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Homogeneity – refers to the increasing
sameness in the world as cultural inputs,
economic factors, and political orientation
of societies expand to create common
practice, same economies, and similar forms
of government
Example: Food, government

Cultural Imperialism – domination of one

culture over another.
Example: Christianity
In terms of the Economy, there is

1. Neoliberalism
2. Capitalism
3. Market economy in the world
4. one-size-fit-all

Global flow of media if often characterized as

Media Imperialism

McWorld is a term referring to the spreading of

McDonald's restaurants throughout the world as
the result of globalization, and more generally to
the effects of international 'McDonaldization' of
services and commercialization of goods as an
element of globalization as a whole.
Ritzer highlighted four primary components of

Efficiency – the optimal method for accomplishing a task. In

this context, Ritzer has a very specific meaning of "efficiency".
In the example of McDonald's customers, it is the fastest way
to get from being hungry to being full. Efficiency in
McDonaldization means that every aspect of the organization
is geared toward the minimization of time.

Calculability – objective should be quantifiable (e.g. sales)

rather than subjective (e.g. taste). McDonaldization
developed the notion that quantity equals quality, and that a
large amount of product delivered to the customer in a short
amount of time is the same as a high quality product. This
allows people to quantify how much they're getting versus
how much they're paying. Organizations want consumers to
believe that they are getting a large amount of product for not
a lot of money. Workers in these organizations are judged by
how fast they are instead of the quality of work they do.
Predictability – standardized and uniform services.
"Predictability" means that no matter where a person goes,
they will receive the same service and receive the same
product every time when interacting with the McDonaldized
organization. This also applies to the workers in those
organizations. Their tasks are highly repetitive, highly
routine, and predictable.

Control – standardized and uniform employees, replacement

of human by non-human technologies

Heterogeneity – refer to the differences because of either

lasting differences or of the hybrids or combinations of
cultures that can be produced through the difference
transplanetary process

Cultural hybridization
Cultural Differentialism – emphasizes the fact
that cultures are essentially different and are
only superficially affected by global flow.

Catastrophic Collision – an instance of

one movement object

Cultural Hybridization – emphasizes the

integration of local and global cultures

Cultural Convergence – is the theory that

two cultures will be more and more like each
other as their interactions increase.

Ex. Internet
Dynamics of Local
and Global Culture
Accelerated globalization of recent times has
enabled co-religionists across the planet to
have great direct contact with one another. –
Scholte (2005)

Information technologies, transportation

means, and the media are deemed important
means on which religionists rely on the
dissemination of their religious ideas.

Modern technologies helped religions of

difference form:
1. Fundamental
2. Orthodox
3. Modernist
Globalization transforms the generic “religion”
into a world-system of competing and
conflicting religions.

Globalization, as started in the above except,

make religions more conscious of themselves as
being “world religion” reinforcing their
respective specific identities.

It has been difficult for religion to cope with

values that accompany globalization like
1. Liberalism
2. Consumerism
3. Rationalism
Globalization and
The process of globalization and
regionalization emerged during the 1980’s and
heightened after the end of the Cold War in

At first, it seems that these two processes are

contradicting – the very nature of globalization
is, by definition, global while regionalization is
naturally regional.


Ex: Division of nation into states or provinces.
Business also use regionalization as management tool.




Nature :
Globalization promotes the integration of
economies across state borders all around the
world but, regionalization is precisely the opposite
because it is dividing an area into smaller

Market :
Globalization allows many Co. to trade on
international level so it allows free market but in
regionalized system, monopolies are more likely
to develop.
Cultural & Societal relations:
Globalization acceleration to multiculturalism by
free and inexpensive movement of people But,
regionalization does not support this.

Globalized international community is also more
willing to come to the aid of a country stricken by
a natural disaster but, a regionalized system not
get involved in the affairs of other areas.

Technological advances:
Globalization has driven great advances in
technology but, advanced tech. is rarely available
in one country or region.
Origin and History
of Globalization
-The major points of the beginnings of
globalizations started after the Second
World War.

-Five different perspective regarding the

origin of globalization

1. Hardwired
2. Cycles
3. Epoch
4. Events
5. Broader, More Recent Changes

-According to Nayan Chanda (2007), because of our

basic human need to make our lives better that made
globalization possible.
-One can trace the beginning of Globalization from
our ancestors in Africa who walked out from the said
continent in the late ice age.
-Mentioned that commerce, religion, politics, and
warfare are the “urges” of people toward better life.

4 Aspect of Globalization – traced all throughout the


1. Trade
2. Missionary Work
3. Adventures
4. Conquest

-Globalization is a long term

cyclical process
-Finding its origin will be a
daunting task
-adherence to the idea that other
global ages have appeared
-Notion that this point of
globalization will soon disappear
and reappear

-Ritzer (2015) cited Therborn’s (2000) six great epochs of

-These are also called waves and each has its own origin
-The difference of this view from the second view (cycles)
is that it does not treat epochs returning.

The following are the sequential occurrence of the

1. Globalization of religion (4th & 7th Centuries)
2. European colonial conquest (late 15th Centuries)
3. Intra-European wars(late 18th to early 19th Centuries)
4. Heyday of European imperialism (mid-19th Century
to 1918)
5. Post-World War II period
6. Post-Cold war period

-Specific events are also considered as part of the fourth

view in explaining the origin of Globalization.

-Recent years could also be regarded as the beginning of

globalization with reference to specific technological
advances in transportation and communication
1. Transatlantic Telephone Cable
2. Transatlantic Television broadcasts (1967)
3. Founding of internets
4. Terrorist Attach on twin towers in New York

-More and more specific events will characteristic not

just the origins of globalization but also more of its
Global Demography
Demographic Transition – is a singular historical
period during which mortality and fertility
declined form high to low levels in a particular
country or region.

- Transition started in mid- or late 1700s Europe.

- During that time, death and fertility began to

decline. High to low fertility happen 200 years in
France and 100 years in the United States.

- It was only in the twentieth century that

mortality decline in Africa and Asia, with the
exception of Japan.
- Fertility decline in Asia din not begin until the
1950’s and so on.
- In the case of Japan, it was until the 1930’s that
“total fertility rate did not drop below five births
per woman”
- This resulted in rapid population growth after
the Second World War, affecting the age
structure of Asia and the developing world.
- Specifically, the baby boom in the developing
world was caused by the declined of infant and
child mortality rates.
- The West, on the other hand, experienced baby
boom that resulted from rising birth rates.
Global Migration
- Migration movement from one part of
something to another.

- Two categories of migrants

1. Vagabonds – are on the more “because
they have to be” (Ritzer, 2015) – they are
not faring well in their countries and are
force to move in the hope that their
circumstances will improve.

-Refugees are vagabonds forced to flee their

home countries due to safety concerns
Labor migration is driven by:
a. Push Factor
b. Pull Factor

-Labor migration mainly involves the flow of less-

skilled and unskilled workers, as well as illegal
immigrants who live on the margin of the host

Illegal Immigrant - is the illegal entry of a person

or a group of persons across a country's border, in a
way that violates the immigration law of the
destination country, with the intention to remain in
the country, as well as people who remain living in
another country when they do not have the legal
right to do so.
- Many countries face issues of illegal migration.
The United State faces a major influx of illegal
immigrant from Mexico and other Central
America states (Thompson, 2008)
- A fenced is being constructed on the US-Mexico
border to control this flow of people (Fletcher
and Weisman, 2006).
- Other countries with similar concerns about
illegal immigration include Great Britain,
Switzerland and Greece as will as countries in
- In the North, such immigrant constitute a
younger workforce that does work which locals
may not perform, and they are consumer who
contribute to growth.
- They also send remittances back to family
members in the country of origin, which improves
the lives of the recipients, reduces poverty rates
and increases the level of education as well as the
foreign reserves of the home country.
- The Philippines is one of the leaders when it
comes to the flow of remittances ($14.7 billion),
next to India ($24.5 billions) and China ($21.1
- Term “Diaspora” which means the dispersion of
any people from their original homeland
- Diaspora has been increasingly used describe
migrants communities.
- Today there exists “ virtual diaporas which utilize
technology such as the internet to maintain the
community network
Thank you
Broader, More Recent Changes

Three notable changes as the origin of Globalization


1. The emergence of US as the global power (Post-

World War II)
2. The emergence of Multination Corporation
3. The demise of Sovient Union and end of Cold War

-Dominant Military and Economic power after WWII

-United State was able to outrun Germany and Japan in
term of industry
-US soon began to progress in different aspect like,
diplomacy, media film (as in Hollywood) and many

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