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1. A field of philosophy
that studies the
sources, nature and
validity of knowledge.
2. The study or discipline
that uses human reason
to investigate the ultimate
causes, reasons, and
principles which govern all
things. ______________
3. Who is the Greek
philosopher known as a vocal
critic of well-known
philosophers and he lived like
a beggar. _______________
4. The Greek term
for philosophy,
means ___________.
5. Plato’s most ideas
which proposes
everything that exists is
based an idea that can
only perceived in the
mind. _________
6. What do you call the field
of philosophy that involved
with placing value to
personal actions, decisions,
and relations.
7. Who is the Greek
philosopher that wrote
down about his mentor’s
teachings. A student of
Socrates __________.
8. The philosophy which
deals with beauty and
what makes things
“beautiful” is called ____.
9. Who is the Greek
philosopher, believed
that philosophy could
enable a man to live a
life of virtue. _________
10. A branch of
philosophy which
deals with questions
regarding reality and
existence. _______
11. Studies
governments and deals
with questions of
justice, power and the
rights and obligations of
citizens. _________
12. He studies in logic
led to formal process of
analyzing reasoning
which called deductive
reasoning. _________
13. People who
engage in philosophy
is called philosophers
or “lovers of ______”.
14. He believed
that change is a
permanent aspect
of human
condition. ______
15. A branch of
philosophy which deals
with correct or right
reasoning. ______
21. What do you call
about a personal view,
attitude or personal
feelings through
statements or
22. Who is the
founder of truth that
is based on the
23. According to Pascua
and Maboloc , __________
is a lifelong process of
self-assessment that
consists of analyzing,
evaluating and reasoning.
24. __________ is to
express or think
oneself in a
philosophical manner
or standpoint.
25. Who is the
prescribed as being
“true to oneself”?
26. What intellectual
standard of critical
thinking states that it can
be clear, accurate and
precise but not relevant to
the question at issue?
27. Who is the philosopher that focused on
the spiritual nature of the self as opposed
to the demands of desire and the body?
28. An intellectual
standard stated
that it could give
more details and
29. It is a philosophical method
that can be set of outlook or
attitude supported by human
response to the condition, have
the difference between the
being of person and being the
other kinds of things or simply
as human freedom?
30. What word that comes from the Greek
word meaning appearance?
31. Refers to a
perspective that
considers large-scale
patterns in systems?
32. Refers to a person’s
ability to apply
knowledge to daily life
particularly in making
sound choices and
33. Useful, philosophy
utilizes holistic thinking
in making sense of
problems and issues
related to the human
34. Requires a person to
be willing to examine
one’s thoughts, feelings,
and actions and to learn
more about one’s life and
35. Enable a person
to step back and
consider the general
aspects of a certain
36. All positive and negative
experiences in our life come
together to give meaning to our
existence, and learn to
appreciate our individual
experiences as vital aspects of a
larger and more meaningful life?
37. It is an important
component of analytical
thinking, as an individual
focuses on certain area or
aspects of a problem in
order to understand it?
38. It is purposeful,
organized process
that we use to make
sense of the world?
39. To gather and assess
information in a balanced
and information way to reach
conclusions justified by
reasoned argument based
on available evidence?
40. What are
the types of
41. What are
the critical
42. Self
43. Believing
something is true
because one
wishes it to be
44. Group
45. Thinking that
truth is just a
matter of
46. A belief that
something is true
without proper
evidence or
47. The combination of
thoughts are mutually
supporting and make
sense in combination,
the thinking is?
48. A line of reasoning
may be clear, accurate,
precise, relevant and
deep, but still ignore
another side of the
49. A statement
can be clear,
accurate, precise
and relevant, but
50. This means that both
the human body and spirit
define human nature and
experience. The body and
spirit come together to
form a whole.
51. This refers to the totality
of an individual who
possesses awareness, self-
determination, and the
capacity to interact with
52. This enables the
person to act whenever
he or she wants to and
makes self-
determination possible?
53. This is the
inherent value of a
person which cannot
be expressed in
quantifiable terms?
54. This is the
capability to reach
out and interact with
others and the world?
55. This refers to an
individual who is
actively aware that he or
she is perceiving and
experiencing reality?

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