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Y. Jaya Lakshmi (171FA03035)
Y. Ranjith (171FA03037)
Y. Devesh (171FA03038)
Under the guidance of
Mr.Gopi Krishna
Assistant Professor

Literature reviews

■ This project deals with the concept of how the

properties of soil such as permeability change with
the addition of lime to it. The engineering properties
of soil can be determined using laboratory
experiments. The main objective of our project is to
determine the changes in properties for different
mix ratios of soil.
■ Permeability : - The ability of soil to allow flow of water through it is
called as permeability of soil. It is very important factor for the
structures which are in contact with water. Flow of water in soil takes
place through void spaces, which are interconnected.
■ Importance of permeability : -
1. Permeability influences the rate of settlement of saturated soil under
2. Design of dams is very much based on the permeability of soil used.
3. Filters made of soil are designed based upon their permeability
■ Lime is a calcium-containing inorganic mineral composed primarily
of oxides, and hydroxide, usually calcium oxide and/ or calcium
Literature review
S.No Author TIttle Conclusion Journarals
1. Nivetha Babu EFFECT OF LIME ON SOIL Lime improves properties International Research Journal of PROPERTIES of soil such as carrying Engineering and Technology
capacity of soil, resistance e-ISSN: 2395-0056
to shrinkage, swelling, p-ISSN: 2395-0072
reduction in plasticity Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018
index, and increase in
CBR value increase in the
compression resistance.
2. Kolawole j. Permeability of Lime-Treated The permeability of Journal of Transportation
osinubi Lateritic Soil uncured specimens Engineering
(standard Proctor) Vol. 124, Issue 5 (September
increased to a maximum at 1998)
4% lime content and
decreased with increasing
lime content.

■ To find how the coefficient of permeability changes

for different mix ratios of soil and lime.
■ Determine whether the addition of lime improves the
soil permeability or not.
Laboratory methods to find
Constant head permeability : -

■ The constant head permeability method is suitable for coarse – grained soil.
■ It consists of metallic mold 100mm internal diameter & height of 127.3mm.
■ The mold is provided with collar 100mm diameter & 60mm height is
required during the compaction of soil.
■ The mold is provided with drainage base plate with porous stone.
■ The mold is fitted with discharge cap having an inlet valve and air release
■ Procedure

■ Remove the cover of the mould & apply a little grease on the sides of the
■ Measure the internal diameter & effective height of the mould and then
attach the collar and the base plate.
■ Compact the soil up to a required depth.
■ Remove the collar and base plate, trim off the excess soil and level with the
top of mould.
■ Put the porous plate and a filter paper both at top & bottom of the soil
■ Place this assembly with washer on the porous stone.
■ Connect the reservoir with water to the inlet at the top of the mould and
allow water to flow in till the sample gets saturated.
■ Allow the water to flow through the soil and establish a steady flow.
■ Collect the water in a measuring jar for a convenient time interval ‘t’ seconds.
Let, Q = quantity of discharge in time ‘t’
L = Height of the sample.
h = difference between water levels at top & bottom.
Now, discharge per unit time, q = Q/t………(i)
But we have, from Darcy’s law, q = k i A………(ii)
The constant hydraulic gradient during the test is given by,
i= h/L
From equations (i) & (ii)
K = QL/hAt
2. Falling head/Variable head permeability :

The variable head method is suitable for either fine-grained soils like silt & clay
or coarse grained soils having a lot of fine fractions.
■ For variable head method step – 1 to 6 is same as variable head method.
■ Connect the stand pipe to inlet at the top of plate and fill the stand pipe with
water up to a desired level.
■ In a falling head permeability method, a number of stand pipes of varying
diameters are placed side by side. Narrow stand pipes are used for soils of
poor permeability(i.e., greater clay content.
■ Open the stop clock at the top and allow water flow out so that all the air in
the cylinder is removed.
 Allow the water to flow through
the soil and establish a steady
 The fall of water level
(from h1 to h2)in the stand
pipe in a certain time interval
‘t’ is measured.
The coefficient of permeability is calculated by the given formula:

A = cross sectional area of the soil
a = cross sectional area of the standpipe
h1 = initial head of water at time t1.
h2= = final head of water at time t2.
L = length of the sample
t = t2 – t1
■ ASTM D 2434-Stanard test method for permeability of soil (constant head).
■ B.C.Punmia,Ashok kumar and arun kumar jain”soil mechanics and foundation”16th
■ Google scholar.
■ IS 2720-17: Methods of test for soils, Part 17: Laboratory determination of

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