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What is caring ???

 Caring mempunyai banyak makna, yang

melibatkan aspek fisik, emosi, spiritual dan
 Perawat perlu memiliki jiwa caring dalam
pelayanan asuhan keperawatan
 Bagaimana kondisi saat ini ???
Caring is Universal

 Influences the way people think, feel and act

 Many nursing theorists have tired to “define”
caring – Nightingale was first
 Caring is the HEART of nursing
Caring menurut Florence N

 caring adalah tindakan yang menunjukkan

pemanfaatan lingkungan pasien dalam
membantu penyembuhan, memberikan
lingkungan bersih, verifikasi yang baik dan
tenang kepada klien.
Definisi caring

 Caring secara umum : sebagai suatu

kemampuan untuk berdedikasi bagi orang
lain, pengawasan dengan waspada,
menunjukkan perhatian, perasaan empati
pada orang lain dan perasaan cinta atau
menyayangi. (Potter, P. A. & Perry
Benner (Holistic Theory)

 Equates excellent nursing practice with

 People, events, projects (things) have
 Caring means connectedness or involvement
 Caring helps patients understand and adjust
to illness
Benner, con’t.

 Defines health as a state of being

 Individualized by one’s
 Values
 Personality
 Lifestyle
 Treatment for illness is worthless if not applied to
the individual
Leininger (Transcultural)

 Caring is the essence of Nursing – it is a

distinguishing characteristic
 Purpose of care is to assist the individual
toward improvement in condition
 Caring is
 Nurturing
 Dependent on needs of individual
 Must reflect the patient’s own culture
Caring is .....

 Leinginger (1981), caring merupakan

aktifitas, proses dan pengambilan keputusan
yang bersifat memelihara baik secara
langsung maupun tidak langsung untuk
meningkatkan status kesehatan.
Watson (Transpersonal)

 Holistic
 Patient, family, environment
 Nurses exhibit conscious decision to care
 This helps patient toward healing and wholeness
 Focus in on cAre, not cUre
 cAring “inner healing” health
 Nurse & patient affected by relationship
Caring menurut Watson

 Watson (1979), yang terkenal dengan Theory

of Human Caring, mempertegas bahwa
caring sebagai jenis hubungan dan transaksi
yang diperlukan antara pemberi dan
penerima asuhan untuk meningkatkan dan
melindungi pasien sebagai manusia, dengan
demikian mempengaruhi kesanggupan
pasien untuk sembuh

 Caring is has 5 dimensions

 Knowing
 Being with
 Doing for
 Enabling
 Maintaing belief
 Caring is central to nursing
 Theory can be applied to clinical setting
Caring mnrt Swanson

 Caring didefinisikan sebagai ´a nurturing way

of relating to a valued other toward whom
one feels a personal sense of commitment
and responsibility`.
 Kata kunci dari definisi tersebut adalah
memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang
bernilai kepada klien dengan penuh rasa
komitment dan tanggung jawab.
Caring is Relational

 Patients value nurse Effectiveness

 Ability to perform tasks
 Also value nurse Affect
 Attitude or demeanor while performing the tasks
 Patients are more willing to participate if they
sense that they are cared about
Ethic of Care

 Protects human dignity

 Often perceived as a moral imperative
 Requires awareness of potential unequality
in relationships
 This due to either real or perceived “power” that
patient assigns to the nurse
 Knowledge is power
Expressions of Care

 Spiritual
 Being aware of & honoring patient’s beliefs
 Presence
 Being there
 Physically present
 Demonstrating understanding
 Being with
 Sharing oneself
 Touch
 Skin-to-skin
 Eye contact (nonverbal)
 Protective – to prevent injury
 Listening
 Taking in patient information
 Interpreting what has been taken in
 Knowing
 Understanding the client
 Understanding the planned interventions
 Avoid making assumptions
 Focuses on client

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