑Y)

√ [N∑X² – (∑X)²] (N∑Y² )- (∑Y)²
Pearson r
It is the most appropriate measure of
correlation when sets of data are of interval or
ratio type.
It is the most stable measure of correlation.
It is used when the relationship between the
two variables is a linear one.
Formula Steps Calculations X =
Test I Test 2
(Variable X) (Variable Y)
1. N ( number of pairs)
Dan 98 95
2. ∑X Tina 95 87
3. ∑X² Larry 90 89
4. ∑Y Tessie 75 75
5. ∑Y² Mila 82 80
6. ∑XY Laila 78 80
7. N∑X² – (∑X)²
8. N∑Y² - (∑Y)²
9. Step 7 x Step 8
10. √step 9
11. N∑XY – (∑X) (∑Y)
12. Step 11 ÷ step 10 = r
Spearman-rank-order Correlation or
Spearman Rho
It is most appropriate measure of correlation
when the variable is expressed as ranks
instead of scores or when data represent an
ordinal scale.
Spearman Rho is also interpreted in the
same ways as Pearson r.

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