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Grab and UBER

Administration and
• What is important is investing in innovation,
developing other on-demand services and
modes and building out the overall mobility
platform. These combined with the
development of driverless ride-sharing will
be the key to success in any future Mobility-
as-a-Service market.”
• For years leadership was based upon the concept of control. It
was designed to be effective in the Industrial Revolution. All
that has changed! An author recently stated “in organizations,
real power and energy is generated through relationships. The
patterns of relationships and the capabilities to form them are
more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions.”
• People are now the central focus of leadership. If you want to
become a strong leader you must understand people. Influence
is the approach that works in today’s complex environment –
whether it is a business organization or a not-for-profit – or
something in-between. Add flexibility, vision and determination
and you have the most important characteristics of a leader.
• Influence is complex. It is based upon many assets, both internal
and external. You develop many of these characteristics early in
your career, and then continue to enhance them. Your
environment creates other assets which, although external to
you, have a great deal to do with how things work. There are no
cram courses that you can take to immediately create these
assets – or to change them. They are developed and earned
• Flexibility is your willingness and ability to do whatever the
situation dictates. It includes considering options other
than how things have previously been done. It requires
taking input from a multitude of sources, and determining
what is the most appropriate. By its very nature it signifies
change; the one constant that all leaders face
today. Because of the matrix nature of most organizations,
even leaders who are CEOs at times may be team leaders,
managers or even simply members of teams. Leaders must
be effective in a multitude of roles, and to do so, must
continue learning and developing new skills.
• Vision is the ability to “see what needs to be done” given
the situation, and determination is the willingness to do
whatever it takes to make it happen. When you can
identify and communicate what is important, establish a
plan, then begin working to accomplish it, others will
follow. Having previously been successful creates a level of
credibility, and results in others believing in what you are

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