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Specific Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
• describe the components of a phase diagram;
• use phase diagrams of pure substances to determine
its phase at given temperature and pressure;
• interpret the phase diagram of water and carbon
• describe how changes in temperature and pressure
can change the state of matter; and
• construct a phase diagram of a substance from given
Focus questions
1. How can this effect be
achieved using CO2 or
dry ice?
2. What does LPG stand
for? How can a gas be
liquefied? What
conditions are needed
to convert a gas into a
Figure 1: Stage light effects as dry ice sublimes
What is a phase diagram?
Phase diagram
 is a graphical representation of the physical
states of a substance under different conditions
of temperature and pressure.
 plots of pressure (usually in atmospheres) versus
temperature (usually in degrees Celsius or Kelvin).
 each substance has its own phase diagram.
The Three Areas – Solid, Liquid, and Vapor

Figure 3: Phase diagram with three sets of conditions

Figure 4: The freezing
Three lines (Curves) (or melting) curve

1. Melting (or
freezing) curve (green
line) –represents the
transition between
liquid and solid states.
Anywhere on this line,
there is equilibrium
between the solid and
the liquid.
Figure 5: The
vaporization or
Three lines (Curves) condensation curve

2. Vaporization (or
condensation) curve
(blue line) –represents
the transition
between gaseous and
liquid states.
along this line, there
will be equilibrium
between the liquid
and the vapor.
Figure 6: Sublimation
or deposition curve.
Three lines (Curves)
3. Sublimation (or
deposition) curve (red
line) –represents the
transition between
gaseous and solid
states. It represents the
effect of increased
temperature on a solid at
a very low constant
pressure, lower than the
triple point.
Two important points
Figure 7:
Temperature and
pressure values at the
critical point
Two important points
• Triple point is the combination • Critical point terminates the
of pressure and temperature at liquid/gas phase line. It is the set of
which all three phases of matter temperature and pressure on a
are at equilibrium. phase diagram where the liquid
• the point at which the three states and gaseous phases of a substance
of matter coexist. merge together into a single phase.
Beyond the temperature of the
• The lines that represent the critical point, the merged single
conditions of solid-liquid, liquid- phase is known as a supercritical
vapor, and solid-vapor equilibrium fluid.
meet at the triple point
• Critical temperature & critical
pressure exist
How is the normal melting and boiling points
determined in a phase diagram? (@ 1 atm)

Figure 8:
Locating the normal
melting point and
normal boiling point
The Phase Diagram for Water
 triple point = 0.006 atm and at 273.2 K
 critical point = 647 K (374°C) and 218 atm
 It would be impossible to convert water from a
gas to a liquid by compressing it above this
 normal melting point of water is 273 K (0 oC)
 normal boiling point is 373 K (100 oC).
The Phase Diagram for Carbon dioxide
 triple point = above atmospheric pressure.
 It is impossible to get any liquid carbon dioxide at
pressures less than 5.2 atmospheres.
 at 1 atm pressure and 197.5 K (-75.50C) carbon
dioxide sublimes
 This is the reason why solid carbon dioxide is often
known as "dry ice."
 There is no liquid carbon dioxide under normal
conditions - only the solid or the vapor.
Interpreting a Phase Diagram
Refer to the following phase diagram of a certain
substance to answer the following questions.
1. In what phase is the
substance at 50 °C and 1
atm pressure?
2. At what pressure and
temperature conditions
will all three phases of
the substance be
3. What is the normal
melting point of the
4. What phase(s) will
exist at 1 atm and 70 °C?
Constructing a Phase Diagram
Visualize a substance with the following points on the phase
diagram: a triple point at 0.05 atm and 150 K; a normal melting
point at 175 K; a normal boiling point at 350 K; and a critical point
at 2.0 atm and 450 K. The solid liquid line is “normal” (meaning
positive sloping). For this, complete the following:
1. Roughly sketch the phase diagram, using units of atmosphere
and Kelvin. Label the area 1, 2, and 3, and points T and C on the
2. Describe what one would see at pressures and temperatures
above 2.0 atm and 450 K.
3. Describe the phase changes from 50 K to 250 K at 1.5 atm.
4. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 350 K?
5. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 175 K?
Interpreting Phase Diagrams of Water and Carbon Dioxide

Figure 9: Phase diagram of water Figure 10: Phase diagram of CO2

Based from the phase diagrams of water and carbon dioxide, answer the
following questions and justify your answers:

1. You have ice at 263 K (-10.0 oC) and 1.0 atm. What could you do to
make the ice sublime?

2. A sample of dry ice (solid CO2) is cooled to 173 K (-100.0 oC), and is set
on a table at room temperature (298 K; 25 oC). At what temperature is the
rate of sublimation and deposition the same (assume that pressure is held
constant at 1 atm)?

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